I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 564 Awaken, come back!

A woman, especially a beautiful woman.What kind of feeling does it feel to cut your own face with your own hands?

Jiang Huanhuan was in so much pain that he started to cry, but he had already slashed his face even worse.The several criss-crossing scars were deep, and the blood instantly stained an originally delicate and beautiful melon-seeded face.

"Grass mud horse!" Seeing this scene, Liu Zhongxing ran away immediately.

He suddenly descended in front of Jiang Huanhuan, and slapped him with a "slap".

Huanhuan let out a scream, and was directly knocked down to the ground.

"Bitch! How can you tell me to go back to work?!" Liu Zhongxing was so angry that he stepped on the back of her hand with his foot, crushing the bones to pieces.

Jiang Huanhuan burst into tears in pain, but the bloody face was distorted, making Liu Zhongxing feel even more disgusted when he saw it.

The bald head was also numb for a while, and immediately asked: "Brother Xing, this... what should we do now?"

"What else can I do?!" Liu Zhongxing gritted his teeth and said, "This girl is as ugly as a ghost on a horse, take her back and seek death? My brother only likes beautiful women, do you understand?"

The bald head nodded again and again: "I understand, I understand..."

Liu Zhongxing was condescending and looked at Jiang Huanhuan with a ferocious face: "Do you know what happened to the last person who ruined his appearance and didn't want to be with my brother?"

"My brother drugged a group of vicious dogs and asked them to torment that woman in turn. They tortured the woman for a whole day and night, and the ground was covered with blood! Until she died, the group of dogs still did not let her go!"

"You're fucking lucky, you can die more quickly!"

As soon as the voice fell, he directly held the shard of the TV screen in the palm of his hand: "Don't you like self-mutilation? Huh? You like to cut yourself, right? I will help you!"

As Liu Zhongxing spoke, he cut Jiang Huanhuan's arm with the fragments in his hand.From the wrist, all the way to the shoulder!

"Ah!" Jiang Huanhuan uttered a terrific scream, struggling with pain all over his body, but he couldn't escape the restraint.

But Liu Zhongxing was full of excitement, and continued to move, constantly cutting her clothes and flesh and blood.

Jiang Huanhuan couldn't help crying and howling. He had been tortured so badly that people couldn't bear to look at him.

The bald head really couldn't bear to look at it anymore, I just found it shocking.

It is conceivable how bloody and brutal the scene is that can make such a vicious villain feel unbearable.

Lin Fei, who had been sedated, was in a coma, and when he heard Ruoyuewu's screams in a daze, there was a sudden shock in his drowsy mind!

He was obviously in a coma, but his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

Lin Fei's heart beat faster and faster, pumping blood frantically to his limbs and bones.Under the blood circulation speed exceeding ordinary people, the whole body began to feel hot.

He opened his eyelids with extreme difficulty, his vision was very blurred, and the range he could see was very small.


Lin Fei wanted to get out of bed, but his feet went limp and he fell directly to the ground.

He exerted all his breastfeeding strength and slammed his head on the ground.


Lin Fei's forehead was broken, and blood dripped onto the ground.And this kind of severe pain finally made his mind sober.

He stumbled to his feet and walked towards the corridor on the second floor, feeling an indescribable panic in his heart.

Lin Fei pressed his hands on the green brick concrete fence in the corridor, and saw the scene on the cement dam.


In Lin Fei's mind, it was as if a thunder had exploded in an instant, it was blank, and his whole body was trembling.

Jiang Huanhuan also saw him, but she turned her head away crying, "Don't...don't look...I'm ugly..."

Liu Zhongxing sneered, made a decisive decision, and stabbed him directly.


This knife directly pierced Jiang Huanhuan's heart, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood in an instant, bleeding from his seven orifices, and died instantly.

And Liu Zhongxing looked at Lin Fei with an extremely provocative and arrogant look: "You are a waste, you are as weak as a fucking dog, who can you protect?"

Lin Fei trembled all over, and stretched out his trembling hands, as if he wanted to hold something back.

The tragic death of Jiang Huanhuan hit his mind hard, making his crazy brain seem to think of something.

It was an adult female bird disc dinosaur, who died under the bite of Dicrosaurus!

It was an underage baby dinosaur who died on a stormy night!

Boundless and endless memories frantically surged out of Lin Fei's mind at this moment.

He hugged his head tightly, screaming madly, and tears flowed from his eyes.

Red tears.

blood and tears.

"Is this what you call a master?" Liu Zhongxing sneered with a look of contempt on his face, "A delirious lunatic, let me do it myself for such an idiot?"

The bald head is submissive and dare not speak.

Liu Zhongxing sneered, and waved his fingers directly, letting the saber break through the air and attack Lin Fei!

It drew a silver streak in the air, which was icy cold, as if it wanted to pierce Lin Fei's head directly!

But at this moment, Lin Fei let out an earth-shattering roar.

In an instant, Liu Zhongxing and the bald head suddenly widened their eyes, their faces full of horror and shock.


The entire two-story building collapsed directly, and the oncoming swords shattered inch by inch!

The terrifying sound waves even lifted the ground of the concrete dam, and instantly shattered the bald head's internal organs, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood and died instantly.

The rocks pierced through the sky, and the sky was full of smoke and dust!

Liu Zhongxing's pupils contracted sharply, staring at the scene in front of him.

Among the smoke, dust and rocks all over the sky, there is a figure like a demon god.

Under the nourishment of the terrifying power, Lin Fei's short hair soared rapidly, dancing wildly in the wind like a dragon and snake.

It turned into white hair in an instant!

When he was supposed to transform his body, Lin Fei's hatred and murderous intent almost distorted the body's structure, and his profound skills were reversed.

Inverse Yuan Demon Physique, white-haired Lin Fei!

Liu Zhongxing's heart was beating violently, his whole body was trembling uncontrollably, and he felt a kind of... fear from the bottom of his bones!

"This deity risked his life to quell the turmoil in the Eastern Wasteland!"

"Slay the Green Grass Sword Lord, kill the Demon Bamboo Lord, and restore peace to the world!"

"Human world—hahaha! How does the world treat me?!"

The sound of Lin Fei's furious roar shocked Liu Zhongxing's eardrums instantly, blood flowed from his ears, and he became deaf on the spot.

"Monster, die to me!" Liu Zhongxing summoned up his last courage and punched him hard.

Lin Fei grabbed his arm and pulled it directly.


Liu Zhongxing's entire right arm was torn off by him, and blood gushed out violently.

Amidst his terribly miserable screams, Lin Fei directly grabbed his body and tore it apart!

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