I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 577 The North Sea Ice Palace

Huofeng's ghost uttered a shrill and short scream in the flames, and it disappeared immediately.

And just after it died, Huoyun instantly showed an excited expression, staring at the Six Paths Magic Crystal in his hand.

On the side representing the way of hungry ghosts, the engraved image of Huo Feng suddenly appeared, shining with blood.

Huo Yun was extremely excited, and immediately laughed wildly: "We are only short of the last animal realm! The mystery of the six realms of reincarnation will finally be revealed in front of me!"

He felt very happy in his heart, and even felt that he should thank the person who had mastered the Six Paths Magic Crystal before.

All the "wage earners" worked desperately for the Six Paths Magic Crystal, and tried their best to find out.As a result, it fell into Huoyun's hands several times, and he took advantage of it.

Now that five-sixths of the progress has been completed, Huoyun is full of confidence and feels that opening this magic crystal is just around the corner!

However, the words of an elder next to him instantly froze the smile on his face: "Patriarch, I don't know what this animal way means? In my opinion, the monster clan should also be regarded as a kind of animal."

"But now that so many monster races have died, you haven't seen this magic crystal react?"

Huo Yun frowned deeply, feeling that this matter was a bit tricky.

The word "animal" is familiar to everyone, and he is no exception, and even uses this word as a curse.

But at this moment, it is difficult for Huo Yun, the "ultimate old illiterate", to give a definite answer.

Eat the loss of no culture.

Still another elder, as a "cultural teacher" and an "intellectual" who teaches and educates people in the clan, began to explain: "The word for 'birth' here for animals is the same as 'animals' for animals. In the Chinese folk understanding Among them, it needs to be a domesticated animal to count.”

"But if you look at it from the perspective of the six realms of reincarnation, it should generally refer to birds, beasts, worms and ants. The monks of the monster race are either not strong enough, or they have broken away from the concept of animals, and have human-like habits, thinking, and appearance. !"

"Especially if you have enough wisdom, you will no longer be an ignorant and lowly animal identified in the Six Paths, but a life on the same level as a human—that is, a demon."

What he said was a bit complicated, which made the illiterate Huoyun extremely impatient, and immediately urged: "Don't tell me these big truths, just tell me how to find this kind of beast!"

The cultural elder smiled coyly, and immediately said: "We should look for special monsters that have brute force but lack wisdom, and can't even transform into a human form."

Huo Yun suddenly became enlightened, and suddenly felt that this intellectual looked much more pleasing to the eye.

The Huoyun tribe lived in a remote corner, and they had not received much cultural upbringing in the Central Plains. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a barren land. It is not easy to have such an intellectual.

But a new problem arises.

"It stands to reason that when one reaches a certain level of cultivation, even plants, trees, fish and insects should be born with wisdom and be able to transform into a human form." Thinking of this, Huo Yun immediately looked at the cultural elder with an unkind expression.

It seems to be saying "I don't read much, don't lie to me".

The cultural elder cursed secretly in his heart, telling you that his mother doesn't like to read information classics, and now you have suffered from being uneducated, right?

Of course, this elder is so educated, so he can't escape the fate of being a "wage earner" for Huo Yun.

The cultural elder was scolding his mother in his heart, but he said with a smile on his face: "Patriarch, you don't know about this. There are very few special beings, even if they are successful in cultivation, their intelligence is extremely low, no different from ordinary animals."

"For example, the Eastern Wilderness where there are thousands of races, there are monsters such as flame birds and stone giants. In addition, there are some creatures that have obtained unexpected opportunities and caused serious mutations, which can also be included."

Huo Yun finally patted him on the shoulder and said approvingly: "Good! You will be the Great Elder from now on!"

The cultural elder was overjoyed and thanked him again and again.

After all, the Fire Cloud Clan suffered from insufficient information. If they knew about the existence of mutant spiders like the Mother of Ten Thousand Spiders, they had to look for Wu Moling directly.

And at this moment, the Huoyun patriarch made a decision to seek wealth and risk—go to the Eastern Wilderness to look for the flame magic bird!


In the land of the North Sea, there is an extremely vast island.

It is ice and snow all year round, and the sky is full of white snow dancing.

After the spiritual energy recovered, there were a huge number of sea monsters in the North Sea.It is daunting, and I dare not take half a step closer to the sea.

But within a radius of ten miles around this island, there wasn't a single monster that dared to approach.

In the center of the island, there is a huge city covered in silver that looks like it was carved out of ice.


Suddenly the sound of howling wolves came, and a group of huge gray wolves appeared, staring at the two people who appeared suddenly.

They have stripes on their backs and have sharp claws.

If these wolves come to land, it will definitely cause an uproar.

Because the little wolf cubs who are the weakest among them are all in the early stage of foundation establishment.

The Canglang King is about the size of a cart, has a pair of sharp horns, and is surrounded by a fiery demonic aura.

Obviously, it was Lin Fei, Su Tianshuang and others who invaded their territory, which made them so covetous.

The two didn't take them seriously, because the Canglang King was only at the late Yuanying stage.

The real powerhouses are all in that ice palace, but the "ecological protection" on the outside is better, and no "wild animals" are hunted.

The crowd didn't even intend to start a massacre on the northern territory of Hanzhen, so they flew directly over here and headed straight for the Ice Palace.

Everything in this grand and unrefined palace is actually condensed from profound ice, beautiful and full of dreams.

Everyone was quickly stopped by the ice palace guards.These guards are really extraordinary, and the captains among them all have the cultivation base of the early stage of transformation.

It's just that their races are different, and there are obviously demon races that have turned into human forms.Among them was a gray wolf who left his clan and chose to "work" at the Beihai Ice Palace.

After Lin Fei claimed that he was a disciple of the Heavenly Demon God Palace, and Su Tianshuang took out the token to prove his identity, the two were allowed to go.

However, the Beihai Ice Palace was quite pretentious, and it directly shut Hong Tu and others away.Fortunately, this group of people was also well-disciplined and showed no signs of dissatisfaction. They just stood silently in the wind and snow, letting their cloaks flutter.

Under the guidance of two guards, Lin Fei and Su Tianshuang came to the "Cold Jade Spring Pool".

The four sides of the cold jade spring pool are formed naturally by unique cold jade. The spring water is as cold as a knife, but it has miraculous healing effects.

As one of the forbidden places outside the world, it seems not surprising that there is such a place where the creation of heaven and earth gathers together.

Lin Kunpeng and Han Zhenbei, the two strong men in the hole, soaked in the spring water filled with aura, and raced against time to recover from their injuries.

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