I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 733 Lin Xinyu and Heaven's Punishment

"What should we do? Our fairy weapons can't reverse the situation at all, they are all suppressed!"

"Even if you send out the fairy weapon again, it won't change anything!"

"Then just do it and watch? Hurry up, get an immortal weapon, or Tianzun is dead, and none of us will live!"

The powerhouses from all sides in the Chinese comprehension world have completely exploded, and Lin Fei has already seen the scene where Lin Fei is holding a Xuanwu Heaven Breaking Bow, and he is actually fighting the Lord in close combat.

Bows and arrows were originally long-range weapons, and it was absurd to use them in close combat, but now such a thing happened.

Moreover, Lin Fei's moves are incomparably mysterious, precise and ruthless, both offensive and defensive, and changeable.It is as natural and tight as flowing clouds and flowing water, and it is as invisible as an antelope hanging horns.


Lin Fei held the basalt sky-breaking bow in his hand, the bowstring was down, and it sank suddenly, suppressing the spear of Longinus.And following the burst of shaking force and horizontal force, he suddenly pulled the longbow to the side, deviated from the trajectory of the spear, and resolved the fatal move.

Not only that, but he also slapped both palms on both sides of the longbow, causing the bow to deflect suddenly, and with a "slap" on the right side, it hit Yahweh hard on the head.

The terrifying destructive power is enough to sink a continent, but it only makes his body stagger.

The head above Yahweh's ear is broken and blood oozes.

He frowned, and immediately opened the distance, with an unbelievable look on his face: "Can the bow also be used for close combat?"

Lin Fei's mouth and nose were bleeding, and even though he blocked the fatal move earlier, a ray of gun light still hit the quantum armor, hurting his internal organs again.

"Bow fighting." He was also willing to chat nonsense with Jehovah, after all, he was able to delay time. "Back then, I had no intention of only using bows and arrows. Once a strong enemy got close to me, I would be in danger of death. I taught him this tactic to make up for his shortcomings."

"In some special cases, Wuxin's melee combat ability is even stronger than long-distance combat - if you think you can win in melee combat, I'm afraid it will give you a surprise."

Yahweh narrowed his eyes slightly, and sneered: "It's amazing, it's worthy of being the Ten Thousand Saints. In such a desperate situation, you can still use a bow as a melee weapon to hurt me..."

"But look at the bow in your hand, can you still stop me?!"

Lin Fei didn't lower his head, he knew that there were spots of rust on the Xuanwu Heaven Breaking Bow, and his divine power was fading away.

"Tianzun, catch it!"

There was another loud shout, and the Huaxia cultivator was completely willing to go all out, showing an extremely deep and terrifying background.

The purple thunder interweaves like a deep sea, among which there is even a thunder dragon showing its huge head, looking up to the sky and making the sound of rolling dragons.

Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hammer!

Relying on his control over the Demon Arena, Lin Fei adjusted its entry direction as before to avoid falling into the hands of Jehovah.

He abandoned the Xuanwu Heaven Breaking Bow, held high the Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hammer, and when he came up, he was pounding fiercely.

The sound of thunder and explosions made people's eardrums hurt, and thunder and dragons roared, slamming into the Lord, and then disintegrated amidst screaming and painful roars.

Everyone was about to go crazy, and even if it was a drop in the bucket, they poured in immortal weapons one after another.

This battle between Lin Fei and Jehovah was simply extravagant to the extreme.

Immortal artifacts came on stage one after another, and were suppressed by the spear of Longinus one after another, and were discarded aside.

A group of cultivators felt aggrieved and indignant, and they couldn't help but think in their hearts, could it be that the fairy artifacts in the Chinese cultivation world are really inferior to the western fairy artifacts? !

Lin Xinyu saw everything in his eyes, and there was a battle between heaven and man, unable to make up his mind.

"Let him die! He killed the nightmare and killed the sprites. He deserves to be hacked and never reborn!"

"What is the common people in the world, what is the Chinese cultivation world, what does it have to do with me?"

"Nightmare and sprites are dead, what does this world mean to me?!"

She clenched her fists tightly and bit her lip, bleeding, but she didn't seem to notice anything, she still bit extremely hard.

But at this moment, many images flashed through Lin Xinyu's mind.

At that time, Lin Fei advised her to live on.Lin Xinyu inherited everything from the spooky, and carried the last wish of the spooky, and continued his life in another way.

And in the space, the image of Lin Fei standing in front of the magnificent silver battleship, alone with a sword, jumped into Lin Xinyu's mind and couldn't get rid of it.

Immediately afterwards, another sword came from the sky, Lin Fei saved two big monsters regardless of loss, and fought fiercely against Yahweh.

So many cultivators handed out fairy artifacts to help one after another, disregarding life and death, hoping and wanting to see Lin Fei win...

Lin Xinyu thought again about the battle at sea.After the ghost sacrificed, she was full of despair, stepped on the blue waves, closed her eyes and waited for death.

However, Lin Fei just snapped his fingers and lightly hit her on the forehead, causing her to open her eyes in shock.


Lin Xinyu slowly closed her eyes, her heart was full of emotions, and she wanted to look directly at the thoughts deep in her heart.

Finally, she let out a long breath and opened her eyes suddenly.

Without the slightest hesitation or hesitation, Lin Xinyu showed a cold smile, and said loudly: "Wan Sheng Tianzun, I never thought you would have today!"

After her words fell, she immediately attracted the surprised gazes of countless practitioners.

These monks were secretly startled, and they didn't even know when there was a woman there.

Lin Fei frowned slightly, but he had no time to look at him, struggling to resist the fierce killing move of Longinus' Spear.

"Are you going to send the fairy artifact again? Haha, it's all in vain!" Yahweh was as steady as Mount Tai, and he didn't panic at all. "No matter what kind of fairy artifact you are, it will be nothing in front of the spear of Longinus--what the hell!"

Yahweh's face changed in an instant, and he uttered "fu.ck", but according to the transmission of divine sense consciousness, it was understood by the Chinese people as "fu.ck".

This made everyone stupid!

Why did Jehovah, who was so majestic and majestic before, suddenly utter such classic curses?

However, at this moment, almost everyone understood the reason.


99 Dragons of Dao Karma Fire swarmed out of Tian Zhu Di Mie, circled and danced around her, making a deafening and terrifying dragon chant.

Lin Xinyu's black dress fluttered in the wind, her expression was as cold as frost.Against the backdrop of the Karmic Fire Dragon, she looked like a world-destroying female demon goddess, covered with a layer of radiance.

A black and red magic light connects the sky and the earth, forming a huge vortex.The fire of karma occupied the top of the sky, and ten magnificent palaces appeared in phantom.

And above the ground, there is the surging water of the Minghan River, its sound is like the roar of an angry dragon, just like the water of the river of darkness, giving life the instinctive fear and chill originating from the soul.

"Heaven punishes Yan Luosha, earth destroys Chu Jianghan." Lin Xinyu murmured, her long hair dancing wildly in the wind, like a demon god lingering in the sky, it was shocking.

Yahweh was afraid, and was about to speak, but she turned her head to look at Lin Fei, and said with a sneer, "Lin Fei, you kill the nightmare first, and then you kill the demon, do you think I will help you?"

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