I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 674 Thunder Magic Weapon

Noah's expression changed immediately when he heard such words, and he said angrily: "Lin Fei! You are so insane, you don't care about the world! If you kill me, all creatures on the earth will suffer with me!"

He was afraid.

Afraid to the bone.

Because at this time Noah's believers had died completely, and they could no longer invite the help of the main god's projection.And the most frightening thing is that Lin Fei is already in the early stage of the tribulation.

There are profound thunder rays twining and flashing all over his body, making crackling sounds from time to time, and a trace of jumping electric light makes the space slightly distorted.His primordial spirit and physical body became even stronger to the extreme after being trained by the thunder calamity. Even in Noah's induction, there was a little man with condensed golden light and a solemn treasure-face entrenched between Lin Fei's brows, which was as dazzling as the sun.

Just taking a look at it made Noah feel an indescribable tingling pain.

In this state, Lin Fei activated the fairy transformation, maybe it will be the strength of the late stage of the tribulation, right?

In the later period of the tribulation......

Just thinking about it, Noah was almost too scared to breathe.Even if he has become a sage of heaven, he definitely has no guts to compete with Lin Fei.

will die.

He will definitely die, even die a miserable death, maybe he will be killed in seconds!

"Who said I'm going to kill you with my own hands?" Lin Fei said lightly, and then crushed the Xuanlei Aescin.

In an instant, the power of profound thunder that was as majestic as the deep sea suddenly submerged into his body.


At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly had a soaring thunder light all over his body, which directly hit into the thundercloud that was about to dissipate in the sky.The bones of his body were crackling, the flesh and bones were undergoing unimaginable horror and tempering, and the villain sitting cross-browed was also bathed in the blazing thunder.

Even more frightening medicinal power directly turned into an ethereal seven-leaf green lotus, which flutteringly took root on Lin Fei's Taoist platform.But it didn't absorb the power from Lin Fei's sea of ​​qi, but was directly crazily absorbed by the entire sea of ​​qi.


Lin Fei's Taoist platform was completely boiling, countless mysterious thunders and golden lights shone, and the sea of ​​qi and twelve rivers of anger surging like an angry dragon rolled up violently.The dense and complicated Taoist patterns are engraved in it, and the divine patterns are intertwined into chains. The voices are like thousands of Buddhas singing Buddhist scriptures, or thousands of immortals reciting the Daohuazhang. The sky is full of light and rain. .

Nine Clouds and Heavenly Tribulations, the first Lightning Tribulation at the beginning, and the last Lightning Tribulation each conceived a holy medicine.Even under the cruel test of endless destruction, the medicinal properties of the respective rewards for those who cross the catastrophe for stepping into it and transcending it are naturally extraordinary.

Noah's eyes widened suddenly, and he suddenly had an extremely bad premonition in his heart.


"Lin—no, Wansheng Tianzun, stop!" Noah seemed to realize something, and his eyes were about to split, "I admit that you are more terrifying than I imagined, you have the strength to fight against the aliens, I do not You should be forced to die!"

"Now you kill me with the help of heaven, even if you don't harm the luck of the human race, you have lost a lot of power! I was just confused for a while, please give me a chance, don't be so heartless - I am wholeheartedly for human beings, Why do you want to kill them all?"

Hearing such words, the people who were a bit guessing instantly boiled over, because they all knew what Lin Fei was going to do.

"Master Patriarch is going to forcibly break through to the middle stage of crossing the tribulation, triggering the thunder tribulation again!"

"The first two thunder tribulations are already so terrifying, what should we do next?"

"It deserves it, this bird man is doomed, that's the only way to relieve his anger! If you want me to say, it's the patriarch who does things ruthlessly and simply, which is cool!"

Facing everyone's excited words and Noah's pleading, Lin Fei just smiled coldly, looked at Noah and said, "Now you know, beg me to give you a chance?"

"The last time I let you go, the deity gave enough chances not to pursue it, but did you give Yin Shuangtong another chance?"

"What are you talking about—no matter what you do, no one in Yinzong can stop you, because they are weak, right?"

Noah's face became paler and paler, and he felt the thunderclouds in the sky that were about to dissipate slowly condense into shape, and the despair and fear in his heart gradually increased.

"Then the same thing, I will give it back to you." Lin Fei said indifferently, "No matter what decision I make, you are not qualified to negotiate conditions - because you are weak."


Lin Fei's voice fell, and above the sky, there was a thunder light condensing into shape.

It is not a human figure, nor a monster, but a piece of magic weapon!

Taking the shape of the mysterious thunder of the heavenly way, the power of various magic weapons has evolved, allowing them to be realized.

Among them are Yin and Yang mirrors, and the mirror surface is divided into two sections.One side can emit killing lightning, sharp and fierce, just like the shadow sect's lore killing technique, it strikes in an instant, directly takes the head, and wants to destroy both human body and spirit.When flipped over, the other side can eject the enemy's attack, not only for defense, but also for the enemy to suffer the consequences;

There is a mysterious thunder gourd, once the gourd mouth is opened, there will be a terrible suction force, which can suck people into it, refine it with profound thunder, teach people's primordial spirit to die, and the body will turn into blood;

There is the Thunder Plantain Fan, which rises and falls in the sea of ​​thunder, and with one blow, it can make people fly far into the sky, disappearing into small shining stars in sight.Moreover, it can also activate the blade of wind and thunder, tearing the body guard and the body of the strong man easily, and intertwined like a death storm with a single wave, even thousands of troops will die of hatred;

There is a thunder rope, which has unimaginable binding power, and it will be tied even tighter when encountering divine resistance.Not to mention strength, the most famous of this kind of magic weapon is of course the immortal rope, even immortals cannot escape being bound;

In addition to these special magic weapons with different functions, there are also various lethal magic weapons and defensive magic weapons, forming a "thunder magic weapon army".

In the third, fourth, and fifth layers of thunderclouds, there are all such thunder magic weapons.And without giving anyone a chance to breathe, the magic weapon in the triple thunder cloud was violently killed.

Noah ran away in desperation, roared and slapped a palm, a dense rune was beating in the palm, and it exploded the oncoming Thunder shield.

Then he suddenly swept out a holy light with his left hand, temporarily dodging the attacking magic weapon.

But before Noah could react, there was a waterfall-like ray of light falling from the sky, and directly "swish" him into the Thunder Gourd.

This gourd was the size of a building, and after putting him in it, it was immediately covered with a "boo".

Not only that, but it is glowing with radiant divine light, and the rune array is lit up all over the body. It is refining Noah with unimaginable power, so that the latter's soul will die and his body will be turned into blood. .

And at this moment, the huge golden and iron sound of "Dangdang" sounded.

On the thunder gourd, palm prints the size of a millstone appeared, protruding outwards!

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