I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 731: The End of the Force?It's not hard to kill you!

This blood-stained spear showed its true face.

Spear of Longinus!

It is not so much a spear as it is a spear.

It is rusty, but exudes blood, full of mysterious power, and has a disturbing aura.In the space around it, there are even black rust spots floating, each particle contains destructive power, existing like black spots in space.

According to the "Bible" records, when Jesus was crucified on the cross, the spear pierced his body and was stained with holy blood.

The "Spear of Longinus" is the only weapon in legend that has hurt the Son of God. It is also named after the soldier who stabbed Jesus.

After 2000 years of continuous refinement by the Lord, even devouring the equally precious Holy Grail and Holy Cross, it finally underwent a qualitative change and became a fairy weapon.

This thing is strange and extraordinary. It was obviously just a mortal thing in the past, but it could hurt Jesus, the Son of God, so it was dubbed the "Spear of Destiny".It is generally believed that it was the trial and tribulation that Jesus was destined to suffer, and this gun is also a miraculous creation that was born by destiny and inherited the grace of heaven.

Because of this, it has incredible potential, not even the Holy Grail and the Holy Cross can match it.Among the three heavenly supreme artifacts, only this one has the qualifications to become an immortal artifact!

"In order to make the Spear of Longinus a fairy weapon, I sacrificed the other two artifacts."

"Hehe, the first person it killed as a fairy weapon was Wansheng Tianzun—as expected, it is the spear of destiny. This is the fate of God!" The Lord held up the spear of Longinus, and the blood flowed all the way. Flowing on the gun body.

And this gun seems to be extremely greedy and bloodthirsty, and it actually absorbs and devours the divine blood containing the majestic power, making the red light and rust more intense.

"Kill!" Jehovah changed the benevolent and benevolent face he had given to the believers, and shot to the extreme, shooting.

The spear glows like a dragon, piercing through the void.

Lin Fei frowned slightly, and immediately fought with him with the Sky Demon Splitting Sword.

Suddenly, the energy storm in the field was surging, and the holy light was brilliant.From time to time, like a nuclear bomb exploding, a terrifying energy mushroom cloud rises up and sweeps towards the sky.

The Spear of Longinus contains the power to turn magic into decay. It is similar to the old woman in Nanming Palace, but it exceeds ten million times in quality and quantity, and it is extremely terrifying.


The bright moon above Lin Fei's head trembled, and it cracked open like a silver plate, and then exploded with a bang.

The monstrous waves came crashing down, but after the shot passed by, they evaporated into water mist on the spot.

Not one level!

It is a real fairy weapon in the hands of the Lord, and it is not borrowed by others, but a natal fairy weapon that he has carefully tempered for 2000 years and completely integrated into his own use!

Lin Fei was already at the end of his strength, and now he was holding on to the state of Immortal and Demon Transformation, and he did not transition to the middle stage of Tribulation, how could he resist the power of the Immortal Artifact?

If it weren't for the protection of the Quantum Armor, he would have been in danger of dying in the short confrontation!

"Is this the vision in the legend?" Yahweh shook his head, put one hand behind his back, and turned the spear into a circle of light with the other hand, "So it's nothing more than that."

"If the skills stop here, then I will send you on your way!"

The wind surged all over his body, making his clothes bulge, his beard and hair all stretched out, and he fired out another gun violently.


The shot hit the quantum armor, causing it to emit violent fluctuations.What's more, a terrifying impact penetrated through and directly acted on Lin Fei, causing his black and white body armor to shatter.


Lin Fei vomited blood, flew backwards, and slammed into the edge of the Demon Arena, making a loud bang.

His sternum was broken and his chest collapsed.

I don't know how many people watching this scene were extremely worried. Putting themselves in the ground, they all felt aggrieved by Lin Fei, as depressed as if their chests were blocked by a boulder.

"Longyou was teased by shrimps in the shallow water, and bullied by dogs when the tiger fell into the plain!"

"Bah! If the earth is in trouble, hide, come out now to show off, and kill the humans who just saved the earth!"

"Tianzun, hold on!"

Yahweh shook his head and sneered: "Tsk tsk tsk... Is this the Ten Thousand Saints? Is this the supreme myth that was once invincible across the multiverse? It's really ridiculous."

"Come on, I'll give you a chance - get up and continue. But seeing how injured you are, can you still get up? Hahaha, do you want me to help you?"

He had the arrogance and contempt of a cat playing with a mouse, he didn't even pursue the victory, but waited for Lin Fei to get up.

Yahweh felt his heart beating wildly, and his blood was pumping wildly to his limbs and bones.

Step on the All Saints and Tianzun to seize all kinds of good fortune opportunities!

Forbearance in 2000, once it came to the world, it was such a glorious record to reveal the final hole card, it was so exhilarating, it was extremely exciting!

Lin Fei was coughing up blood.

The clothes on his upper body were already torn, and the blood fell directly on the broken body, smudged like plum blossoms, and then flowed downward again, which was shocking.

But Lin Fei still stood up.

And what greeted him was a simple shot.


The quantum armor trembled violently, and even countless quanta were scattered once, and then gathered together again.

"Pfft!" Lin Fei's eyeballs almost popped out, and the blood he spit out this time was even mixed with pieces of internal organs.

As long as there is no detachment, no matter how strong a person is, there is a limit.

He was obviously at this limit, and the pain had been overwhelming, enough to make the tough-minded hero faint several times, but it still couldn't knock him down.

"Trash. Just use your death to announce to the world that I am the only true God. Anyone who does not believe in me will only die, even you Wansheng Tianzun is no exception!" Jehovah sneered, in order to humiliate Lin Fei, even He stomped hard on Lin Fei's face!

Before this kick landed, its oppressive force had already caused the space to roar, and the Heavenly Demon Arena sank down hard, expelling billowing demonic energy.

But what greeted him was a faint yin and yang Tai Chi diagram of life and death.


Yahweh roared angrily, his body shield shattered, and his right foot was even more bloody.

Lin Fei supported himself strongly, and shot a bloody arrow all over his body, but he jumped up decisively, and rushed him sideways, directly knocking him out.

"Understood? If it weren't for the power of the fairy weapon, even if I am only in the late stage of crossing the catastrophe, I am at the end of the crossbow. Killing you...is not difficult!" Lin Fei raised his head proudly.

Even if his face was covered with blood, even if his whole body was seriously distorted, it seemed that he might die at any time.

"I underestimated you." Yahweh's face was gloomy, and a hint of ferocity flashed in his eyes, "Then what should I do if I continue to confront you with the spear of Longinus?"

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