I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 7 Get Out of My Sight

CEO's office.

When Ji Yaoguang heard the knock on the door, she said without raising her head, "Please come in."

A handsome young man in a formal suit walked into the door and said with a smile, "President Ji, are you busy?"

Ji Yaoguang was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and smiled: "Mr. Han, please sit down. What are you looking for me for?"

Han Enci, general manager of Ji Group.His grandfather was the number one shareholder when he fought with Ji Zhongjin, and he would have great energy as a shareholder.After being elected by his own people at the shareholder meeting, he was only 26 years old and took this position.

Han Enci sat opposite Ji Yaoguang, and said with a smile: "There is nothing else. I just want to treat you to a meal. I wonder if President Ji can give me a favor?"

While saying this, he quietly put his hand on the back of Ji Yaoguang's fair hand.

Ji Yaoguang's brows froze, then he pulled his hand back calmly, and politely declined, "I'm afraid not, I have something to do tonight."

As a senior executive of the group, Ji Yaoguang is too familiar with Han Enci.

Typical playboy.Not to mention the frequent haunts in Fengyue places, and he has a paranoid hobby for playing with women.Few of the beautiful young female employees in the company escaped his grasp.

The women who got drunk by him and took the opportunity to mess around are even more numerous.

eat with him?It's like sending sheep into the tiger's mouth.

"Then tomorrow." Han Enci didn't seem to be hit at all, and said with a smile.

Ji Yaoguang was a little unhappy in her heart.Obviously, he had already rejected him before, so why are you still stalking him?

"Sorry, I'm not free tomorrow." Ji Yaoguang's tone became colder.

"It's okay, I'll wait until you're free. President Ji tell me the time." Han Enci chuckled, but a sharp light flashed deep in his eyes.

Ji Yaoguang took a deep breath, almost unable to contain her anger.

If it wasn't for his concern about his pivotal position in the company, Ji Yaoguang would definitely get angry and let him go.

And at this moment, the door was knocked again.

When Ji Yaoguang found the steps, she felt a little joy in her heart, and still maintained her apparent calm: "Please come in."

Han Enci frowned, and looked at the door displeased.

The people who entered the door were Lin Fei and Wu Moling.

Ji Yaoguang and Han Enci were a little dazed when they saw Lin Fei.

"Who is he?" Han Enci frowned.

Wu Moling explained: "His name is Lin Fei, he is my master..."

The word "master" almost blurted out, Wu Moling changed his words very bluntly: "The main friend."

Han Enci sneered and said aggressively, "Which department do you belong to, what position do you belong to, and why don't you wear a badge during working hours?"

Lin Feili ignored him, smiled at Ji Yaoguang and said, "Let's go to dinner together after get off work?"

"Ah?" Ji Yaoguang couldn't react for a while, and blinked a pair of Qiushui bright eyes, his face full of confusion.

Do I know you very well?

Han Enci became furious and glared at Lin Fei: "You are deaf, can't hear me talking to you?"

Lin Fei didn't even bother to look at him: "Where did the flies come from, buzzing in my ears all the time?"

"You—" Han Enci was very angry.

Who is riding this horse?Do you know who I am and why are you talking to me like that?

Ji Yaoguang saw that Han Enci's face was livid, and an indistinct smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Mo Ling, your friend is an employee of our company? Why don't you introduce him?"

"This..." Wu Moling was a little confused and didn't know how to introduce it.

All Saints?Chaos Emperor?Lin Tiandi?

If you say it like this, it must be regarded as a neuropathy.

"How old is it? Still keeping it a secret?" Han Enci said coldly.

Lin Fei smiled lightly and said indifferently, "You don't deserve to know."

Han Enci took a deep breath and had the urge to scold his mother, so angry that he laughed.

Riding a horse, hiding his head and showing his tail, still dare to be mad in front of Lao Tzu?

"Wu Moling, the company has regulations. Unless you get permission from the top leadership, you can't bring irrelevant people into the building, don't you know?"

"What if some criminals sneak in, and the last time President Ji was poisoned, what should I do?"

"Can you afford it?" Han Enci asked with a sneer.

"I..." Wu Moling was momentarily at a loss for words.

Ji Yaoguang frowned, and immediately said coldly: "I asked him to come up."

Han Enci laughed and said, "President Ji, don't defend them. You asked Wu Moling to introduce you earlier, and it was clear that you didn't know him at all."

"I'm not making a fuss, how can this kind of thing be sloppy? I even suspect that Wu Moling colluded with him, just to sneak in and poison!"

