I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 592 The big monster in the hole, coming to Rongcheng

Su Tianshuang thinks that the seventh junior brother is just a genius for chatting, and even doubts how he has been talking like this all the time, how did he survive to this day?

Shouldn't he offend someone and be killed early?

Lin Fei didn't care what he thought.The purpose of his trip has been achieved, and with the Beihai Soul Martial in hand, there is no need to stay any longer.

It's just that now Lin Kunpeng and Han Zhenbei are fighting the four big cave monsters. If they leave the city rashly, they may be affected in the battle of the six cave masters.

"Back to the Demon Palace?" Lin Fei asked Su Tianshuang.

The battle at the hole level is not something they can participate in.

Su Tianshuang couldn't help looking at the Heavenly Demon Cracking Sword behind him, and said, "Speaking of which, I forgot to ask you, where did it come from?"

After all, this is the third brother Aohan's stuff.

Lin Fei nonsense: "Jianghuang Jiang Liuyun's Yuanshen incarnation killed the great monster of Dongxu, and I snatched it from its hands."

Su Tianshuang was stunned for a moment, and then just sighed: "Let's go, let's retreat first. I really can't take it anymore. You are already in the early stage of transformation, so I have to catch up."

Lin Fei didn't say a word of nonsense, and directly opened a space passage, and returned to the Heavenly Demon Palace with him.

Without even the slightest delay, Su Tianshuang went back to their residences to practice in seclusion.

However, after Lin Fei left, he swung the Heavenly Demon Splitting Sword again and returned directly to Feiyun Villa.

In Feiyun Villa at this time, Ji Yaoguang and others have all returned one after another.After Qiushui and Dongxue escaped from danger, they contacted several people to explain the situation and asked them to rush back first.

When Ji Yaoguang saw Lin Fei, without even thinking about it, she immediately rushed over and hugged him tightly.

Lin Fei smiled slightly, feeling the soft fragrance of nephrite in his arms, and also hugged Ji Yaoguang.

In the presence of a large audience, she directly kissed her soft and delicate lips, causing several maids to boo and yell, "I'm full of this bowl of dog food", "Sexy Yaoguang, kill dogs online".

Mouth full of coquettish talk, very happy.

Ji Yaoguang's pretty face blushed slightly, but she responded enthusiastically, so obsessively, her breathing became slightly short of breath.

She had already learned about Lin Fei's experience during this time from Qiu Shui and Dong Xue.

Whether it was fighting two demon emperors with a half-disabled body, Longyou Qianshui was caught in a shrimp scene, or the emotional entanglement with Jiang Huanhuan in the middle, all kinds of experiences made her feel very distressed.

That's right, I feel sorry for the majestic Wansheng Tianzun.

Just like feeling sorry for the little boy who was struggling in the prehistoric Jurassic, and the little boy who wanted to kill himself on a stormy night.

Wansheng Tianzun, once the number one powerhouse in the multiverse, how brilliant does it sound?

But behind the glory, there is a loneliness.

Although she didn't know how to treat Jiang Huanhuan, her attitude towards Lin Fei was very clear.

After Ji Yaoguang jumped off Lin Fei's body, she still tightly held his arm, feeling vaguely unwilling to let go.

Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a faint smile: "Guess, how long will it take for those big monsters in the Eastern Wilderness Monster Realm to find this place?"

Everyone's expression changed slightly.

If it was the usual, they would be afraid that there would be no fluctuations in their hearts, and they even wanted to laugh a little-why did they come to die again?

It's a pity that today is different.Lin Feixiu's cultivation base is nearly abolished, and Feiyun Villa no longer has the capital to look down on the world.

The nun also frowned deeply.

Quite aggrieved.

There are Yinglong, Nuba, Empress Yaoguang, and even Wansheng Tianzun here.

But it's a headache because of the mere monster in the realm of emptiness!

However, Lin Fei was very calm, and said lightly: "No hurry, just give me a little time."

A person who has seen strong winds and waves, has stepped on the top of the mountain, and has fallen to the bottom of the valley, all of which are nothing.

It doesn't even need a high level.

As long as he was in the early stage of the cave, he would dare to venture into the Eastern Wilderness alone, killing all the way to the Hall of Ten Thousand Monsters!

"What does Tianzun mean?" Ying Long asked.

"Stay back a little bit and avoid it for now." Lin Fei gave the answer without hesitation.

Endure the precepts and avoid the wind and rain, once the world is settled!


Facts have proved that Lin Fei's decision is extremely correct.

Because less than half an hour after everyone left, the sky was filled with boundless and terrifying monster aura.A strange bird-like monster with blood-colored scales, its size is extremely huge, and a pair of cold eyes the size of lanterns is staring at Feiyun Villa.

And on the opposite side of it, there is also a giant ape.

This giant ape was about the size of a mountain, and its entire body was pitch black. It stomped down a building with one kick, but no human screams could be heard in it.

The giant ape was full of violent and ferocious demonic aura, and Dang even frowned.Because not only was Feiyun Villa empty, but even the people nearby seemed to have received the dangerous news in advance, and the building had already been empty.

"Escaped?" The Sky Swallowing Demon Ape sneered, full of sarcasm and disdain.

"If it were you, would you run away?" The blood-scaled sparrow's eyes were cold, and there was no emotion in his voice.

The Sky Swallowing Demon Ape did not answer this boring question.Unless one wants to die wholeheartedly, anyone should escape far away.

The two big monsters were speechless for a moment, not knowing what they were thinking.

"The vitality of the human race is exhausted, and the time has come for our monster race to rule the world." The Heaven-swallowing Demon Ape suddenly raised his head, exuding an extremely violent aura from his whole body, showing his madness.

As soon as it finished speaking, it swung its giant claws and slapped Feiyun Villa fiercely.


Amidst a loud bang, smoke and dust filled the sky, and rocks splashed!

The formation of the entire Feiyun Villa has long ceased to function, and it collapsed directly at this moment.

"You cowardly cowards!" The Sky Swallowing Demon Ape raised his head to the sky and howled loudly, shaking the world, "It's best to hide for the rest of your life, don't let me catch you, or you will be torn to pieces and eaten alive!"

Even though they were separated by an extremely long distance, over 10 people in the entire city of Rong still felt terrified when they heard this terrifying roar.

If the doomsday comes, panic all day long!

"Compared to this," the blood-scaled sparrow sneered, with a bloodthirsty gleam in its pupils, "don't you think there is a lot of food in this world?"

The Sky Swallowing Demon Ape's eyes lit up instantly.


The resident population is 1633 million!

Even if the blood essence of ordinary human beings is insignificant in their eyes, it is extremely terrifying when it reaches this amount.

The two ferocious monsters looked at each other, and suddenly smiled cruelly and unscrupulously.

In an instant, the two big demons were respectively above the sky of Rongcheng, and the mighty monster aura covered the sky, casting a palpitating shadow.

The whole city of Rong was already in chaos.

There were endless screams and screams, and many people ran away like crazy.

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