I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 648 Yang Conspiracy!face-to-face plan

I don't know how many people in the whole underworld were dumbfounded and looked dumbfounded.

Of course, although there are a large number of prisoners who engage in "dog licking behavior", they only account for less than one-third of the proportion.

They were either too much tortured by pain, dazzled, or infected by Lin Fei's calmness, or they were too in awe of the name of the Ten Thousand Saints, and firmly believed that he was omnipotent and had no fear of Hades.

But more prisoners are still watching with cold eyes, and even showed a sneer of sarcasm.On the one hand, he felt that those prisoners who licked dogs were mentally retarded, and on the other hand, he was waiting to see how Lin Fei died tragically.

From their point of view, Lin Fei was only gaining power temporarily.When this grand and terrifying formation collapses, Hades will crush him to ashes.

At this time, if he was rescued and escaped from the predicament, then after Pluto won the victory, they would start to settle the matter. Wouldn't they die so that there was not even ashes left?

Lin Fei ignored the prisoners, but walked towards the center of the prison.

Seeing this scene, Hardist suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he understood something, and teased: "He wants to release Cronus?"

Cronus, that is, the previous generation of god kings who were overthrown by Zeus, the biological father of Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus.

Is this where Lin Fei's confidence lies?Want to use this imprisoned Titan God King to deal with yourself in turn?

The Empress of the Underworld was taken aback when she heard this, and then smiled "puchi", without concealing her sarcasm and ridicule: "It seems that the Wansheng Tianzun who once traversed the multiverse is just a mentally handicapped. The guard of Cronus But the hundred-armed giant, even with a large formation, he is just courting death!"

Hades also laughed loudly, and with a wave of his hand, the huge Pluto throne made of countless white bones appeared in an instant.

He was sitting on the throne of Hades, looking like he was enjoying the show in his spare time, and he directly grabbed the snow-white lotus root arm of Queen Hades.

The Empress Ming let out a soft cry, and then sat sideways enchantingly, snuggling into his arms.

"All the people of the underworld, open your eyes wide, and show this king a good look! See what will happen if you fight against Hades, the king of the underworld! Look at how the majestic Wansheng Tianzun is in this king's eyes! Fallen from the land of the world!" Hades' voice resounded like thunder through the underworld, filled with the majesty and dominance of a king, and his aura was extremely astonishing.

Under the coercion of the mighty Pluto, even the strong in the late stage of the true god felt the indescribable spiritual oppression, and fell to their knees.

When Hades looked around, he saw a large crowd of people kneeling all around, and I don't know how many people were respectfully praising his name.

Empress Ming's eyes were full of brilliance, no matter how many times she watched such a scene, it would fill her with a sense of accomplishment, conquest, and vanity.The taste of being so high above and enjoying the worship of thousands of dead souls, as always, made her want to stop, and even made her physically and mentally happy and intoxicated by it.

Hades looked at Lin Fei's figure with great interest. While watching the play, he did not forget to find some activities to add to the fun—his big hands and restlessness slipped directly into the tulle collar of the queen of the underworld, attracting the attention of the queen. The caller made a melodious voice, and his breathing became slightly rapid.

"Boss, don't! Don't go, what will I do if you die?" Tuzki panicked, and knelt down directly hugging Lin Fei's thigh from behind.

The surroundings suddenly became dark, the familiar beams of light shone down, and the bleak cold wind blew by, making it look particularly bleak with tears in its eyes.

"Let go." Lin Fei turned his head, his eyes were cold and deep.

Tuzki suddenly felt an indescribably dangerous atmosphere, and he let go of his grip like a conditioned reflex, and even jumped out of the way like a frightened rabbit.

This dangerous feeling... let alone offending the Nemesis before, even Pluto's attack would not be so strong!

Tuzki hugged himself, curled up into a ball, trembling.

Its almost instinctive sense of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages has already told it - Lin Fei in the formation is far stronger than Hades outside!

"Lin Fei, don't you want to release Cronus? Go, I'm waiting for you here, see if you can let that old immortal thing out to kill me, or be torn to pieces by the hundred-armed giant , Swallow it as food?" Hades smiled jokingly, with a calmness and arrogance that everything was under control.

How strong is the hundred-armed giant?

Zeus and other gods were completely hanged and beaten in front of the Titans, and Cronus could even kill three unfilial sons by himself.But it happened that Zeus released the hundred-armed giant who was imprisoned by the first god king Uranus, and got his help, which turned defeat into victory.

In other words, the hundred-armed giant can hang and beat the second-generation king of gods and the main god of the Titans—just like the huge commotion that happened before.

Therefore, Pluto and Pluto have self-confidence. This is a stable horse, and it is absolutely impossible to overturn!

Lin Fei turned a deaf ear and didn't take Hades' noisy voice seriously.Anyway, he was going to die, and it wouldn't take long to clamor.


With a terrifying giant roar, the sound wave shattered the extremely solid Netherland, and then it was overturned and smashed towards Lin Fei like an overwhelming sky.

Lin Fei's expression didn't change, and his footsteps didn't stop.But the demonic essence and true essence in the body had a terrible collision, and they exploded directly in the sea of ​​air, rushing towards the limbs and bones.

Immortal transformation.


Lin Fei showed a strange appearance of half immortal and half demon, one hand was as clean as jade, and the other was as dark as ink, and he directly launched a Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram.The hands form the "hook" point in Taijiquan and are placed among the yin and yang fish, evolving a little bit of true yin and true yang.

The mysterious aura of the avenue circulated, and the black and white Tai Chi picture spun wildly in an instant, rising in the wind, blocking the terrible sound waves and the shards of the earth.

Even a sound wave from a roar is worth resisting with such an ultimate move, so that the black and white divine handles condense into the thickness of a bucket, covering him tightly!

Lin Fei needed the exact amount of information.

Take the risk by yourself, so as to have a clear understanding of the current strength of the hundred-armed giant.Only in this way can it be completely defeated with the least amount of power in the formation.

He needs to save the energy of the formation as much as possible, otherwise it will not be enough to stop Hades, the king of the underworld, let alone the second-generation god king Cronus!

And the price of such a temptation is extremely tragic.


The Yin-Yang Taiji Diagram exploded in an instant, and the terrifying energy storm formed a giant spiral light ball, in which black and white colors intertwined, and then suddenly turned into a shock wave and swept away in all directions!

Such an energy storm was stopped only by the dark curtain and the copper wall, but it also completely destroyed all the cells within the range, and the earth was riddled with holes.

The only exception is Cronus' special cell.

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