I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 635 The River of Pain, the God of Ferrying

All the souls of the dead are terrified for a moment.

That is the three-headed dog guarding the gate of the underworld. Throughout the ages, countless strong men have been torn apart and devoured by its sharp teeth.

But now, it is begging for mercy from the man in front of it?

The three-headed hellhound was very savvy, and he lay on his stomach and slowly moved his limbs to get out of the way.

All the dead souls waited with bated breath for an instant, looking at Lin Fei excitedly.


The entire Persephone Garden was trembling, and the endless power of the ghosts was exerted on Lin Fei.

Nine Nether Sky Lords!

Lin Fei's expression remained unchanged, and he punched out.


The heavy gate of hell was directly blasted to pieces, and the huge fragments splashed in all directions, stunned all the souls of the dead.

Under their gazes, Lin Fei paced directly among them, and his figure disappeared into the deep and dark mist.

In an instant, the dead souls rushed forward like crazy.

Countless ghosts in the sky gathered into waves, roaring, roaring, and screaming hoarsely with excitement.The plants and land in Persephone's garden have terrifying power, and they will gradually devour them and turn them into nutrients to feed the flowers and trees full of death.

The underworld may not be good, but they can still live in the form of dead souls, which is better than feeling themselves being gradually eaten away to death every day!

Among these dead souls, there are even a few demigods, the strongest of which has reached the early stage of true gods.

However, the hell three-headed dog stood up abruptly, its pupils exuded a bloodthirsty and cold light, and suddenly spit out venom from its mouth.


The black venom is like a waterfall, submerging these dead souls suddenly.Amidst countless shrill screams, the dead souls turned into green smoke and dissipated, even demigods were no exception!

The broken primordial spirit of the true god powerhouse broke out and rushed towards the gate of hell almost frantically.


The poisonous snake wrapped around the neck of the hell three-headed dog ejected violently, tore up the fist-sized ball of light in an instant, and swallowed all of it into its stomach.

The entire Persephone Garden was suddenly dead silent, only the dark wind whistling past, cold and silent.

Those dead souls who restrained themselves were all trembling when they saw this scene.

At this moment, the hell's three-headed dog demon was so powerful that the poison dripping from the corner of its mouth even corroded the black ground of the garden with the sound of "chi chi", and bursts of blue smoke rose.Such a ferocious and powerful image is completely different from the "weak little dog" who was begging for mercy before.

The hell three-headed dog grinned, revealing its sharp and huge canine teeth. It seemed to be sneering ferociously, making all the dead souls shudder.

In the underworld, Lin Fei was blocked by a long river.

This is a torrential black river that cannot be seen at a glance.Among them were the painful wails of countless dead souls, and even smoky distorted cheeks emerged.

The Great River Agron, also known as the River of Pain and the River Styx.

With his hands behind his back, Lin Fei stood calmly by the river, quietly waiting for something.

Soon, an old man with a beard came in a black boat.He was holding a long pole, and his eyes were still burning with flames, which looked extremely strange.

Charon, the ferryman of the River Styx.

This strong man exuded a strong breath of death. He stopped the boat in front of and behind Lin Fei, stretched out his hand, and said expressionlessly, "A silver coin."

The silver coin he is talking about here, the special "Opoles", is a small silver coin in ancient Greece.

Withdrawing surplus silver currency will not be recognized.


With a flick of Lin Fei's thumb, a Huaxia one-yuan silver coin was thrown high into the air and fell back into his palm.

He said lightly: "Can you see this?"

The boatman was stunned for a moment, and then he became angry: "Bold, how dare you tease Charon, the god of crossing the river Styx! You will sink into the river Styx forever, suffer a lot, and never get out!"


The River of Pain suddenly exploded with countless black and monstrous water waves, which gathered in the air to form a huge monster with a ferocious face, which appeared behind the boatman, filled with a terrible breath of death, and seemed to swallow Lin Fei completely.

"Tremble, lowly mortal from the east. I! The great God of crossing the Styx is going to—" Before the boatman could finish speaking, he suddenly showed a frightened expression, "Wait, what are you doing?!"

Lin Fei grabbed him directly and threw him into the river of pain: "Too much nonsense."

With a "plop", the river of pain stirred up a wave, accompanied by the boatman's furious roar: "Mortal, you are presumptuous!"

Immediately afterwards, he screamed, struggling to swim back to the boat.This river is full of terrifying power. Even though he is a true god, he can feel that the primordial spirit is being slowly eaten away, and his spirit has been devastated unimaginably, and the pain is unbearable.

This is also normal.

If he can ignore the mysterious and special features of the River of Pain, there is no need to row any boats, just fly around or cross people in the air.

Lin Fei swept his sleeve away, and the monster formed by the condensed water of the Styx River in the air immediately disintegrated, turning into a heavy rain and splashing into the river.

The boatman was shocked and angry. Although he hadn't taken precautions before, how could the idlers throw a god out?This passenger is anything but simple!

"Start the boat." Lin Fei said lightly, and sat cross-legged on the boat, making it clear that he was going to take the "Overlord Boat".

As the guide of the underworld, in fact, the boatman and the hell three-headed dog are "wage earners" who are ordered to act and receive "salary".The three-headed dog's salary is food, and its salary is special silver coins that can be exchanged for goods from the underworld.

And it is his own greed to ask for this kind of silver coin from the dead soul.This also caused many embarrassing dead souls to be unable to go to the underworld. If they were lucky, they would wait for another year. If they were in a bad mood, they would be thrown directly into the river of pain, and be tortured by sinking forever.

Those ghosts who have no money will bow their knees to please the boatman, what does it have to do with me, Lin Fei?

The boatman wished he could shoot him down with a single shot and put him in the river of pain forever, but thinking of his mysterious and unpredictable strength, he forcibly held back.

"Okay, when I get to the middle of the river, I'll take you down and row the boat, and see how you cry and beg me!" The boatman sneered in his heart, and didn't say anything, just rowed in a muffled voice.

The width of the Styx River is unimaginable, and this small boat passed by like flying, and the surrounding scenery became blurred.

About half a quarter of an hour later, the soul ferry boat had arrived in the middle of the Styx River.

Lin Fei sat on the side of the boat and made a sword art.

A stern look flashed in the boatman's eyes, and in an instant he slapped Lin Fei hard on the back: "Go to hell!"

With a "plop", Lin Fei's figure directly fell into the river.

"Hahaha! Stupid mortals, no one can pass the river Styx without giving me silver coins!"

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