I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 541 Thunder Nether Sky Domination and Heaven Extermination

Zhu Qingfeng's unruly and conceited character was finally completely irritated at this moment.

You are no longer the supreme being who pushes across the multiverse and makes life like the Zonghuang and Lingzun go dormant in the legend!Facing the enemy in the same place as me, even with a great wound, why do you look down on Zhu Qingfeng, the demon emperor of my generation? !

Lin Fei didn't say anything, but his body seemed to have turned into an invisible black hole that devoured everything.Above the sky, all the sun, moon, and stars were dimmed at this moment, and the bright galaxy turned dark to the extreme in an instant.

All the brilliance of the stars, the moonlight, the sun, and the energy wandering in the connected star field were forcibly gathered in his body by him.At this moment, the supreme brilliance bloomed from his whole body, like a giant condensed by the Heavenly Dao Immortal Emperor Lei Jie, Ling Tian Judi.

Even the slightest bit of electric light floating around his body annihilated the space.

However, Zhu Qingfeng sneered, and raised his head proudly, with endless flames of war burning in his eyes: "Come on! I will stand here today and see if you can hurt me with only the second tyrant! "

Hearing such words, Lin Fei finally frowned slightly.

The reason why he uses the second tyrant instead of the first is not because of arrogance.

Only he himself knows how many bloody battles Lin Fei has survived.With such an experience, how could it be possible to stand up in a life-and-death confrontation of the same realm?

What's more, just because he broke into the Ten Thousand Monsters Palace with a huge battle, it has already shown the importance he attaches to Zhu Qingfeng.The indifference to the enemy in the past was not just because the opponent was too far behind him...

Lin Fei's move was just to annoy Zhu Qingfeng, and to see his real killing move besides defense.After all, I didn't use the strongest "Yi Mie", no matter how you look at it, it was a good time for Zhu Qingfeng to kill himself and catch himself off guard.

But the latter's reaction took him a little by surprise.

Instead of attacking, continue to defend?What is the reason here?

Various thoughts flashed through Lin Fei's mind, and he punched fiercely.

With the power of the Nine Heavens Tribulation Thunder, it flooded the entire star field in an instant, causing countless stars to explode in it!

Even the distant star directly deviated from its orbit under the "light" impact of the shock wave tail.It went on a rampage all the way, smashing the stars that blocked the way, and went to places beyond the number of light-years...

However, in the midst of such terrifying heavenly power, Zhu Qingfeng's unyielding shout came from the vast sea of ​​thunder.

When the thunder light dissipated, the entire star field had been completely wiped out, and the most frightening situation for life in the universe actually occurred.

The comprehension world calls it "the destruction of the era" or "cosmic catastrophe", while the scientific community calls it...

Quantum leap, vacuum decay.

The vacuum is unstable, and the quantum in the high energy level always jumps to the low energy level, which is the essence of vacuum decay.

The energy difference between the two states has reached an unimaginable horror level, directly compressing the decay process of the universe in a moment.And the decay area will instantly spread at the speed of light to sweep across the entire universe, and at the same time destroy everything it encounters on its way forward.

In short, this is an extremely rare top technological civilization in the multiverse, the best and most effective means to destroy the universe.

This is the rule, or law, of the universe, which seems to be completely immutable.

But it's just "seems".

Lin Fei didn't seem to be involved in science, and Zhu Qingfeng was the same, and he didn't know much about it.But the existence of the two immortal emperor realms has, to a certain extent, gotten rid of the so-called laws and iron rules of the universe.

How could a horror-level existence that could even modify this iron law die in vacuum decay?

It has to make people think of Lin Yuan's words, this kind of life should not exist.

If they were below the Immortal Emperor, even if the strongest among them were here, it would be difficult to say whether they could survive the destruction of the era.

Zhu Qingfeng took a deep breath, burning qi and blood all over his body crazily, and even propped up the body protection fairy gang again.

Although this consumption of energy and blood is enough to terrify the strongest below the realm of the Immortal Emperor, but to him, it is "no harm in a small loss".

At this level of life, the power contained in its body is already unimaginable.

"I said," he looked at Lin Fei coldly, "the second bully can't hurt me at all!"

Lin Fei nodded slightly, as if he was not surprised by this result: "In that case, then..."

He pointed to the sky with one hand and the ground with the other, causing Zhu Qingfeng to narrow his eyes slightly, and his gaze became more cautious.

"Two tyrants unite into one, Thunderbolt Netherworld tyrant!"


The power of nine heavens and ten earths poured into Lin Fei's whole body.

Lin Fei, who didn't change his face when he used the four tyrants and two tyrants before, suddenly trembled at this moment, and a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

Zhu Qingfeng was shocked at first, and then laughed wildly: "Wansheng Tianzun, your injury from the Great Dao has recurred, what are you fighting with me?!"

"Beheading the number one powerhouse in the multiverse, the Demon Lord of the Six Paths, this is the price you have to bear!"

Lin Fei's expression was indifferent and cold, but the foundation of the entire Immortal Emperor Realm was trembling, and there was a faint sign of crumbling.

"Stop me!" He was covered in celestial light, countless auspicious colors were falling down, and even traces of chaotic energy emerged from them, forcibly suppressing the cut wound in the source of life.

Lin Fei went forward without hesitation, brazenly attacking with both fists.

Thunderbolt Nether Sky Master!


The entire Great Desolate Continent was completely erased, the universe collapsed, and the surrounding space changed again.

Zhu Qingfeng's body shield immediately shattered, and a deafening sound of gold and iron came out of his body, resounding through this alien space.

The Ten Thousand Bamboo Map that hadn't come in handy before, in the sound of "crash" at this moment, the sea of ​​thousands of miles of bamboo trembled and was filled and submerged by the endless energy storm.

And the remaining part of the strength acted on Zhu Qingfeng's body, and even blasted him countless light years away in an instant, smashing several stars on the way.

Lin Fei suddenly tore through the void, and appeared in front of Zhu Qingfeng in an instant. The Jade Immortal Sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and the sword fell down.

"God dies!"

The four absolutes, the second hegemony, and the first annihilation.

After all, he displayed "One Destroyer".

Lin Fei's arm cracked like porcelain in an instant, and the blood of the Immortal Emperor rushed.

Zhu Qingfeng was instantly terrified!

With his Heavenly Demon Black Tortoise Immortal Golden Body, he also felt the deadly threat under this sword!

As soon as he thought about it, he unfolded the time axis and dived into the past.

However, the thing that shocked Zhu Qingfeng to the extreme just happened.

The Immortal Sword that descended with Tian Mie's move has already surpassed the limitations of time and space, arbitrarily arbitrarily controlling the long river of time and space, and completely locked his aura.

No matter if he escapes to the past or the future, he will never escape this disaster!

The sky wants to destroy you, where can you escape? !

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