Except for the three dilapidated and untouchable Extreme Dao Emperor Armaments, Lin Fei had already ransacked the entire Ten Thousand Monsters Hall.

But with such a huge harvest, there was no smile on his face, but rather dignified.

Lin Fei used to be an existence that was absolutely superior to the Immortal Emperor, so he naturally knew all kinds of extraordinary things about the Immortal Emperor.Based on Zhu Qingfeng's previous deduction of Di Jun's ultimate move, he concluded that Di Jun had already sensed it.

With Di Jun's meticulous mind, he must be able to guess that Zhu Qingfeng's opponent is himself, and roughly determine his cultivation base.Judging from his courage and character, he will definitely find a way to kill himself completely.

"The immortal can't go down to the realm, so what method will he use to deal with me?" Lin Fei sneered, and he had guessed it.

It must be the "tool man" in the vast multiverse.

Di Jun only needs to throw out Lin Fei's news and give the specific coordinates of the earth, then there will be a race that is unknown today.

The higher the race, the more complete and powerful the power system, the more they can understand the value of a chaotic body.

No one can resist this temptation.

Perhaps because of the lack of information, no one except Lin Fei himself can understand how much mystery the chaotic body has and how much value it can bring to them.

But it is enough to know that the Chaos Body is supreme and is one of the two physiques of the Megatron Multiverse.

The unimaginable unknown value is the most insane.

What's more, Di Jun, who is at the peak of the Immortal Emperor, will give rewards.If you don't follow, it is more likely to be a dead end, or even represent the demise of a race...

In this case, will the cosmic race that has the ability to be found really stand still?

Lin Fei didn't believe it.

"The barrier between the universes is insurmountable. Even the Xeon races will take a lot of time to break through the barrier."

"Then...the first ones to attack should be the planes of the Divine Kingdom and the so-called extraterrestrial life in the galaxy outside the galaxy?" Lin Fei sneered, his eyes blazing with murderous intent.

How many come, how many I kill!

Never condone, kill until these lives are frightened.

Lin Fei has lived for [-] million years, and has dealt with many beings in this universe.

To be precise, some races should even be grateful to him, and even his existence has been recorded in the histories and even myths of some extragalactic races.

"Di Jun, you'd better pray that I perish in your plan." Lin Fei shook his head and put all these thoughts behind him.


Amidst a loud noise, Lin Fei opened the gate of the Ten Thousand Monsters Hall.

At this moment, the eyes of countless cave monsters stared at him.

The tribulation power that Zhu Qingfeng made before made them frightened and frightened, none of them dared to approach the Wan Yao Temple rashly.

One is that he does not want to be involved in the cause and effect of the catastrophe, and is afraid of being wiped out in the thunder catastrophe.

Secondly, there are strong men in the Transcending Tribulation Period fighting inside, rushing in rashly is the most direct way to seek death.

But seeing Lin Fei coming out at this time, all the monster races were in shock and couldn't make up their minds about the situation.

The psychology of these monster races is very contradictory, there is a sign that they are about to move, but they are afraid and dare not move rashly.

On the one hand, in their view, Lin Fei is just a monk in the early days of Dongxu.There are so many big monsters among them, and even a few races have big killer weapons and the avatars of their ancestors in their hands. Wouldn't it be easy to swarm him and kill him?

But on the other hand, the Transcending Tribulation Tianwei before could not be faked.That is to say, at least one of Zhu Qingfeng and Lin Fei has broken through to the realm of transcending tribulation.

And Lin Fei came out alive under such circumstances... What does this mean?

"Brother Xiong, don't be impulsive!" The fox demon secretly sent a voice transmission to the bear demon.

Afterwards, she showed a charming smile and bowed her charming eyes, and directly saluted Lin Feiying: "Greetings to Tianzun Wansheng, we have no malicious intentions, please..."

Before the fox demon could finish speaking, Lin Fei said coldly, "Let's go together."

There was an uproar in the audience, everyone was surprised and uncertain.

Lin Fei had already seen through their intentions, all of them were cannibals.This time I still hold back, but I am afraid of my own strength.

If he was seriously injured and vulnerable, he would have been torn to pieces by these beasts long ago, and he wouldn't talk to him about a word of nonsense.

Why should we be merciful to such evil animals who have evil intentions and are not of our race?

"Don't hesitate, he has already moved to kill!"

"Yes, he just fought fiercely with Zhu Qingfeng, so he must be the weakest at this time!"

"If you don't fight now, when will you wait?"


In an instant, all the big monsters of the Eastern Wilderness present were boiling, and all kinds of killing skills were unreserved, and they attacked Lin Fei overwhelmingly.

There is a unicorn dragon, the jade horn on the top of the head emits a blazing light, which turns into a bucket thick and thin, and makes a sonic boom;

A leopard spirit took a shot, and a purple cold giant claw appeared in the void, which was the size of a millstone, and seemed to tear Lin Fei to pieces on the spot;

There was a peach demon whose whole body was shaken, and the demonic aura was rolled up like a wave, and the leaves and peach blossoms all fell off, turning into dense divine lights, rushing away like a death storm;

Many monsters opened their mouths directly, and streams of innate taixu qi rushed out on the spot.

All kinds of killing moves are intertwined into one piece, almost drowning everything.

If it was any other strong man with holes in the void, he would have to die with hatred on the spot.

However, what the group of monsters faced was Lin Fei.


Lin Fei entered the state of fairy transformation in the blink of an eye, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

The demons were terrified, and for a moment they didn't know where he was thinking.


A sword coldly illuminates the earth, Lin Fei hunts in white clothes, like a flying fairy from the sky!

It was so fast that even the opponent couldn't react, the person and the sword became one, rushed forward, and the sword pointed directly at the head of the one-horned dragon.

The peerless sword's edge, as black as ink, puffs out the sword light, pointing directly at the head of the unicorn dragon, there is no way to avoid it, this is lore!

There is no way to avoid it, everything is so abrupt and fast, it appears out of thin air!

Everyone was shocked by the shocking assassination. Who could escape such an assassination?Without knowing how he appeared, the sword edge had already pierced into the head of the unicorn dragon.


The head of the unicorn dragon was completely shattered, and the primordial spirit was completely annihilated, leaving nothing behind.

Lin Fei used the fairy magic transformation, but he didn't want to delay it.

After crossing the border and fighting with Zhu Qingfeng, even his condition is not very good.



Lin Fei's physical body and primordial spirit separated in an instant, and his physical body directly turned into a streamer of light, flying upside down thousands of meters away.

"Rob the world!"


In an instant, the sky was full of Lin Fei's primordial spirit body, dominating nine heavens and ten earths.

The sword light floods everything, ignoring the body, and cuts straight at the soul!

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