I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 691 The outer world and the inner world

After Lin Fei's voice fell, everyone was immediately moved.

Judging from all the signs, his analysis is very reasonable, the possibility that the core of the nightmare in front of him is a trap is extremely high.

"Since this is the case, why didn't the mastermind behind the scenes manipulate the dream creatures to break this core?" Bai Zhan couldn't help asking.

"The degree of erosion." Lin Fei replied directly with his spiritual thoughts, greatly reducing the time for communication, "You should also be aware that the mastermind behind the scenes does not have the ability to fully control the dream, in other words, we also have a place in the dream. "

"This is a game, not a unilateral slaughter of us by the invaders. In terms of his strength, he can't do it to this extent. Although this dream is chaotic, it still has a certain order."

"From my point of view, this trap is a manifestation of order. After all, we are the main body of the dream, and the black hands behind the scenes are only eroding with the ability of the nightmare mirror. Only by continuously expanding the degree of erosion can the impact on the dream be increased and control."

"And this combination of order is not within the control of the invaders, and can only be destroyed by our hands. I guess every time it is destroyed, it will increase the degree of erosion, and it will try hard to restore order, leading to the reincarnation of dreams!"

This, is all inferences!

Everyone's face turned cold immediately, and they felt a burst of palpitation and fear.

If Lin Fei hadn't discovered the clue, I'm afraid that everyone would be manipulated into following the intruder's plan, which would be suicide in disguise!

"Then what should we do?" Ji Yaoguang hastily transmitted sound with his spiritual thoughts, just like everyone else, they all regarded Lin Fei as the backbone.

"Go, go out and have a look." Lin Fei made a decisive decision and let everyone walk out of the restaurant together.

The sky and the earth are gray, and the ashes of the catastrophe are flying.

In the distance, there were screams of humans being dragged into the dreamland.

This time, Lin Fei clearly saw ghosts attacking humans.The moment they touched humans, they disappeared out of thin air.

The timing of his coming out was too coincidental, as if he just happened to hit this scene.

Even 0.01 seconds in the morning can save this human being, but the result is that they cannot see the strangeness of the ghost attack and lack corresponding information; and if it is 0.01 seconds at night, they will not be able to see this scene.

What Lin Fei saw was the subtle moment when the ghost just touched the human being and disappeared together, it was so mysterious to the extreme!

Is this luck?

Lin Fei thought so in his heart, but his eyes were cold, and he asked in a deep voice, "Did you see it?"

Although he didn't mention his name, it was obvious that he was asking in vain.Because only his observation ability can barely see this distant scene.

Bai Zhan's face was not very good-looking, he didn't expect all this to be so weird!

Why did the ghost appear out of thin air, and then disappeared without showing any aggression, leading the humans?

You know, such a strange appearance and disappearance, even the saint's double pupil failed to catch a clue or sign!

"I see," Bai Zhan clenched his fists, his voice was extremely dignified, "This ghost's attack method is too special, it's impossible to guard against, I can't understand it at all!"

"No," Lin Fei replied with his divine sense, "That's not the point. Didn't you notice that their attack methods are different from what we saw near the Order Complex?"

The others were at a loss and didn't know why.But Bai Zhan shrank his pupils slightly, and realized something was wrong when he woke up.

The real attack method of these ghosts is to disappear immediately when they touch others.But the information that those miniature pictures gave them was to directly burn the dreamer to death.

"Could it be that the picture near the combination of order was fabricated by the intruders, just to prevent us from discovering the ghost's real attack method? But what is the significance of this?" Bai Zhan couldn't help asking.

The so-called abnormality must have a demon, there is definitely a problem in it, maybe it is the key to breaking the game!

But even if he knew this in his heart, he could only be anxious and puzzled.

"We were deceived." Lin Feichang let out a foul breath, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a icy smile, "This intruder is more cunning than I imagined."

Everyone else looked anxious, eager to know the truth.

"Remember what I said, speculating that the intruder can weave two dreams? She merged the two dreams into one and divided them into a shallow dream and a deep dream!"

"The dream we are in now is the so-called shallow dream, or the surface world."

"And the place where these ghosts are located is the deep dream, or the inner world!" Lin Fei's eyes flashed a hideous look, and while explaining the mystery, he also shot a spiritual light into the eyebrows of Ji Yaoguang and others, letting them know The real attack method of the ghost.

Ji Yaoguang seemed to understand something, and immediately turned pale: "If this is the case, then the previous suspicious point can also be explained! The degree of erosion of the dream is so severe, but the enemy in this world is not so powerful... "

It turns out that those terrifying dream creatures are all hidden in the inner world, deep dreams!

"Then there's no need to think about the Nightmare Core. We made a mistake from the beginning." Lin Fei continued, "It's not in the watch world at all. Even if we turn this dream world upside down, it's just a useless effort!"

"It's a good calculation, it's a good calculation. Let us go around in the world of watches, waste time, hide the inner world and grow silently, and set up traps, let us personally promote the increase in the degree of erosion..."

After he analyzed the mystery, everyone seemed to have figured out many details in an instant, as if after the fact.

The watch world is just a cover, not even the nightmare core exists.No matter how intensified the erosion is, those creatures like sponge monsters and starfish monsters will not become stronger.

And the real killing moves are those ghosts killed from the other world.

These ghosts have no lethality in the surface world, because there is no nightmare core here.The only thing that can be done is to drag the dreamer into the inner world through the subtle connection between the two worlds!

The other world is the home of these nightmare creatures!

And as the degree of erosion increases, the frequency of these ghost attacks also increases.

In other words, the situation is already at stake.And what makes people feel terrified is that if Lin Fei hadn't discovered it, everyone would still be ignorant of such a dangerous situation with a sharp sword hanging above their heads!

But at this moment, an insolent woman's laughter sounded out of thin air, accompanied by the unhurried applause of "Papa".

"It's amazing, it's amazing! Haha, it's worthy of being the Ten Thousand Saints."

"But even if you see through all this, can you change anything?"

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