The congenital emptiness and stellar qi are the unique killing moves of ferocious beasts and divine beasts.Sirius, who used to be a werewolf, once used it as a deadly trump card, hiding it until the end before launching an attack by surprise, and the devastating destructive power it caused is beyond doubt.

The Sky Swallowing Demon Ape was extremely arrogant, and he was extremely confident in his racial talent, thinking that it would be impossible for the guy on the opposite side to perform such a bottom-of-the-box ultimate move.

Unfortunately it miscalculated.

In such a crazy energy storm, the body of the Sky Devouring Demon Ape was already torn apart and bloody.Not only that, even Yuanshen suffered an unimaginable blow, and began to shatter and disintegrate.

"How is this possible! It's just a guy, why can it display the innate emptiness!" The piercing voice of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Ape's divine sense quickly weakened in the air, and finally dissipated along with its primordial spirit.

It also dissipated along with it, and the giant ape and the golden cudgel that Song Lingyun almost used up all his strength to draw.

He didn't laugh at the shock of the Sky Devouring Demon Ape.

Because at the beginning, when Lin Fei instructed him to evolve the Suzaku that could breathe out Nanming Lihuo, Song Lingyun also reacted in the same way.Even compared to this Sky Swallowing Demon Ape, it was even worse, that is, there was no such word as "fuck" at that time, otherwise he would have blurted out these two words.

It's not a phoenix, but Suzaku, one of the four holy beasts!

Even the "Nanming Lihuo", one of the four great divine fires, can be cast by the painted Suzaku!

This Nima has no restrictions at all, and directly summoned a holy beast, who would not be scared stupid?

The phantom of Song Lingyun, the incarnation of the primordial spirit, gradually dimmed, but he showed a slight smile, and looked at the sky with emotion, as if quite satisfied.

"Tianzun, back then you allowed me to see such an unimaginable realm and let me step into it, which changed my life. I will always remember this kindness in my heart, but it is a pity that you have been standing on the top of all living beings. I thought There will never be a day to repay the kindness."

"It's unexpected to be able to pay off today."

With such thoughts in mind, Song Lingyun's figure finally completely disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared before.

On the other side, the Bloodscale Sparrow seemed to have a little better luck.

What it encountered was the book fairy Zhao Changsong.

When Zhao Changsong swiped his pen, he moved his way, and said softly, "The pen and ink write the spring and autumn, and wipe away ten thousand enemies with a single stroke", and various killing moves appeared frequently.

"Qian Kun Brush and Ink Meaning", the focus is on the word "meaning".

Or the cursive fonts the size of a millstone are condensed in the air, bursting out bright black light, and attacking the blood-scaled sparrow with a destructive force that can destroy mountains and mountains;

Or write "trapped, imprisoned, circled, confined", with many barriers in the pen, and the words are like cages, directly locking the space, trapping the blood-scaled sparrow to defuse its offensive;

Or write pictographic characters, the meaning of each word is astonishing, and it is often the word "sword" that kills the sky, like a fairy sword rushing to kill Wuji, the word "day" soars into the sky, and the flames burn everything...

Although the strength and cultivation level displayed are also in the early stage of Dongxu, the realm and experience of the magic arts possessed by the immortal are obviously higher.Not only that, Zhao Changsong was also taught by Lin Fei, and the immortal formula he mastered was extraordinary.

The blood-scaled sparrow was also pressed and beaten from all directions, and brilliant sparks splashed from the sturdy scales from time to time.As the battle continued, its scales and armor were broken, and its body was bloody.

Seeing that there was a danger of death, it had no choice but to choose to crazily burn the blood of its original essence, and use extreme speed to tear the void and escape.

Zhao Changsong also suffered a severe loss of energy and had no intention of chasing after him.Although the blood scale sparrow escaped by chance, but it will not be a storm for a while, so there is nothing to fear.

For the time being, the deadly crisis against Rongcheng was relieved.


Lin Fei knew that the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan would definitely not give up looking for him, and he never thought of causing trouble to any sect forces, let alone implicating innocent humans.

So the group of them came directly to the former site of the Buddhist sect in the western desert.

Ever since Lin Fei wiped out the place alone, it has been completely dead silent to the extreme.He randomly found a barren mountain, opened up a simple cave, and immediately started retreat.

Before that, he had used the Heavenly Demon Splitting Sword to shuttle through the sky of various provinces in China many times.After sensing the things left by the immortals, they made arrangements one by one to temporarily protect the Huaxia people from worry.

Even if there are multiple big monsters in one place, the nearby fairy weapons will sense it and go to help.

Even now, Nuba, Ji Yaoguang, and Yinglong each hold a fairy object with the incarnation of the primordial spirit!

They are a spiritual bronze sword, a rusty metal longbow with a broken string, and a broken hilt.

It looks like it has been around for many years, and it is a real antique.Even two of them are still in the local museum, which were directly "robbed" by Lin Fei.

It is worth mentioning that after Lin Fei chose to retreat for the time being, he did not forget to bring the frozen Jiang Huanhuan with him, otherwise she would have been turned into flying ash along with Feiyun Villa.

Lin Fei had no distractions, and sat cross-legged after opening the cave.The space ring emitted a hazy glow, and a large amount of cultivation resources directly filled the cave with a "crash".

Countless spiritual stones even submerged him in them, and the entrance of the cave was filled with dense spiritual energy.

Anyone in the cultivation world would be short of breath and crazy about seeing this scene!

After all, Lin Fei ransacked the entire Gaotianyuan Divine Kingdom. Even though Ying Longnuba and the others consumed their practice extremely fast, they couldn't bear the fact that the total amount was too staggering...

In the entire kingdom of God, even the three major spiritual veins have been hollowed out. What kind of terrifying concept is this?

But to Lin Fei, this was just a small scene.

He closed his eyes and looked inside.

In the sea of ​​air, there are twelve torrential rivers like the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. They converge into one piece, and they are like a vast ocean, roaring and roaring like a dragon.

Among them, there are golden lotuses swaying and blooming like real and unreal, full of holy and peaceful atmosphere.

This represents the results of Lin Fei's practice on the [-]th level of Qi training.Not to mention the ancient and modern world of comprehension, even immortals, gods, buddhas and demons would be terrified to see this scene!It should be known that the realm of qi training for ordinary people is nothing more than twelve ravines, and if they are all filled with water, it is the twelve levels of qi training.

And at the end of the twelve long rivers, there is a platform that floats up and down.The Taoist platform is as crystal clear as jade, covered with golden divine patterns, exuding a mysterious and holy atmosphere.

It is also very different from the Dao Fruit of the Foundation Establishment Realm of ordinary monks.The Taoist platform of ordinary monks is dim and dull, as if it is built of earth and stone.Being able to cast the Taoist platform into a body of jade is the top grade.And if jade is perfect, it is a perfect foundation.

A Taoist platform that is covered with golden god lines and shining like Lin Fei is simply shocking!

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