I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 67 When the wind blows, who will kill the deer?

Lin Fei's voice fell, and he slapped his palm seemingly at random.

Without any great power or lightning-fast speed, everything seemed so unremarkable.

However, at this time, Tao Qian no longer dared to underestimate Lin Fei. Although he didn't see anything special about this move, he still quickly retreated to the back, unwilling to take this slap.

"No matter what is weird about his move, anyway, the speed of the move is so slow, I can just dodge it?" Tao Qian thought so, but suddenly heard a loud "bang", and there was a fatal burst from his chest. of pain.

A few meters apart, Lin Fei blasted out a palm, but it seemed to hit Tao Qian directly!


Tao Qian's face showed pain, spit out a mouthful of blood, and immediately flew out a few meters upside down.

His entire chest had collapsed, there was a crackling sound all over his body, and his bones had been broken inch by inch.


Tao Yingwu and Song Hao exclaimed almost at the same time, and hurried to Tao Qian.

Tao Qian fell directly into the crowd, smashing the crowd to their knees.

The audience suddenly boiled, and the pot exploded directly.

"Oh my God, this Lin Fei let Tao Qian make three moves. It's alright that Tao Qian didn't hurt him at all. He defeated Tao Qian with one move in turn?!"

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"It's terrifying! What the hell is going on with Lin Fei's move? Why did he knock Tao Qian into the air despite a distance of several meters?"

Not to mention others, even the only three master masters in Rongcheng looked at Lin Fei in disbelief.Rao is based on the vision of their cultivation base, and he can't understand what the means are!

Tao Qian fell to the ground, staring blankly at the sky.He could clearly feel that life was passing quickly.

This experience of waiting for death made him feel an unprecedented fear and despair.

"No, I can't die!"

"Everything grows, and the wood-type qi!" Tao Qian was in a mess, and suddenly wanted to make a final struggle and attempt to heal his fatal injury with the wood-type qi.

The Five Elements Gang Qi is not only powerful, but also versatile and has a wide range of applications, which can almost turn people into an all-around master.Although this technique can only be practiced in the realm of an acquired master who can stimulate the body-protecting qi, there are very few people in the medical sect who know this technique.

But there is no doubt that once you learn this trick, you can crush ordinary masters in the ancient martial arts world.As one of the secret methods of medical sect fame, this trick is definitely not a false name!

However, as soon as Tao Qian tried it, his eyes were split, and he turned his neck with difficulty and looked at Lin Fei.

"You...you actually..." Tao Qian was so angry that he couldn't say anything.

"Your apprentice Tao Yingwu should be very familiar with this trick," Lin Fei said without changing his face, "I have abolished your cultivation."

Everyone in the audience suddenly felt their scalps go numb, and they respected Lin Fei like a ghost!

Seeing that he slowly stepped off the stage and walked towards Tao Qian, everyone immediately retreated like a tide, and they all made way for him.

This scene is very similar to when Lin Fei took the stage before, but its meaning is completely different.

Tao Yingwu saw that the master who was like a god of war in his heart was defeated, and then saw the big demon king Lin Fei walking slowly step by step.

No matter how unacceptable the truth is, it is still the truth.

With the general trend, he came to defeat the two masters in a row, and shocked Tao Qian, who was in the ancient martial arts world in Rongcheng... and lost to Lin Fei!

And it failed miserably!

Looking at Lin Fei's indifferent appearance, it seemed that he just crushed a bug.Thinking of the "big words" he released earlier, it is even more frightening.

"Am I going to die?" Tao Yingwu's heart was beating wildly, but he felt that his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

But soon, as if he had grabbed the last straw, he hurriedly shouted: "Lin Fei, you can't kill us! We are members of the medical sect, so you are not afraid that the medical sect will shred you into thousands of pieces. segment?"

Hearing this sentence, many people present frowned and thought about it.

Bai Pojun even said in a deep voice: "Little brother, forget it. You have to forgive people and forgive them, don't do things absolutely. This Tao Qian is just one of the elders of the medical sect. I want to come to the medical sect and have a more advanced cultivation base. The strong..."

Bai Pojun's words were very euphemistic, but the meaning was obvious.It's not that I think there is anything wrong with Lin Fei's rush to kill him, but that he can't offend the medical sect to death like this.

An elder already has such a cultivation base, what about the supreme elder and the sect master?

It is unimaginable that the medical sect can stand in the ancient martial arts world for 2000 years, and its profound heritage is naturally unimaginable.

Although Bai Pojun admires Lin Fei's strength, who knows what kind of mysterious power there is in the medical sect?Remaining in awe is not a bad thing after all.

It is precisely because they are afraid of the mysterious and huge energy of the medical sect that the three masters present did not dare to join forces to kill Tao Qian, but followed the rules he made and stepped forward to challenge one by one.

"I don't need to say more, I have my own decision." Lin Fei's face was as calm as water, and he looked at Tao Qian and the three, which suddenly made them pale for a while.

They couldn't guess what Lin Fei was thinking at the moment. It seemed that killing or letting go was just a trivial matter, just a thought!

"You two, go back to the medical sect," Lin Fei stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Song Hao and Tao Yingwu, "Go back and tell you the sect master, I didn't take this matter to heart. This time Tao Qian tried to take my life out of his power. I killed him casually, but it was just a small punishment."

After a pause, there was a flash of coldness in his eyes, and he continued: "If you are dissatisfied and dare to attack again, I will definitely destroy your medical sect!"

The voice fell, and the audience was thunderous.

Rao is as calm as a white army, and at this moment, his face is full of shock, and he is completely dumbfounded.

If he thought that what Lin Fei did was already shocking, then now he really doubted his life.

I heard it right, he alone threatened the mysterious sect of the ancient martial arts world, and even the exit was the full sect of the Extermination of Medicine Sect?

Song Hao heard that Lin Fei was going to let them go.But hearing the second half of the sentence, the whole person was shocked and angry.

Does he really know what the medical sect stands for?

This is a sect that has inherited a little of the inheritance of the Shennong clan, and it has shocked the entire ancient martial arts world in Xishu Province. Even in the southwest region, it is one of the few big sects!

Tao Qian, who was already on the verge of dying, spit out a few words "you" intermittently when he heard this, and he spat out a large mouthful of blood on the spot.

He rolled his eyes, tilted his head, and died!

Daoist Tao Qian from the Medical Sect died just like that.

There was a dead silence in the audience, and the needles could be heard, but they just looked at Lin Fei neatly in awe.

Defeating Tao Qian with one move, what kind of profound cultivation is it?

He is not afraid of the medical sect behind him, and he kills decisively, how domineering and fierce?

It's just that Lin Fei didn't let Tao Qian's life go. This time, he made a deal with Liangzi of Yizong, and Yizong would definitely not give up.

Bai Pojun took a deep breath and felt the atmosphere of the upcoming battle.

The wind is blowing.

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