Lin Fei didn't care about other people's reactions, and called Li Hua to find Han Meimei together, which was the last farewell before leaving.

The three of them came together to the reeds on the grass by the school's lake, just like the most common truant students coming out to bask in the sun—provided that Lin Fei didn't carry a corpse on his back.

Han Meimei has already understood all the things in the sea of ​​consciousness memory that Lin Fei played.It's just that the shock in her heart was inexplicable and could not be calmed down for a long time.

Han Meimei's expression was extremely complicated, but in the end she just looked at Huanhuan and let out a long sigh.

"Don't worry, I have a way to save her." Lin Fei summed it up without mentioning how difficult it would be.

During the battle in the Eastern Wilderness Demon Realm, only one fragment of his primordial spirit survived.The treasures such as the Zhuxian Sword and the Six Paths Magic Crystal are even more missing.

Similarly, the alchemy treasure Shennong Ding is no exception.

But this is not the most critical.With or without the Shennong Ding, Lin Fei is not very restricted.The most important thing is that there should be no elixir of life in the world, and there is no way to refine the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill again.

Hearing this, Li Hua sighed sincerely: "Brother..."

He froze for a moment, then abruptly changed his words: "Tianzun is really powerful and omnipotent!"

This is a small change, but it makes people think of Runtu described by Mr. Lu Xun for no reason.When he was young, he called the protagonist in the article "Brother Xun", but at the end of the article he clearly changed his name to "Master".

Lin Fei said casually, "You can call me Lin Fei."

After a pause, he added: "It doesn't matter, brother."

Li Hua's eyes widened in an instant, feeling extremely excited: "Fuck, really? How the hell can I call Wan Sheng Tian Zun brothers?"

"Liar, bro, why do I feel like I'm living in a dream?"

When Han Meimei heard this, she immediately rolled her eyes: "Did you watch too much of Grandpa Lu's live broadcast before, how do you talk to him now?"

Li Hua chuckled and touched his nose.

Lin Fei looked at Jiang Huanhuan's face that was as peaceful as sleeping, and fell silent for a moment.

Supernatural powers, omnipotent?

He found it ironic.

Even if Lin Fei used to be an invincible existence who pushed across the multiverse, the dead such as Xiaolong's mother and Xiaohei would never come back.

No matter whether Lin Fei is brilliant or not, whether he is happy or sad, he can no longer share with them.

And he was able to kill the Qingcao Sword Master and the Demon Bamboo Master, but he failed to keep Jiang Huanhuan's soul.

This made Lin Fei furious for a while, and even extremely rarely brutally killed the enemy, instead of killing him with one blow as usual, giving him a good time.

Because I remembered that I couldn't keep Ji Yaoguang back then, and I also remembered the old friends who died in front of my eyes one by one in those difficult years.

Lin Fei swore back then that he would become extremely powerful, stand on top of all living beings, and protect everything he cared about, but what happened?

He let out a long mouthful of turbid air, and there seemed to be a raging fire burning in his eyes.

It's been a long time, the ambition to hit the pinnacle of the Immortal Dao!

Lin Fei directly took out two pieces of Zixia Jinwu wood from Liu Haokai's space ring, and then handed them to Li Hua: "There are cultivation resources collected by Liu Haokai in it, although most of them were used by him, the remaining Not much, but I guess it helps."

Li Hua was startled, and felt that it was too expensive, so he shirked it and dared not accept it.

It was Han Meimei who glared at him and reminded, "Are you stupid? Is this thing useful to Brother Fei?"

This woman's title is also quite interesting, it's not the unfamiliar "Tianzun", but "Brother Fei".

Li Hua came to his senses instantly, smiled and accepted the interspatial ring, scratched his head and said, "Then thank you Brother Fei."

Lin Fei shook his head lightly, then pointed at the center of Li Hua's eyebrows, and taught him the "Golden Scale Dragon Yuan Jue".Then he taught Han Meimei "Shen Nong's Medical Classic", "Poison Classic", and "Ziwu Acupuncture", which caused the latter to stare at him in shock.

It is really hard for them to imagine how precious these inheritances are.But if you take it out of Lin Fei's hands, it's worthless like a bad street...

"Shen Nong's Medical Classic" is extremely rich in content, including pharmacology, Danfang and other knowledge.As long as it is refined, even if it is necessary to practice medicine and alchemy in the future, Han Meimei can do it.

"I'm going back to Feiyun Villa first, and I'll see you later." Lin Fei bid farewell to the two of them, carried Jiang Huanhuan's body on his back, and took out the Heavenly Demon Splitting Sword.

Lin Fei never really thought about the day when he could use this magic weapon.With his current cultivation in the late Yuanying period, he can't stand alone in the world like before, and wanton space jumps appear in various places.

"Brother Fei, come back and play when you have time!"

While Li Hua was waving goodbye, Lin Fei cut out a space passage and stepped into it in an instant.

Lin Fei quickly returned to Feiyun Villa, but immediately frowned and found that there was no one there.He quickly guessed that Ji Yaoguang and the others should have gone out to find him.

Lin Fei put down Jiang Huanhuan, and gently covered her head with his palm.In an instant, the icy air condensed into profound ice.

Frozen three feet, completely freezing Jiang Huanhuan in it, can make the body immortal.

Lin Fei took out the Zixia Jinwu wood, and decided to completely improve the problem of this physical body first, stabilize his cultivation base, and restore the incomplete supreme chaotic body again.

The Zixia Jinwu tree is a special phoenix tree inhabited by phoenixes.When the phoenix breathes out the aura of heaven and earth and absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, the aura around it is extremely abundant, nourishing the place where it lives.

In the long run, this golden phoenix tree has become a top-grade panacea.Moreover, the phoenix would often nourish the spirit wood with its own blood of the beast, making it grow more luxuriantly and inhabit, and the divine power contained in it was even more unimaginable.

And one of its most remarkable effects is that it can ignite the fire of Nirvana, baptize and even recast the body!

This process of recasting the physical body also depends on the aptitude of the user's soul source.

For example, a snake cannot become a phoenix no matter how much it is baptized.There is a high probability that it will remain as it is, and at best it will evolve in the direction of Jiao.

In other words, even if a snake takes the body of a bird, it will return to the snake body after Nirvana rebirth.Because its source of life is a snake, not a bird.

And for Lin Fei, this is a sharp weapon for him to shed his inverse demon body and recast his chaotic body!


The wild of Zhuolu.

"Pfft!" Han Zhenbei, the lord of Beihai Ice Palace, spat out a mouthful of blood, and was struck by Chi You's bloody knife light filled with endless white tiger's evil spirit, and almost fell into the sky.

On the other side, Duan Canghai and Lin Kunpeng had a tie.Both of them were surrounded by demon energy rolling up like a tidal wave, murderous intent soaring into the sky.

"Brother Lin, help me!" Han Zhen Bei Yuanshen trembled, screaming in panic.

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