I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 725 The blue battle living in a dream

"Stubborn. Since you think that a useless person is more worthy of surrender than me, then you have to pay the price for your stupid decision!" Jehovah's face turned cold, and without any hesitation, he immediately executed the lore.

The blazing holy light condensed into two seraphs, which split out from behind him.

One holds the Judgment Flame Sword, and the other holds the Thunder Hammer, both of which exude a sacred, noble and inviolable aura of majesty.

And after these actions, Yahweh frowned slightly, and his figure became faint again, as if he was about to be repelled by heaven and earth.

"It's you who are stupid! You are the only one who can't see the situation clearly. You think you are superior and you are the only one. How can you end well if you fight against Tian Zun?!" Blazing Angel.

She was dressed in five-color feathers, both offensive and defensive, and sometimes clanged and turned into a five-color storm, in which the flying knives drew gorgeous horses, destroying everything.From time to time, all of them gather and retract, circling around his body like a tide, defusing a powerful offensive, making the sound of gold and iron under heavy blows, splashing a large canopy of brilliant sparks.

On the other side, Yuan Lu also met Seraph, who was holding a thunder hammer.

It seems that what she is best at is not flying swords, but two-handed swordsmanship.The long sword in his left hand danced impenetrably, and the gorgeous sword light intertwined into a halo, covering his whole body.It even faintly formed a circular ball of light, covering her completely, which is called "the flawless sword curtain".

While the right hand only focuses on attacking, when the sword is drawn, the sword energy is continuous and continuous, pouring all of it into a single point, with the terrifying lethality of piercing the surface.And all kinds of changes are flowing and flowing, without any stagnation, every blow must be crisp and agile, which is called "spring breeze blowing willows".

But even though Yang Luan and Yuan Lu had cultivated Mahayana and mastered the art of killing animals very well, they were gradually falling into a disadvantage.

There is no other reason, just because the opponent is far superior to them in terms of speed and strength!


As soon as the thunder struck, the thunder surged like a tsunami, smashing the ground into a deep pit hundreds of meters wide, comparable to a football field.Even though Yuan Lu had blocked her with the flawless sword screen, the terrifying force still sent her flying, spitting out a mouthful of blood in the void.

Just being knocked out like this made the air emit a series of piercing sonic booms.

Yuan Lu's face was full of horror, seeing that the long sword in his left hand had been distorted and cracked.

On the other side, although Yang Luan blocked the flaming long sword with the five-color feather coat, he was also knocked into the air and vomited blood.Not only that, her internal organs were even ignited by the holy light, almost burning the inside of her chest to ashes.

Even if the holy light was extinguished in time with the five-color divine light and the flames were extinguished, Yang Luan's seven orifices were bleeding and he was severely injured.

"It's sad." Yahweh put his hands behind his back, and shook his head with a look of compassion and sympathy for the two people. "Two foolish lives who have been blinded, since they are obsessed with obsession. They don't surrender to the one supreme god, but they follow with determination." A mortal waste?"

"You are all going to die, where is Lin Fei?"

His words immediately aroused the anger of the crowd and caused a lot of scolding.

After all, everyone knew why Lin Fei was not here.

But Yahweh didn't care about these curses at all, just like what he said before, these creatures are just ants that he can use casually, and it doesn't matter what the ants think.

Yang Luan spit out a small mouthful of blood in a "bah", blood stained her elegant and elegant face, and she was a bit more heroic: "I see how long you can be proud!"

Jehovah didn't take it seriously, and said with a faint smile: "Sorry, I'm afraid you won't see it...Even if Lin Fei comes back in time, can he still be my opponent? Could it be that you are still naively expecting a reversal of the situation?"

"Unfortunately, this kind of thing will never happen to me!"

"You think Wansheng Tianzun is high and invincible, then I will tell you - even if he comes, I will kill you!"

With an unscrupulous appearance, he showed his madness, and took another step downward with difficulty and determination.


The sky and the earth were shaking, the seven orifices of the Lord were bleeding, and the holy light was flickering all over his body, but it made countless people beat like drums.

Because the figure of Yahweh has already become [-]% real, and it seems to break through the shackles completely.


In the starry sky battlefield near the sun, the war has come to an end.

The huge main ship silently cracked exaggerated root-shaped cracks, quickly spreading throughout the entire hull.

The next moment, it seemed to be swelled up by a terrifying force inside, and the light that overwhelmed the sun burst out from the gap!

Merely observing with the naked eye is enough to make the blue ocean people with a higher level of life blind and blind.


It seemed that the sound of the roar of the avenue exploded, and the entire main ship was no longer overwhelmed, and it was directly exploded.Endless colorless thunder burst out from it, and its existence form is so special that people can't even see that it is the essence of thunder and lightning.

Countless fragments ranging in size from fingernails to palms to trucks...the list goes on.

They blazed and shot out exaggeratedly, destroying what they deserve, and destroying what they hit!

The broken silver battleships were hit by the debris at close to the speed of light under such an impact. The terrifying kinetic energy caused the two to explode directly, turning into monstrous flames, forming a mushroom cloud rising.

In an instant, this piece of space seemed to bloom with countless huge flaming mushrooms.The terrifying electromagnetic energy was beyond imagination, and even formed a strange field, causing the power of thunder to increase again, submerging every inch of space!

"No!!" Lan Zhan's heart was bleeding, his face twisted and hideous.

The mighty army of the empire, the Fourth Expeditionary Army!

At this moment, he is roughly the only one left alive!

"Is he dead?" Not only did Lan Zhan's voice tremble, but even the tentacles that controlled the single-person miniature spaceship trembled.

"He must be dead!"

"Such a terrifying and destructive force even caused the main ship's controllable antimatter annihilation reactor to explode a second time. There is absolutely no reason for him to survive in it!"

"Yes, that must be the case, and I haven't detected life fluctuations either!"

Thinking of this, Lan Zhan suddenly cheered up, and even felt his blood boil.

"What is the destruction of the Fourth Expeditionary Army? Even if I die along with it, it is still a victory!"

"The death of the Ten Thousand Saints will definitely be recorded in the history of the Blue Ocean Clan!"

"Any bit of residue left behind after his death will become the key to the scientific progress of our family, leading to a fairy-level civilization!"

"My Blue Sea Clan will surely rise!" Lan Zhan suddenly acted like a maniac. He was so excited that he started the live broadcast, and sent a message to the entire Blue Sea Clan: "We have won, and the Ten Thousand Saints... are dead!"

Blue Sea Star burst into cheers suddenly, and the huge planet fell into a carnival boiling, and even high-level military and government officials laughed loudly, and they were already discussing how to hold a global carnival celebration banquet.

But at this moment, the smile on Lan Zhan's face froze.

He seemed to have seen the most frightening thing, and the six pairs of eyeballs almost popped out!

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