I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 589 Chaos Body Vision

"That's it..." Lin Yuan murmured, his eyes filled with expectation and disappointment, "Unfortunately, we won't see that day."

Then he took a deep breath, restrained all his emotions, and said solemnly: "Master, this disciple has come up with a trick."

After all, Lin Yuan couldn't hold back the desire to fight Lin Fei.

Or in other words, he himself is extremely eager to fight with his most respected and revered master.

Ever since Lin Yuan left the village, he was used to hearing the words "invincible in the same realm", and he was also used to seeing those cultivators making a fuss and being deeply shocked by him.I'm even more used to those women who can't hide their love and throw out olive branches one after another, and even the parents and grandpas want to come out to be a matchmaker.

But he never thought he was truly invincible.

Lin Yuan didn't know how strong the legendary "Demon Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation" could be as famous as his master, but he only knew that his master was enough to make him stand tall.

At this time, although his desire to make a move was extremely strong, there was still a search in his eyes.It seemed that as long as Lin Fei said "no", he would immediately dispel the idea and end the fight on the spot.

"Yes." But Lin Fei just spoke calmly.

He roughly guessed what Lin Yuan wanted to do, but he didn't stop him.

"Thank you, Master!" The smile on Lin Yuan's face gradually disappeared, and he looked at Lin Fei solemnly, as if he regarded him as an unworldly enemy.


His hands were suddenly closed, and his soul and true essence were compressed and condensed in an instant.

At this moment, Lin Yuan seemed to have turned into a round of scorching sun, and terrible fluctuations swept out, causing everything to shatter with a bang.The mountains, rivers and trees were torn to pieces in an instant, roaring like a typhoon of level [-], and flew all over the sky in all directions.

At this moment, the earth directly collapsed and collapsed, and the terrain with a radius of several kilometers was completely changed.

One must know that the power of destroying heaven and earth this time has only been slightly affected.

Lin Fei still looked at him quietly, letting his clothes and long hair dance wildly in the strong wind, his whole body remained motionless.

"You wasted your strength." He said suddenly, as if he had returned to the days when he taught Lin Yuan a lesson.

Lin Yuan's whole body trembled under this terrifying force, his face was almost distorted, and blood oozed from his teeth.

Lin Fei took a fist-sized stone from the air, held it in his hand, threw it away and caught it casually, and said: "To completely smash this stone, based on your current situation, it will take about three hundred catties of force." on it."

"And if you save the energy wasted outside the body, 270 catties is actually enough. If you can also notice that this stone is not a regular circle, it is not absolutely pure and uniform, and it has its own weaknesses, then you only need [-] catties. The strength that can't be weighed is enough."

This is experience.

Before Lin Fei and Liu Dao showed the application of power, they had already reached the pinnacle.After all, Liu Dao also opened a hook, directly picked up [-] million years of experience and memory, far beyond the calculation and deduction of the magic mirror of all things.

But Lin Yuan didn't.

Speaking of it, Liu Dao was quite wronged, but according to his state after recovering his memory, he should definitely be ranked behind Lin Yuan.It's a pity that the Illusory Mirror of All Things is just a dead thing after all. If it can be counted to the transcendent level of the Six Paths, it is probably the top three treasures of the multiverse...

When Lin Fei said this, he was suddenly dumbfounded, shaking his head and showing a self-deprecating smile.

Habit is second nature.

Lin Yuan in front of him was just an illusion, but he subconsciously wanted to point out any mistakes made by this apprentice, hoping that he would be perfect.

Lin Yuan wanted to say something, but couldn't do it anymore.


Amidst a terrifying sound wave that could instantly shatter the eardrums of an ordinary Nascent Soul monk, his scorching sun directly burst into pieces.

Blow up.

But it is not a simple Nascent Soul self-destruction.

Lin Yuan put his own flesh and blood, bones, meridians, spirit, twelve long rivers in the sea of ​​air, the Taoist platform with intricate and perfect Taoist patterns, and the flawless Nascent Soul like a glass body, all of which were tens of thousands of people regardless of the consequences. It was compressed to the extreme, and then exploded completely!


An endless storm of death drowns everything.

Among them are the sword fairy Ling Qingyun, the bright moon on the sea, the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood, etc., intertwined and killed Lin Fei!

All kinds of visions came together, and it seemed that some kind of mysterious and unspeakable aura moved in the ditch, submerging Lin Fei in it, as if it wanted to tear him into pieces.

Not to mention the late Nascent Soul.

Even the vast majority of monks in the early stage of transformation, and even some monks in the middle stage of transformation, can only be wiped out in such an offensive in an instant!

Lin Fei closed his eyes almost at the same time that he blew himself up, and at this moment, he opened his eyes suddenly!

Those pupils were engraved with intricate and mysterious patterns, containing a hint of horror that made the world tremble.

And behind Lin Fei, there was a strange image that could not be used when he was injured by the Dao.

It is also his original vision, not created by the evolution of any other physique!

Chaos golden lotus.

Of course, this is not the legendary Chaos Mother Qi that can drown everything.With Lin Fei's current meager level of cultivation, he can't do this at all. It can only be regarded as a powerful killing technique, the emperor in the vision!


The endless visions of nothingness and chaos in the color of black and yellow unfolded, and among them were green lotuses blooming, exuding fragrance, emitting bursts of blue rays, and fixed the surrounding space.

As soon as these visions appear, there will be a terrifying power similar to the death of all dharmas!

All kinds of terrifying visions around him disappeared without a trace almost instantly!


The endless death storms originally headed towards Lin Fei, but in the end they were invulnerable, and were even repelled by invisible repulsive forces, and could only sweep wildly towards the surroundings.

Such a life-threatening blow, which is enough to strangle an ordinary person in the realm of transforming gods, didn't even touch Lin Fei's collar, but it was enough to make him proud when it spread.

Because, he forced Lin Fei to use the origin of the incomplete chaotic body.

Whether it's respect and a little debt to the dead apprentice, or wanting to take the opportunity to cast a vision that hasn't been used for the next 3000 years.

In short, Lin Yuan used his own life to push him to this point.

In a radius of several thousand meters, everything was reduced to nothing, and the dead silence reached the extreme.

And this space quickly began to distort and collapse, and the illusion finally came to the moment of collapse.

In the trial ground of the Beihai Ice Palace, Lin Fei's figure shook slightly.

He closed his eyes tightly and covered them with his hands.


Hot blood dripped onto the snow-covered steps.

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