I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 698 It's All Freaks

The skin-faced charge at extreme speed is terrifying, almost like gods blocking and killing gods, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas.

It wasn't that he really wanted to kill or destroy everything that stood in his way, regardless of enemy or friend.

But there is no way.

Under this terrible charge, not only was he unable to turn, he even struggled to brake.

It's similar to a human being running at full speed when going downhill. When the inertia comes up, it's like eating Xuanmai, and it can't stop at all!

When Bai Zhan and the others saw the terrifying scene behind them, they broke out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, they turned the corner in time, otherwise they wouldn't end up with that big tanker?

But even under such terrifying power, Human Leather Face was unscathed.

He opened his mouth to an exaggerated extent, like a beast that chooses to eat people, then raised the chainsaw in his hand again, and turned to look at everyone.


In fact, without Bai Zhan's reminder, anyone would know that if he didn't run away, he would die.

This chasing battle is extremely fierce, as long as you are not careful, you will die in the blink of an eye.Everyone raised their spirits to 12 points, their nerves were tense, and they were afraid that there would be some stubble.

Under such circumstances, the crowd ran around like headless chickens, and soon encountered a group of black-armored human-faced insects head-on, including several humanoid crustaceans and a three-meter-high black-armored human-faced insect leader.

However, facing this terrifying lineup no matter how you looked at it, Ji Yaoguang and the others rushed over frantically without stopping.

The humanoid crustaceans were stunned—are the people on the opposite side crazy?Is sending death so positive?

They didn't think too much, and immediately rushed to Ji Yaoguang and others who were attacking head-on.

This is the center of the street, and when the two sides were about to fight, Ji Yaoguang and others slammed into the right side.


They left a human-shaped hole in the flesh-like rolling door, and then shuttled through it desperately.

The group of monsters were enraged by such behavior.

But before they could pursue, the terrifying roar of the chainsaw rang out.

Countless black blood splattered, and countless broken corpses were thrown out. The charge of Human Leather Face rushed straight into the camp of monsters to a depth of more than ten meters.

Wherever it passes, everything in front of the chainsaw will be torn and destroyed!

Among them were two humanoid crustaceans, who were simply unlucky, and were attacked by inexplicable attacks as soon as they came up, and died suddenly on the spot.

The surrounding monsters were all terrified, and retreated like a tide, far away from Leatherface.

And Leatherface held the chainsaw in his hand and frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

Afterwards, he started chasing and killing Ji Yaoguang and others again.

But it was no longer a mindless and reckless charge.

Leatherface restrained its speed, although it was still difficult to stop while running, but it was able to make relatively blunt turns.

Even so, his speed is still faster than Bai Zhan and others!

Facing the fierce and violent chainsaw charge of Human Leather Face, everyone changed their faces, and then poured true energy into the Chaos Eye almost at the same time regardless of consumption.


A majestic divine light, like a siege arrow as thick as a bucket, slammed into Leatherface's chest.

This made him fly upside down on the spot for nearly a hundred meters, smashing everything along the way.Even under such an impact, Human Skin's face was flushed with qi and blood, dizzy and dizzy, and it was staggering to stand up with force, and even his eyes were confused, as if seeing the sky and the earth spinning.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt their faces turn green!

In the previous panic, their real energy was greatly consumed.And even if he attacked like this, he could only knock it back and fly away, without leaving even the slightest injury?


With such a terrifying consumption of real energy, they can withstand at most two attacks from Leatherface!

"Master, if you don't deal with the Goddess of Darkness quickly, we are really going to die here!" Bai Zhan's heart sank slowly, and he could only pin all his hopes on Lin Fei.


Lin Fei encountered great horrors several times in succession. At this time, the protective energy has already flickered and illusory, and it seems that it may completely collapse and disintegrate at any time.

What a mess of horrible world monsters, they just swarmed out, as if they had stabbed the lair of demons and ghosts.

The most frightening thing is that the strength of these nightmare creatures has increased.

Even though Lin Fei has the support of the state of fairy transformation, he only has the strength in the early stage of crossing the tribulation.And these nightmare creatures in the core area, which can be regarded as the Central Guards, already have the strength in the middle stage of the tribulation.

One ebb and flow, especially terrifying.

At this time, Lin Feiye had come to the deepest and darkest place, and the lights in the subway tunnel had completely disappeared.

But he suddenly raised his head and "looked" forward with empty eye sockets.

Lin Fei had already seen the core of the nightmare in the darkness.

Exactly as he judged, it was the Goddess of Darkness who entered the game by herself and became the core of the nightmare in her body.

It's just that the Goddess of Darkness has been seriously distorted, becoming a mass of flesh and blood, floating in the air, wriggling non-stop.Not only that, but countless tentacles spread around it.

On this mass of flesh and blood, there is her face, and the faces of countless monsters.Such as Freddy, Sadako, and Leatherface, they all showed distorted expressions and made strange voices.

But between Lin Fei and this nightmare core, there is still a final obstacle.

Obviously, this is the golden bodyguard of the Goddess of Darkness, the leader of the last Guards.

This turned out to be a... Doraemon with muscles all over his body like a horned dragon?

The head, hands, feet, and body all have a chubby appearance, just like an enhanced version of a muscular man, very much like the style of runaway comics on the Internet.Not only that, but it doesn't have a belly pocket, but instead becomes a large white underpants between the crotch of the trousers.

This nightmare creature is full of malice.

If anyone is defeated or even killed by this Doraemon, I'm afraid it will make people laugh if it spreads out, right?

"What did you say, Wansheng Tianzun was beaten to death by Doraemon?!" If someone really talked about such a topic, who knows what kind of sensation it will be.

Of course, as a magical Doraemon, it certainly knows how to use all kinds of incredible props.

Like now.

Doraemon directly put his chubby hands into the big white underpants, and immediately began to pick them up, making the underpants bulge from time to time.

It put its hands into the pants in front of others, and it didn't know what the hands were doing, making a lot of noise...

The scene was so weird that Lin Fei was silent for a moment.

The Goddess of Darkness also turned her face to the side, pressing a tentacle on her forehead, with a look of extreme headaches and too beautiful a picture that I dare not.

"What kind of freaks have you come into contact with?" She even questioned Lin Fei angrily, with a confident tone, as if she was the victim.

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