I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 606: The Art of Breaking Saints

"It doesn't matter who founded it! What matters is... today you are doomed!"

Zhuqing storm shouted, brazenly turned from defense to offense, and punched Lin Fei's head fiercely.

This punch was so powerful and astonishing that it even moved the free energy between the heaven and the earth, just like the "Star Destroyer" weapon in technological civilization, which seemed to be able to smash a star into pieces.

But Lin Fei didn't even frown.

Because Zhu Qingfeng, a tortoise who is afraid of death, is still in the state of the immortal golden body of Xuanwu.

The Heavenly Demon Illusory Heart Jue can transform into many forms and corresponding killing techniques.But Lin Fei had already noticed its flaws during the last battle—it could only evolve one kind of power at a time.

That is to say, when he uses "Sky Demon Xuanwu Immortal Golden Body", he can't use the killer move of Cao Zi Jian Jue.

Lin Fei did not rely on the power of double pupils, but used the sword formula.

Fumo Phantom Dance!


In an instant, 99 extremely blazing divine gangs spread out all over Lin Fei's body.What's even more frightening is that the awe-inspiring luck is injected into it, and the lethality is almost doubled.

Saint's exclusive killing move, which condenses the invisible power of luck in the dark of human beings, goes forward indomitably, and destroys all evil spirits!

This is a small part of the power manifested by the will and luck of the human race!

This move seems to indicate that the human race will always be on the same side with the saint and stand behind him.

One after another divine gangue was as thick as a bucket, and instantly turned into countless light palms the size of a millstone, and slapped Zhu Qingfeng hard.

"Bang bang bang bang-"

One palm after another of the terrifying God Gang fell, each palm was enough to sink half of the continent, not far from the power of the continental shelf oscillator.Zhu Qingfeng's pupils contracted sharply, and in an instant he raised his right leg, bent his leg against his abdomen, crossed his arms in front of him, and buried his head behind his arms.

It looks like a muay thai defensive posture, with a shrunken head and a tortoise admitting to being beaten.

The palms of the gods continued like a storm, making Zhu Qingfeng's blood surge and he fell hard into the ground.

Even when Zhu Qingfeng broke through the ground, he was still slightly dizzy.

But he is really too resistant.

Even after encountering such a terrifying lore method, there were still no injuries.

"Lin Fei, you can't kill me at all!" Zhu Qingfeng growled, "I am a whole realm higher than you, and you are already proud enough to push me to this level!"

He can't believe it!

Lin Fei is only in the late stage of Dongxu now, and he can still perform the Three Realms Annihilation?

Not to mention the annihilation of the Three Realms, Zhu Qingfeng believed that he could not even use the technique of annihilation of the sky.

After all, "one extinguishment" means a qualitative change, which can only be achieved if one has to cultivate to the realm of an immortal, and the true essence in the body undergoes a qualitative change to become a genuine "immortal essence".

"I think you may have misunderstood something." Lin Fei smiled, "But there are very few punching bags like you. After killing you, no one will let me let go of my hands and feet to have some fun."

"You don't... really think I can't kill you?"

In his last words, there was even a hint of surprise, as if he was questioning Zhu Qingfeng - why are you so whimsical?

Zhu Qingfeng's eyes widened suddenly, and suddenly he felt as if he had suffered an internal injury, and he had the urge to vomit blood!

"Then you come here, I'll see how you kill me today!" His angry roar sounded like rolling thunder.

"as you wish."


Lin Fei's body was full of saintly swords, and in an instant, the translucent primordial spirit was unsheathed with the spirit of the North Sea.


The role of Soul Martial Arts is fully displayed at this moment.Even if it is the body of the primordial spirit, he still has a sword in his hand!

Because the soul of the North Sea exists in the soul body, and it is an extremely rare weapon of the primordial spirit!

At this moment, the boundless power of space confinement was forcibly imposed on the heaven and earth.

Sword 23 can be called a domineering killing technique, because of such unreasonable spatial influence.No matter what kind of movement skills you have, what kind of mysterious shape-shifting and shadow-changing techniques you have mastered, they will all be ineffective, and you can only resist this move!

However, Zhu Qingfeng had no intention of running away.

Even though he has the skill of Tian Yao Ling Xubu, but what he is best at is the Tian Yao Xuanwu Indestructible Golden Body after all.

Want to destroy my primordial spirit?Then you try it!

Zhu Qingfeng's body was full of golden light, which formed a stark contrast with Lin Fei who came from the sky like a flying fairy and turned into a white shooting star.


The moment the Beihai soul martial sword edge touched Zhu Qingfeng's eyebrows, a trembling sound of metal and iron resounded through the world.

Zhu Qingfeng's physical strength is already so high that it is closely integrated with the primordial spirit and is inseparable!

This is to make a field to the extreme, and there will be a qualitative change!

Rao even the killing move aimed at Yuanshen Sword 23 is still blocked by his physical body!

The sage's ultimate ultimate move is amazing, but why is he, Zhu Qingfeng, not a generation of demon saints?

Lin Fei's primordial spirit emitted a blazing and dazzling white divine light, almost completely submerging the world, extremely dazzling.

His primordial primordial spirit, which has undergone countless trials and tribulations, unleashes unimaginable power at this moment, forcibly pushing the soul of the North Sea forward!

Zhu Qingfeng's face showed pain, and the skin between the eyebrows was sunken down by about one centimeter, but it was still not pierced!

The golden light all over his body became more intense, causing the void to tremble faintly, as if he was about to completely get rid of the shackles of space confinement.

Getting rid of the 23 domain of the sword of the saint, it is enough to shock the world, and it is not surprising that people will sigh with emotion, "As expected of a generation of demon emperors".

But for Zhu Qingfeng, this is the biggest shame!

Because he is higher than a whole realm, he should be in the state of instant killing his opponent, but he has been passively beaten, even forced to this level...

For a majestic generation of demon emperors, where is this face going? !

Corresponding to Zhu Qingfeng's state, the sword edge of Beihai Soul Wu in Lin Fei's hand continued to advance slowly but resolutely.


With an extremely slight sound, a trace of blood oozed from between Zhu Qingfeng's brows.

With Lin Fei's sword, he advanced half an inch.

Hurt his primordial spirit!

At the same time, Zhu Qingfeng finally broke free from the shackles, and flew back thousands of meters with a loud shout.

There was blood pooling between his brows, dripping like a snake.The pain that originated from the primordial spirit made him tremble all over, filled with fear and fear.

Slow down...

As long as it is slower, Zhu Qingfeng will fall on the spot!

The primordial spirit is wiped out and will never exist again!

But Lin Fei was only a hair away from ending the battle, but he was not discouraged at all. His soul flew back like a stream of light in an instant, and returned to his physical body.

"Do you still think I can't kill you?" He said lightly.

"You forced me...Lin Fei, you forced me..." Zhu Qingfeng said hoarsely, and raised his head nervously.

His face was full of distorted hatred and madness.

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