I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 531 There is no right or wrong, only life and death

The reason why Dicrosaurus got its name is that there are two huge half-moon-shaped bone crowns on the top of its head.

Archaeologists and biologists have long believed that it was merely a decorative presence, or to attract mates during courtship.In fact, it is not unreasonable, because it is relatively fragile as a bone.

Compared with its claws and teeth, this bone crown seems insignificant.

But at this moment, the female dicrosaurus took advantage of this characteristic of her race to save her life!

The sharpened sword of the dragon's beak abruptly pierced a piece of bone crown that was one decimeter wide.But the resistance caused by this also made the swift and fierce female Dicrosaurus deflect her body abruptly, and slammed Lin Fei with her long and powerful tail.


With a crisp sound, Lin Fei was directly sent flying!

The wooden board stuffed in his chest was shattered in an instant, dispelling a large part of his strength.But even so, this blow still made his chest hurt, and he spit out a small stream of blood directly with a "poof".

The most important thing is that the two double-crowned dragons came to a "mother-child mixed doubles".Lin Fei flew backwards, and what greeted him was the bloody mouth of the small Dicrosaurus.

Lin Fei was horrified, he never thought that this female Dicrosaurus could be so strong.But he also reacted almost intuitively like a lightning, knowing that the small double-crowned dragon behind could not miss such an opportunity.

So without even thinking about it, he reversed the sword of the dragon's beak in the air, and stabbed back without looking at it!

The small Dicrosaurus instantly felt terrified, and squatted down suddenly, letting Lin Fei fly over his head...


Lin Fei fell to the ground, blood was still dripping from the corner of his mouth, but he straightened up like a carp in an instant.

Two dicrosauruses, one big and one small, stared at him covetously, their muscles tensed, and the front half of their body crouched down, as if they were ready to surprise and kill at any time.


The heavy rain poured down, Lin Fei was drenched all over, and some rainwater even got into his eyes, blurring his vision.

This is a deadly effect.

He just wiped off the rainwater suddenly, and saw two Dicrosaurus, one big and one small, rushing towards him!

"Death!" Lin Fei roared like a beast, and ran wildly in an instant.

Seeing that the moment he was about to be devoured, he suddenly fell down, and his figure has not stopped.


Of course, he didn't want to kick the dinosaur down with this strength.

Lin Fei got directly under the small double-crowned dragon, and rushed forward by inertia, raised the sword of the dragon's beak with both arms, and stabbed into its abdomen with all his strength.

And then... a sudden cut!

With a sound of "hissing", the abdomen of the small dicrosaurus was cut open, and blood gushed out in a rush, turning Lin Fei into a bloody man!

The small double-crowned dragon let out an extremely shrill scream, and fell directly to the ground.

Lin Fei didn't even have time to pull out the sword of the dragon's beak, so he let go of his hand and got out from under his body.

The moment he came out, he drew the last weapon behind his back.

He used the upper horny beak of the little dragon mother before, but now he has replaced it with the lower jaw.

He had no chance to recover the keel arrow, and even if he recovered, he would not be able to shoot himself from a safe distance.And the sword of the mandibular dragon's beak was crushed under the dying small Dicrosaurus, so it was naturally impossible for him to get it back at this time.

The jawed dragon beak sword held tightly in his hand seemed to be Lin Fei's only weapon.

Once there is no weapon, how can human beings be the opponent of a natural predator like Dicrosaurus in a head-to-head confrontation?

The female dicrosaurus let out an angry roar, and the anger in those pupils seemed to want to tear Lin Fei into pieces.

It feels innocent.

Very innocent!

It's just that the "family dragon" was hungry and looking for food, and unexpectedly attracted such a powerful and terrifying predator that he had never seen before, and brazenly attacked himself who was also a predator—yes, in its eyes, Lin Fei was definitely the real thing predator.

And it's a high-ranking predator, extremely ferocious and terrifying!

There is nothing wrong with dicrosaurus, they just want to survive and have to forage - is there anything wrong with finding food?

Lin Fei was not wrong either. The child of his close relatives and friends, the little friend he brought up with his own hands, and the little friend he had depended on for so many years were killed-is there anything wrong with revenge?

Perhaps, there are not so many right and wrong in this world.There are only creatures with different goals, different habits, and different strengths and weaknesses.

Just like mosquitoes suck blood to reproduce offspring, but in the eyes of humans, it is a deeply hated existence.

At this time, Lin Fei was covered in blood, which was gradually washed away by the rain and gathered at his feet.After running for a long time and fighting hard, his physical strength has been exhausted, his breathing rhythm is disordered, and his legs are as heavy as lead.

Especially after the previous fatal slash, his arms were trembling imperceptibly, it was obvious that he had exerted too much force, and he showed slight signs of loss of strength.

But he didn't want to escape, he just wanted to kill the female Dicrosaurus in front of him.

It killed Xiao Hei.This group of bastards even killed Xiaolong's mother, but he could only watch helplessly!So much so that in countless nights, that cruel scene would appear in his nightmares.

And this female dicrosaurus with strong vitality and extremely terrifying fighting power completely gave up the idea of ​​running away.

Lin Fei killed its child and husband, isn't it the murderer it hates to the extreme?

In this battle, there is no right or wrong, only victory and defeat and life and death.

Let's see who's combat effectiveness can carry out their beliefs.

Similarly, only the strong deserve to survive!

The female dicrosaurus let out a roar, and took the lead in attacking him, rushing towards him violently.

Lin Fei didn't want to confront it head-on, so he ran to its side in an instant, intending to stab its side with the dragon beak sword in his hand.

However, the female dicrosaurus was extremely powerful, and she even swung her body along with the trend, and came out with a ferocious "dinosaur wagging its tail", and her tail lashed towards Lin Fei fiercely.

Lin Fei was also experienced in many battles, and he reacted extremely quickly, even if he suddenly blocked the dragon beak sword in front of him.

Here's one more detail.

He didn't block forward with the blade - even if this could make the tail of the female Dicrosaurus slam on the blade, it would be possible to break it in two.

But in doing so, there is bound to be a more fatal risk.That is, under such an impact, if the dragon beak sword is subjected to such a huge force, the other side of the sword will inevitably slash at himself, even if he kills himself on the spot, it is not surprising.


There was another loud noise, and the tail of the female Dicrosaurus slammed fiercely on the sword...

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