I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 695 She's Underground

"Run, let's follow the subway track and get out from the next station!" Bai Zhan roared, leading everyone to run down the stairs at the subway entrance.

And just as they rushed to the self-service ticket machine, there was a loud "boom" behind them.

Ji Yaoguang turned his head and took a look, and saw a huge ax break through the gate, and black beetles crawled in through the gap between the ax and the gate.

The few people didn't dare to stop for a while, they quickly crossed the ticket gate, came directly to the subway track, and ran all the way.

During this process, there were several terrifying bangs from the gate, which made everyone inside tremble.Then, under the big kick of the humanoid carapace monster, the entire gate burst open a big hole.

The black-armored human-faced insects swarmed, and the human-shaped carapace monster also rushed in.

Ji Yaoguang and the others galloped on the subway tracks, their speed was really fast.But at this moment, they actually heard the roar of the subway running at high speed, and a beam of bright light suddenly shone behind them.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and they were almost blinded by the stabbing, but they still managed to see the scene in front of them.

That damn...it's a subway train!

It's just that this subway train has no windows, and it looks dilapidated, tattered, and full of potholes.Not only does it have a strange material like flesh and blood, but it also looks like it has been burned, dark and dry.

And there are withered black wreaths, paper men, paper money and other things hanging on it.


"Isn't it - isn't it so up-to-date with the times? The hearse has been developed into a subway train?!"

Everyone was dumbfounded on the spot and couldn't help complaining.

"Go up, I want to see where it leads, maybe the Goddess of Darkness is hiding in this subway line?!" Bai Zhan also dared to think, but there was nothing wrong with this proposal.

Firstly, the speed of the subway is abnormally fast, and secondly, it is true that there is no way to detect the underground from above, so what's wrong with searching the underground first?

Then everyone saw the strange train like a hearse crashing straight towards them, and they rushed upwards suddenly.

"Boom boom boom——"

They threw themselves on the subway one after another, and then climbed directly into the interior along the window.

The subway was empty this time, but there were also many black-armoured face bugs and human-shaped crustaceans in the back who took a "free ride" and directly entered the interior of the car body full of scorched flesh and blood.

"Fight with them! They must be emptied, otherwise the inside of the subway will not be safe!" After all, Bai Zhan is a pure man of iron and blood, so he immediately started to attack.

"No need!" Qiu Shui and Ji Yaoguang said almost at the same time, and pointed out that it is enough to blow up the second carriage!

Bai Zhan slapped his forehead immediately when he heard it, and felt that he was too impulsive and lacked common sense thinking in his desperation.

Afterwards, everyone teamed up to activate Chaos Eye, and directly swept out a sword-like blade of light, cutting off the second carriage.

They stood at the end of the first carriage and watched the carriage behind and the scene on both sides go away, and they were relieved for a while.

Everything in this dream world was so bizarre that they couldn't take it all in their eyes, and a heartstring was tense in their hearts, and they felt a little tired after relaxing.

Ji Yaoguang looked at the two sides, and saw the flashing billboards on both sides of the subway track.It's just that these advertisements are very weird and disturbing.

Not just the fleshy material, but the content on it.

"Laoganda brand human sauce, the Zonghuang said it was good after eating it!" Next to this advertisement, there was a humanoid arthropod crustacean, holding a can of human meat sauce, and gave a thumbs up, with a look of praise. Plus look.

"This world is too crazy." Ji Yaoguang murmured.

The three maids looked concerned and nodded their approval.

Bai Zhan was also silent, apparently with a heavy heart.

And soon, everyone noticed something strange.

They originally wanted to check around along the subway route, reach the terminal station and return to the ground.But unlike the surface area of ​​only [-] square kilometers, this subway tunnel is frighteningly deep.

Under the exaggerated speed of the subway train, Bai Zhan and the others definitely traveled more than the straight-line distance that such an area should have.

"That is to say, the underground area is more than [-] square kilometers?!" Bai Zhan's expression changed, and he finally realized this weird information.

If this is the case, then the Goddess of Darkness is most likely hiding in the vast underground!

"We must pass this information on to Master and let him search the other side of the subway tunnel!" Bai Zhan looked anxiously at the four of them.

"No need." Ji Yaoguang looked complicated, as if he understood something, looked at the mysterious eyeball in his hand, "He has already seen it."


In the other direction, where Lin Fei is.


There was a sound as dense as a tide, and countless black-armored human-faced insects rushed across the sky.

Lin Fei didn't even frown, and the chaotic eyes in his hands showed complicated and mysterious patterns, and he rushed forward all the way.


Countless black-armored human-faced worms in front of him were annihilated without leaving any traces, and the passage was forcibly torn open.

Lin Fei had already observed in the sky, and searched nearly half of the ground, but found nothing.

And just as Ji Yaoguang said, with the chaotic eyes he entrusted to Bai Zhan and the others, everything he saw has been fed back to his mind.

The reason why he came to the ground at this moment is to enter the subway station.

At this time, Lin Feisheng dug a passage through the thousands of insect swarms and broke into this subway station.

But different from the situation over there in Bai Zhan, this subway station actually has "heavy soldiers hoarding".

First of all, there are two three-meter-tall giant black-armored human-faced insects, and behind them are seven human-shaped crustaceans, the tentacles on their heads are wriggling, and they are holding a terrifying black gold giant axe in their hands.

Not only that, the entire subway station was full of small black-armored human-faced insects flying all over the sky, killing Lin Fei recklessly.

"Are you afraid of such a big reaction?" Lin Fei sneered, and before he finished speaking, he brazenly activated the fairy-devil state.

He clasped his hands in the void, as if holding a ball to the right of Tai Chi, in which a picture of life and death of yin and yang emerged impressively.Surrounded by black and white yin and yang fish, it is extremely mysterious.


Lin Fei directly took a picture of the yin and yang, and directly blasted the upper body of a humanoid crustacean to pieces, leaving only a small waist and legs spraying black blood wildly.

He didn't use Chaos Eye directly, as if he was waiting for an opportunity.

Heavenly Demon Seven Steps!


The void trembled, rippling with layers of fluctuations visible to the naked eye, directly causing the surrounding black-armored face bugs to explode, full of sticky black flesh and carapace fragments.

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