Ji Yaoguang's heart trembled, and his gaze towards Lin Fei became a little unkind.

She didn't doubt Wu Moling, but she was wary of Lin Fei who suddenly appeared.What if he used Wu Moling's trust just to get close to him and try to do something wrong?

Seeing the change in her expression, Han Enci immediately showed a smug smile.

"Give you three seconds, get out of my sight." Lin Fei put his arms around his chest and leaned against the wall.

The smile on Han Enci's face gradually disappeared.

Grass mud horse!

Grass mud horse grass mud horse!

Is this person confused?I've been forced to do this by Lao Tzu, how dare you talk nonsense to me?

Pretend you are paralyzed!

Han Enci really didn't understand where Lin Fei's confidence came from, and immediately shouted loudly: "Bodyguard!"

His voice fell, and two bodyguards from the general manager's office next door rushed over: "Mr. Han, what's the matter?"

Han Enci sneered and said immediately: "Drag this person who sneaked into the company and throw it out of the company. Then notify the police and find out what his intentions are."

With his Han family's relationship with the police, Lin Fei would definitely be able to walk away.

"Yes!" When the two bodyguards heard this, they immediately rushed towards Lin Fei from left to right, and shot fiercely.

"Go away!" Lin Fei snorted coldly, and immediately swept his foot.


The two bodyguards weighing one hundred and seventy-eight kilograms were immediately swept away and slammed into the wall.

With a "bang", the two bodyguards fell to the ground at the same time, rolled their eyes and passed out.

Wu Moling was not surprised at all.

But Ji Yaoguang and Han Enci were stunned, and they didn't even see how Lin Fei made the move.

Before Han Enci could react, Lin Fei stood up and slapped him in the face with a slap in the face.


Han Enci let out a scream, and his whole body was whipped around half a circle.

Half of his face suddenly swelled up, and blood oozed from the corners of his nose and mouth.

Ji Yaoguang widened her beautiful eyes, watching this scene in disbelief.

He just slapped Han Enci so simply? !

But... it's pretty cool!

At least, did what Ji Yaoguang always wanted to do.

Han Enci covered half of his face and looked at Lin Fei in shock and anger: "You dare to hit me on a horse?!"

"Nonsense." Before Lin Fei could finish his words, he kicked out again.

Han Enci fell to the wall with a "pop" and spat out a mouthful of gastric juices mixed with food scraps.

Gastric juices stained his expensive suit all over the place, making him look extremely distressed and disgusting.

Han Enci was about to go crazy, and roared hoarsely: "You are going to die!"

"Wu Moling, you are finished too!"

"I'm going to call Uncle Ji, both of you don't want to run away!"

Lin Fei smiled faintly, and looked down at him condescendingly, as if staring at a dead dog: "Oh? Just right, I also want to call Ji Chongwei. What does it mean to have a wild dog in the company?"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Fei threw out the Zijin business card like he was playing flying cards.

With a piercing roar, it stuck to Han Enshi's ear and pierced deeply into the wall next to it!

Han Enci's ear had been cut, with traces of blood oozing out.He was so frightened that his hands and feet were cold, and his face turned pale for a while.

He swallowed hard, looked at the purple-gold business card, and then his face was horrified, with cold sweat dripping down his face.

Han Enci can tell at a glance whether this purple-gold business card is true or false.

Compared with other people in the company, he can understand the meaning of this business card better.

Ji Chongwei's purple gold business card is only issued to people with higher status than him. The last one is China's richest man, ** Xuan!

"Wu Moling next door to Mala, you're stepping on me! Fuck your paralyzed friend, you, a bodyguard, can be friends with such a big man?!" Han Enci wailed in his heart, and suddenly felt the urge to cry.

He should have known earlier that Lin Fei had such a meaningful business card, and he would not dare to go against Lin Fei if he said anything.

Han Enci stood up with difficulty, his slender figure was a lot shorter.

He wiped the cold sweat on his face, and apologized with a trembling voice: "It turns out that it is the distinguished guest of the chairman. I really have no eyes and I have offended you."

The contrast between Han Enci's front and back made Ji Yaoguang dumbfounded.

"Get out." Lin Fei was too lazy to look at him, and sat down on the bench.

"Hey!" Han Enci responded quickly, and almost rushed out of the office in a state of confusion.

Immediately behind him were two bodyguards who were thrown out the door.

Han Enci's face flushed red, his face full of unwillingness and humiliation, and he secretly hated:

"I have to check, what's the origin of this Lin Fei!"

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