I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 614 Multiverse, Unsolved Mysteries

"Are you a devil?"

That is to say, the IQ of the flame magic bird is not much higher than that of a pig, otherwise it must be roaring in its heart.

At this time, it was already the size of a mountain, and its belly was even more swollen like a huge ball.Even if it is said that it is not a bird but a pig, some people will probably believe it.

However, Lin Fei didn't care about that much at all. Immediately, glistening blood oozed from his fingers, and he drew a mysterious and mysterious talisman in the air, and "slapped" it on the top of its head.

The Flame Phantom Bird let out a miserable scream, instinctively wanting to resist this force.

"Surrender or die!" Lin Fei made no secret of the violent killing intent all over his body, and he slapped him with a slap.

This golden light palm seemed to come from outside the sky, and it slammed on the back of the flame magic bird with a "bang".

Not only did the Flame Magic Bird's back collapse directly downwards, it even gushed out a piece of the corpse of the worm monster, looking extremely miserable.

If it were a monster with a normal IQ, I'm afraid they would have resigned themselves to their fate long ago.

But Hanhan's name is not false, he just couldn't understand the meaning of Lin Fei's words and actions, and in a panic, he only thought that he was going to kill him, and Dang even started to resist.

In fact, what Lin Fei gave was the "Soul Control Talisman", which was used by monks to recover monsters and recruit mounts and thugs.It has exactly the same effect as the Demon Race's "Spiritual Constipation Order", but the method used is different.

As long as a ray of life soul or soul is imprisoned in it, it is equivalent to handing over the entire life and soul to others, and will become a slave for eternity and eternity, and cannot escape-of course, the bound person will become the emperor and achieve the unity of all sources. exceptions.

One was created by Lin Fei, and the other was created by Six Paths.

From a certain point of view, the two can be called genuine "big inventors".

The flame phantom bird set off layers of violent purgatory flames, flooding the entire valley, distorting the void.

However, Lin Fei still remained expressionless, resisting such an ultimate move with his chaotic body without any damage.

He directly picked up the Flame Phantom Bird, and then, under the frightened eyes of this simple and frightened stare, he slammed down on the ground on the left and right in turn.

"Boom boom-"

The ground trembled and collapsed, but Lin Fei didn't even blink his eyelids.

Anyway, it is the territory of the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan, no matter how completely unrecognizable he doesn't care...

When Hanhanniao completely lost its resistance and began to mourn and surrender, Lin Fei finally drove this talisman directly into its sea of ​​consciousness.

The Flame Magic Bird finally submerged a ray of primordial spirit in a proper manner, and signed the "unequal treaty".

Since then, Lin Fei has forced it to recognize its master by force.

Immediately, he sat directly on the back of the flame magic bird, and said lightly: "Go to the Zijin gourd family, I'll get something and practice a little magic weapon."

Hanhanniao didn't move.

Because with its poor IQ, it can't understand the meaning of Lin Fei's words.

Not even divine thoughts!

It's just suffocating.

"I really don't blame others for treating you like a beast. Apart from being a little bit stronger, what's the difference between you and a stupid beast?" Lin Feiyin felt a slight headache, and thought that even playing the piano with a cow was more than that.

What's more, the cattle family can still be born with wisdom if they cultivate human form. For example, the Bull Demon King is a good example.

Lin Fei has always known that the IQ of the flame magic bird is worrying, but he has never bothered to deal with them, and he never thought that he could be so stupid...

You must know that the ornithotic dinosaurs are not mammals, and they can carry out simple and basic communication through his spiritual thoughts. Hanhanniao simply refreshed his understanding of the lower limit of IQ!

"What's the use of keeping you?" Lin Fei sighed softly, directly detained him with divine light, and held it in his hand as small as a palm.


In a blink of an eye, he had already appeared in the Zijin Gourd Clan.

There are gourd vines everywhere here, the small ones are only as thick as three fingers, and the big ones are as thick as a bucket.They have a purple-gold luster throughout, like works of art carved from purple-gold, exuding a strong demonic aura.

Lin Fei had already beheaded the strong men of this clan before, and his coming this time made them even more terrified, and the purple gold gourds hanging on the vines trembled.

The sound of "puffing" can be heard incessantly.

The entire Zijin Gourd Clan is kneeling down...

"Sir, spare your life!"

"You guys have nothing to do with this matter!"

Lin Fei's expression didn't change when he heard these words, and he immediately flicked his sleeves.


There was a clear and uniform sound, and the gourds on the vines seemed to be snapped off by an invisible force, and all of them flew to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei took out the purple gold gourd in the void realm, and shattered the gourds hanging in the sky into the original essence, which absorbed all of them.

Then he flew out a finger-thick Yuanshen sharp blade with a "chi" between his eyebrows, and quickly carved all kinds of exquisite and unspeakable mysterious runes on it, completely turning it into a magic weapon.

The ray of primordial spirit from Lin Fei entered his body from the center of his eyebrows, directly cut open the mouth of the gourd, and uttered a word to the flame magic bird: "Receive."

The powerful suction came out, and the Flame Magic Bird fluttered its wings in horror, but was still absorbed in it.

With a soft sound of "Bo", Lin Fei covered the gourd, and his figure disappeared here.

There was only one cold sentence that resounded throughout the entire Eastern Wasteland:

"Those who left the Eastern Wilderness - Kill without mercy!"

The entire monster race in the Eastern Wilderness trembled.

You know, they planned to plot the whole world before, causing the people to be in a state of panic all day long.

But now there is one person with one sword, killing the entire Eastern Wilderness and shaking, no monster dares to make a sound!

To save the entire human race in times of crisis, if someone else did such a feat, I'm afraid they have already embarked on the road of emperor.

But Lin Fei didn't.

Even he, who has lived for [-] million years, doesn't understand that he is obviously transformed from the origin of chaos, so why did he wake up on the earth and become a human being?You know, at that time on the earth, human beings hadn't even been born yet!

As early as the Jurassic era, he had such doubts.

And not only him, even Lin Yuan and Liu Dao are also in human form.

Lin Fei had a faint intuition that there might be some secret hidden in it.

About the entire multiverse, the deepest buried secret!


And a few minutes ago.

The sky is bright and clear, and there are no clouds in the sky.

The turbid waves of the Yellow River are surging, and there are two tall figures on the bank.

Chi You and Duan Canghai looked at the Yellow River in front of them, and had been silent for a long time.

"The Yellow River is unclear, I'm afraid it's not good news for us." Duan Canghai sighed, feeling an uncontrollable sadness.

"Don't worry too much," Chi You said in a deep voice, "I am the hero who strives for hegemony in the world, and I have no intention of slaughtering the people of the human race. No matter whether you and I succeed or not, there will be no disaster for the human race. A saint will come."

Duan Canghai narrowed his eyes slightly, and after thinking about it for the same reason, he turned and said, "By the way, the so-called killer weapon you took from the bottom of the Yellow River is really as earth-shattering as you said?"

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