I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 689 Dream Wheel Chapter

Lin Fei nodded slightly, and didn't say anything else, and even admired secretly in his heart, they had thought carefully.

"The erosion of the dream world is more serious than I imagined. Just after I came in, I was weakened by a small realm, and I became the early stage of crossing the tribulation." He whispered in his heart, thinking that the person who made the move this time was not simple, and it was just the beginning That's the level of difficulty.

With this understanding, Lin Fei didn't delay at all, and directly inspected the Bai family's villa, and then led everyone to the street.

Immediately afterwards, they encountered SpongeBob SquarePants and Pai Daxing, who are flying with swords.

To Lin Fei's surprise, everyone was only a little stunned, not as shocked as expected.

"Aren't you surprised to see the characters in the animation appear in front of your eyes?" He asked aloud.

"Uh... there is a little bit, but it's really not that shocking. Maybe it's because you know that this is a dream world, and it's weird, so it's not surprising that anything appears?"

"Yeah, I also dreamed that I turned into a monster and was beaten by Ultraman."

"Haha, Xia Yue, are you poisonous?"

Everyone didn't seem to be too nervous, and they didn't have much emotional fluctuations, making Lin Fei nod secretly.

The sponge monster and the starfish monster clamored to catch humans, so they pulled out their nets, but he tore them into pieces, and then directly killed them both.

Then Ji Yaoguang and others ran in front of Lin Fei to search.There were two ghost attacks on the road, but they were just near misses.

Lin Fei taught everyone the formula of pure heart, and they learned it quickly, not like people who learned this formula for the first time.

Forget about Bai Zhan, Ji Yaoguang, Qiushui, and Dongxue. The talents of the others are obviously not as good as this. This progress... is it a bit faster?

As soon as Lin Fei thought about this question, he noticed something strange.

It was a red restaurant shaped like a crab trap, and there was a giant humanoid crab drinking water and reading a newspaper at the door.

Not only that, but the restaurant is shrouded in a black misty tornado, which looks very unusual.

When Boss Crab noticed the arrival of a group of people, he immediately became excited, his eyeballs rolled up until they disappeared, and then a dollar sign popped out from under his eye sockets: "Money!"

"This crab boss is really greedy for money."

"That's right, I don't care about anything for money, that's all."

"Is this the idea of ​​money not life in capitalism?"

Everyone obviously showed a little familiarity with it, but no one thought much about it—after all, it is like this in cartoons, and it seems that there is no difference between the status of people and jellyfish in this world, isn't it surprising?

Lin Fei directly blew up the giant crab, broke into the restaurant, and blew up an octopus monster. When he came to the kitchen, he found a dark hamburger surrounded by miniatures of a dream world.

"Could it be a cover-up? I think this seems to come too easily." Lin Fei murmured with a thoughtful look on his face, but he didn't destroy it immediately.

Strangely, everyone did not urge him to break the nightmare core in front of him, but looked thoughtful.

"What do you think?" Lin Feisui asked.

"I also think it's a bit strange. Since it's such a terrible nightmare and desperate situation, can we find a breaking point so easily?" Ji Yaoguang also showed suspicion, feeling that something was wrong.

Others echoed and expressed their approval.

They all felt that something was wrong, and they were slightly resistant to destroying the hamburger.

Around the hamburger, there are innocent people who are dragged into a dream, crying and screaming in the fire and turning into ashes, which looks very disturbing.

"Then here's a new problem—"

Lin Fei looked at the miniature images around Hamburg, and said in a deep voice, "First, if this is not a breaking point, then what is it?"

"Secondly, I'm used to watching life and death, can you accept watching so many people die before our eyes, and we don't try?"

He has no intention of being a dictator, but rather listens to other people's opinions.

Everyone showed struggle and hesitation, but firstly, they did not find any breaking points, and secondly, their hearts were full of flesh.

Not to mention anything else, how many people watch other people die tragically in front of their eyes, and they are obviously able to save them in an instant, and they can remain indifferent?

If anyone insists on going their own way and decides to ignore their lives, they will probably be scolded by others for being cruel, cold-blooded, and ruthless.

"Destroy it!"

Under the condemnation of conscience and morality, everyone only felt like they were sitting on pins and needles. They were very depressed and uncomfortable, and finally made such a decision.

Thus, Lin Fei blew up the burger.

Immediately afterwards, in a half-dream and half-awake trance state, inexplicably people thought that the dream was over.

At the same time, the ghost rushed out with claws and claws, distorting the space and making it extremely gloomy and cold.

The two servants of the Bai family and Xia Yue disappeared at this moment.


Ashes, mist.

It was cold and silent.

Standing in the Bai family villa, Lin Fei saw such a scene when he opened his eyes, but his expression was extremely dignified.


"How can the Nightmare Mirror achieve such a level? I just entered the dreamland, and my cultivation is only at the late stage of the hole?" He felt a little heavy in his heart, and felt that there was a strange atmosphere in this matter.

How many degrees of nightmare erosion does this have to be?

To be able to achieve such a state right from the start, how strong must the enemy be, and need to use the Nightmare Mirror in a superfluous way?

This is to directly suppress a strong man in the middle stage of the catastrophe to the late stage of the hole, and it is nothing more than weakening a pitbull into a husky!

"First of all, rule out the possibility that the caster is strong enough to be a human being. If the person is a strong human being, there is no need to use the Nightmare Mirror. Black Lizard should also know this, so once the caster is a human being, it will definitely I will not give away my own treasures!"

"Secondly, the Nightmare Mirror cannot be preserved intact. If there is a relatively complete mighty force, it is impossible for mere Mahayana to activate it. If the magic weapon of the Shadow Demon level is intact...mortal existence below the fairy demon, it will die at the touch of it. "

"Then, the remaining possibilities—"

When Lin Fei thought of this, his pupils shrank slightly, as if he understood something.

He smiled.

It's just a cold smile.

"Dream reincarnation? Well, very good, and played a new trick for me!"

Lin Fei took a deep breath, suppressed the high-spirited killing and fighting intentions in his heart, and prevented his emotions from fluctuating too much, and turned his head back with an expressionless face.

Ji Yaoguang, Bai Zhan, Wang Qin, and three maids, Chunhua, Qiushui, and Dongxue.

Including myself, there are seven people in total, and there seems to be nothing wrong.

After Lin Fei shot six beams of spiritual light, he suddenly asked them, "Don't you think our number is wrong?"

Ji Yaoguang blinked blankly: "Where is it?"

Others also have a strange appearance, and they feel very natural and normal!

"Spring, autumn, winter," Lin Fei showed a serious smile, which seemed to be more frightening than the nightmare itself, "Then tell me—where did Xia go?"

Everyone suddenly felt creepy, and a chill ran up their spines.

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