I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 705 Nine Great Gods Arrive

Black Dragon Star, Space Temple.

Above the sky, a black beam of light suddenly fell.And in it, the image of an old man like a virtual projection suddenly emerged.

This old man was wearing a dilapidated black gold armor, shining with a cold metallic luster.He is tall and burly, but his face is extremely pale, his body is covered with scars like swords, and he exudes a strange black devilish energy, which contains terrifying destructive power.

The most peculiar thing was that this old man had a pair of huge fleshy wings, and on the right side of his head was a dragon horn carved like black gold.In fact, there is also such a dragon horn on the left side of his head, but all of them have been cut off by the roots, leaving only a section less than the size of a fingernail, which looks quite discordant.

Even the pair of fleshy wings had a lot of tear marks, which have not been recovered until now, obviously the original source was injured.

However, looking at the old man covered in scars like this, the nine gods immediately knelt down on one knee, stroked their chests and saluted: "See Venerable Black Dragon God!"

The projection of the Black Dragon God remained silent, just pressing his rough, wrinkled hands forward.


The entire space formation burst into light in an instant, and a circle of light flashed from it.When the aperture receded, the shattered Nightmare Mirror suddenly appeared in it.

The faces of the nine gods suddenly changed, and they all felt uneasy and panic when they looked at each other!

Judging from this situation, the Goddess of Darkness is obviously dead.But even the Goddess of Light, who was most hostile to her, didn't feel the slightest bit of joy at the moment, but a heavy heart.

In their view, the Goddess of Darkness possessed the shattered Nightmare Mirror, which could completely kill Lin Fei!And as long as Lin Fei dies, the whole earth will have nothing to fear, and all good fortune will be taken away.

"The Goddess of Darkness is actually dead?!"

"This bitch, before he died, didn't know how to sacrifice himself, and let the Venerable Black Dragon God activate the plane descending technique!"

"It's really selfish. Do you want to drag us into the water after you die?"

Faced with the anger of these gods, the Black Dragon God was silent for a moment, and then said in a heavy voice: "No, maybe...she just didn't have the chance to sacrifice herself."

After its voice fell, the expressions of the gods changed even more, and their hearts were extremely uneasy.

The Goddess of Darkness with the Nightmare Mirror in her hand couldn't even sacrifice herself before she died. What does this mean?

Even in the current situation, is Lin Fei... still so difficult to match?

At this time, thinking carefully and being extremely frightened made everyone feel heavy in their hearts.

"I want to perform the plane descending technique, mainly because I want to elevate the nature of the event to a higher level." The Black Dragon God sighed, and said quietly, "It has luck on the earth, and there are tens of billions of intelligent creatures on my Black Dragon Star. ?"

"Once it's time for the survival of the two races, the fortunes of both sides will explode and cancel each other out, which will break the general trend of the earth. It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven, and the goddess of darkness will fall short..."

"Hehe, I couldn't push Tianzun Mountain to the end, so I can still use the Chaos Eye in the final battle of life and death?"

It has to be said that the Black Dragon God is very keen, and he guessed the truth of the matter immediately.

It was bitter and uneasy in its heart, and it knew that it was not a good thing to be against Tianzun.It's just that being forced to this point, there is no turning back, and there is no way to retreat.

Heavenly Emperor Jun... is truly an awe-inspiring existence.

"Forget it, even if you go against the general trend of luck, you should make a run for it!" After all, the Black Dragon God had a tough mind, and he put all negative emotions behind him, and there seemed to be raging flames burning in his pupils.

"All the people of Black Dragon Star—this deity has protected Yuer and other races for countless years, and now it's time for you to repay!" He shouted violently, and shot a bloody light into the sky, "I will draw blood sacrifices from millions of lives, Send your gods to the earth, and fight Lin Fei to the death!"

"This is a life-and-death battle for Black Dragon Star, someone must sacrifice, don't blame this deity for being ruthless!"

After his words fell, the sky in countless places on Black Dragon Star boiled.

Amidst the loud bang, the clouds were pushed away by a terrifying force, and rays of light rushed out like blood-colored rivers, sweeping away.

Countless creatures' scalps were numb and terrified.The moment it was rubbed by the bloody river, it immediately turned into a ray of blood and blended into it.

The sacrifice of millions of lives brought bloody torrents that gathered and crazily poured into the space formation.

"Go in! The space formation has been overloaded, and it will be destroyed soon!" The Black Dragon God roared angrily, using his great mana to forcibly maintain the space formation from bursting on the spot, causing blood to flow out from the seven orifices.

But even so, those words, symbols, and images began to be full of cracks, as if they might explode at any time.The dazzling blood-colored light bloomed, but it was like the last swan song.

Although the nine gods felt uneasy and hesitated, they could only bite the bullet and gritted their teeth to enter the magic circle.

"go with!"

With the roar of the Black Dragon God, the figures of the nine gods disappeared directly into the formation.

Immediately afterwards, a devastating explosion happened.


The entire space law circle could no longer be maintained and exploded directly.Countless mysterious words, symbols, and images exploded, forming a huge red and white ball of light on the spot, and then turned into a shock wave and swept around.

The Black Dragon God is known as a forerunner, and this projection has disappeared without a trace, avoiding being affected by such a terrifying force.

And the entire incomparably strong space temple collapsed in an instant.It contains the power of space destruction and chaos, which actually makes the space be cut apart like a mirror, and turned into countless fragments.

Although the void is slowly recovering, reflecting the power of the order and rules of the heavens, the destroyed ground, buildings, and other things are completely shattered, and there is no sign of recovery.

That is to say, what is recovered is simply the existence concept of space, and does not include other things.

Deep in the Black Dragon Star's crust, an extremely huge dragon slowly opened its vicissitudes eyes the size of a water basin. The pupils were golden and filled with an aura of endless majesty.

However, this giant dragon, which looked shocking, spit out a mouthful of blood and looked tired.

"Can I withstand such a distant light-year shuttle?" It looked at its broken dragon scales and body, its eyes were full of sadness and desolation.

The battle of the multiverse back then involved too much, even the two strongest supreme beings died and the other was disabled, and I don’t know how many strong people under the banner perished, even if they survived, they all looked half-dead. How many remnants were defeated.

"No, I can't go."

"It's not that the Blue Sea Stars don't know the coordinates of Black Dragon Star, they're just afraid of my existence."

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