I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 537: Heaven's Dao Timeline

Lin Fei seemed to know that this was a terrifying opponent, he didn't hold back at all, and his fighting spirit was so overwhelming that it made the world roar.

Zhu Qingfeng, one of the three great demon emperors of the Eastern Desolation.

"I didn't expect you to stay in the human world and never go to the fairy world." Zhu Qingfeng looked cold, and the disillusionment of the stars, sun and moon appeared in a pair of eyes.

"I didn't expect you to stay in the Eastern Wasteland and never visit the Sky Demon Realm." Lin Fei spoke bluntly and did not hide his surprise.

It wasn't until he sealed Donghuang, the moment those eyes opened, that he realized that there was a demon emperor in Donghuang.

"Please come in." Zhu Qingfeng spit out two words, stood in the Hall of Ten Thousand Monsters, stared at Lin Fei with fighting spirit, and his long silver hair danced wildly in the wind like a dragon and snake.

Without any hesitation, Lin Fei stepped into the Hall of Thousand Monsters with all kinds of visions and splendor around him.

In an instant, the entire Eastern Wilderness was boiling!


In the Temple of Ten Thousand Monsters, the stars moved, the scenery of the sky and the earth changed, and a galaxy of stars appeared in the space.

There are fragmented planetary belts all around, 10,000+ asteroids, surrounded by a huge lifeless planet under the unimaginable gravitational pull.

That's 10,000+ stars.

"Wansheng Tianzun is really brave. Even though he knows that he can't leave the Hall of Ten Thousand Monsters, he dares to step into it." Zhu Qingfeng stepped on the void, his lips did not move, and his spiritual thoughts had already been transmitted in the galaxy.

Sound is the lowest form of life communication, even in a vacuum environment, it has no meaning at all.

"Back then, you relied on Liu Dao's command to survive, but you couldn't kill you for a while. I never thought that I would fight against Liu Dao, even if Zhen Wu shot you, you would not die."

"Today is nothing more than completing the unfinished business of the year." Lin Fei was calm and indifferent, his expression unchanged.

"Need I remind you? You are... no longer the Wansheng Tianzun of the past." Zhu Qingfeng stretched out his hand to grasp the void behind him before he heard the voice of his divine thoughts.

In an instant, countless small stars were captured by his hand, refined into bright flaming meteorites, and violently smashed towards Lin Fei.

These meteorites looked like they were only the size of a basketball, but their weight had not changed. If they were hit by them, it would be as if they were directly bombarded by an asteroid.

Lin Fei greeted him with his fists, his whole body was surging with energy and blood, shining in the void like a scorching sun.Real dragons, phoenixes, and other visions trembled, shaking the heaven and earth avenues, blasting these asteroids to pieces on the spot.

Zhu Qingfeng moved the world with the divine thoughts of the immortal emperor, and in an instant, the laws here were rewritten.

Unimaginable gravity was forcibly imposed on this galaxy in an instant.

Whether it is the stars in the distance, or the asteroid belt and giant planets here, they all fell in an instant, as if they were about to sink into the boundless depths of the universe.And in an instant, they collapsed and disintegrated, turning into dust all over the sky.

Just like a golden fairy here, it will be crushed in an instant.

Lin Fei frowned, bearing the unimaginable gravity, but his body only sank.

You know, this is a terrifying force field that can crush stars, that is, the sun!

The power of the Immortal Emperor, the tip of the iceberg revealed in a single thought, is enough to make people horrified.

Brainless magnification power is bombarding, even a single punch can explode a star.In front of the power of the Great Dao mastered by the Immortal Emperor, it is as ridiculous as an ant regretting Mount Tai.

Their various mysterious killing moves are simply impossible to guard against, and they can instantly kill all creatures below the Immortal Emperor in a single thought.

"Solution!" Lin Fei said lightly, and in an instant, there seemed to be an invisible force that forcibly tampered with the laws of this place, and made the gravity dissipate without a trace.

Zhu Qingfeng's expression became serious: "Your spiritual consciousness is nearly useless, and you can actually rewrite the laws of heaven and earth."

Lin Fei sneered and said, "If you can't do this, shall I come in and die?"

Zhu Qingfeng smiled loudly, and immediately became more interested.

"Then how about trying this trick again!"

Before he finished speaking, he slashed down like a sword, and actually drew a... time axis in the galaxy!

This is a time axis in the true sense, it has various planes, presenting different scenes respectively.Upward is the picture of the future, and the higher the number of layers, the more blurred and invisible the picture will be.

Lin Fei couldn't expand his consciousness, he was observing with chaotic eyes.In the parallel screen that can be seen at the top, Lin Fei and Zhu Qingfeng are both injured, each vomiting blood and flying backwards.

And down, it is the past.

In the time axis plane where Lin Fei and Zhu Qingfeng are now, the sun and stars have already exploded and disintegrated.But below, it is a picture of the process of them exploding.

Going down, even they are still intact, and they haven't reached the time of bursting.

Living beings below the Immortal Emperor exist, and they are afraid that they will suffocate on the spot when they see this scene. It is impossible to imagine what a terrible method this is.

"Farewell, I'm going to kill you in the past!" Zhu Qingfeng sneered, and suddenly mobilized the violent divine power, intertwining the chains of order, burning the celestial shield all over his body, and resolutely sneaked into the lower time axis level!

The current Zhu Qingfeng and the past Zhu Qingfeng teamed up to form a terrifying scene of two immortal emperors besieging and killing Lin Fei in an instant!

There was a cold and cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, almost foreseeing the scene of Lin Fei's fall.

But at this moment, Zhu Qingfeng's pupils shrank sharply, as if he had seen such an incredible scene, which moved even the majestic demon emperor!

Except for the existence of the deity, Lin Fei's figure disappeared in all the timelines.

"All sources return to one, and the Lord is at the center." He said calmly, still standing on the current timeline.

Zhu Qingfeng trembled all over, as if he had suffered a great backlash and resistance from the Dao of Heaven, and had no choice but to erase the existence of the time axis with hatred.

"Give up, you won't be able to compare with me if you try hard." Lin Fei said lightly, as if stating the simplest truth.

He lived for a full [-] million years.

Even if his spiritual consciousness is nearly useless now, and his body has the injury of the Dao, Zhu Qingfeng's grasp and application of various laws of the Dao is not comparable to Zhu Qingfeng.

If it weren't for the fact that his physical condition was extremely bad, he would have already beheaded his opponent in the confrontation of laws.

But even so, a tie is not a problem.

"I don't believe it!" Zhu Qingfeng's body roared loudly, his eyes were as sharp as electricity, and he cast the method of reincarnation tracing in an instant. This technique can bring the opponent back to his childhood for a short time in reverse!

No matter how arrogant and powerful you are, you were not at the mercy of others when you were a child?

As soon as he turned his eyes, the fragments of the stars were shattered and silenced.

And Lin Feidong didn't even move, allowing the light from his pupils to hit him, and even said lightly: "You will regret it."

Because he didn't resist, the existence of the living body was reversed in an instant, and he came to 3000 years ago in an instant.

The weakest state just after the battle with the Demon Lord of the Six Paths of Samsara.

"Sure!" Zhu Qingfeng yelled violently, wanting to stop Lin Fei's state.

If it goes any further...it's over.

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