I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 735 Tianzun, eat me!

Yahweh blushed, knowing that there was no hope of living, so he gave up completely.

His figure is rapidly shrinking, turning into the purest light spot, about to explode.


Like the sun exploding, the scorching light flooded everything, and a silver-white mushroom cloud rose several kilometers high.

Many monks were frightened by this scene, and their souls were stabbed.If it weren't for the energy fluctuations being bound in the Heavenly Demon Arena, perhaps just the sweeping fluctuations would be enough to wipe out all living things on a continent.

Ignite the majestic and profound holy light and explode, its power is simply exaggerated!

The Holy Light possesses the so-called "purification" ability, which is a true killing, in which even bacteria and microorganisms cannot be spared, and will be completely wiped out.

Unlike other people's nervousness and worry, Lin Xinyu sneered: "Don't worry, Lin Fei is not dead. With the monster Tian Zhu Di Mie in his hands, if he dies, he doesn't deserve to be called the Ten Thousand Saints!"

Between the lines, there is full of confidence in the sprites.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then saw the holy light gradually dissipate, and immediately looked at the field.

Lin Fei was in the grand palace, surrounded by the Canglong Yehuo.There is also the water of the Minghan River pouring down into the sky, forming a curtain around it, and the sky is vast.

Although Jiang Shui was defeated, Shengguang had no choice but to break into the hall with difficulty, and was blocked by Canglong Yehuo.

Although Tian Zhu Di Mie is a sharp weapon for killing, but at this level, how can it be impossible to defend?

Lin Fei was covered in blood, his body was broken, many bones were shattered, his seven orifices were bleeding, and his chest was collapsed, as if he was about to fall to the ground in the next moment.

But he just waved his hand casually, put away the Heavenly Demon Arena, and let go of Tian Zhu Di Mie in his hand.


The magic weapon has a spirit, and it flew towards Lin Xinyu on its own, and then turned into a black and red intertwined light, directly submerged into her body.

The degree of fit between her and Tian Zhu Di Mie is perfect, and has reached the state of complete integration.Even though there is a boundary limit, it is impossible to exert its divine power, but it has the protection of such a magic weapon.

It's not a great feature, but it's just that the heaven and earth are transformed into thousands of illusions. Once it turns into a full body armor, how amazing is its defensive performance?Under such circumstances, even if they encounter an unmatched strong enemy, the opponent can only use crushing power or energy impact to shock her to death in the armor.

The fusion of Tianzhu Sword and Earth Mie Sword is the ultimate magic weapon even among the Heavenly Demon Weapons.Even if the power cannot be manifested, depending on the strength of the material itself, it would be too outrageous to penetrate it.

There is basically only one possibility for this to happen, and that is to provoke the Immortal Emperor.

Seeing that Lin Fei survived and Yahweh was defeated, after a brief silence, the audience burst into loud cheers.

Countless people praised the name of Wansheng Tianzun, and some people were so excited that tears filled their eyes and they couldn't cry.

The catastrophe finally came to an end.

"Human beings will never be slaves!"

I don't know who yelled first, such passionate emotions spread quickly, causing countless people to yell and shout.

Lin Fei slowly landed from the sky, but he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

At this moment, countless people rushed up and surrounded him in a hurry.

"Tianzun, I have healing elixir here! Although the effect is limited for a big monk like you, it is better than nothing!"

"Tianzun, the little girl is from the demon clan, she is a ginseng cultivated to become a spirit. You bite me, I will eat this arm for you!"

"Tianzun, eat me, eat me, I am a yam, great tonic!"

The scene was so weird that many people were dumbfounded.

What operation?

People have a common-sense perception in their hearts, that is, most monster races are cruel and violent, and they eat people at every turn.

And at this moment, there was a demon clan who took the initiative to shout "eat me" and "bite me", and looked excited, with a feeling of "it's an honor to be eaten". Life.

Lin Fei was not polite, he knew that the situation of his body and soul was extremely bad, so he didn't reject everyone's kindness.It's just that he didn't devour the monster creatures on the spot, but let them release the essence blood, which is equivalent to swallowing the liquid medicine.

But he was exhausted too much, his qi and blood were almost exhausted, and the strands of hair that were originally crystal clear were like withered grass, lacking vitality.

The sea of ​​qi was empty, and even the primordial spirit was extremely weak, with a strong drowsiness.

In order to restore the strength of a strong man in the late stage of the tribulation, the various spiritual blood and medicines that can be produced on the field are far from enough.

Countless monks were secretly startled, thinking that Lin Fei was simply a bottomless pit, not to mention completely making up for the deficiency, it seemed that this could only be considered barely keeping alive.

Seeing his end like this, many people were even more awe-inspiring.If we used to be in awe of Lin Fei's identity and strength, now there are too many people who admire him from the bottom of their hearts.

Fight to the end, almost die, and try to keep the earth immortal!

Similarly, Satan, Seraphim, and Cronus are also admired like heroes.

Although the three of them were also seriously injured, they looked vigilant and stared at Lin Xinyu, as if warning her: We are watching you, don't take the opportunity to mess around!

After all, she and Lin Fei had a grudge, so it was not surprising that she took the opportunity to violently kill her.If she was naturally healthy, Lin Fei could easily crush her to death.

But the key problem is that they are all seriously injured at this moment, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are exhausted.Lin Xinyu has Tian Zhu Di Mi Mie in his hands, if he is assassinated suddenly, it is really hard to say what will happen!

Lin Xinyu sneered, with a hint of sarcasm, without any respect at all, even though they were as strong as Mahayana monks.

"Her name is Lin Xinyu." Lin Fei's voice was hoarse. After clearing his throat, he started to violently cough up a little bit of blood, which made people panic.

The exaggerated coughing sound even seemed to cough up the lungs.

In fact, it was true, Lin Fei actually coughed up a small piece of lung lobe fragments, and spit it out mixed in the blood, which made people's scalp go numb!

"Tianzun, eat me! My body is a loquat tree, and my blood contains spiritual power. It should be able to clear the lungs and relieve coughs!" Another monster monk begged for food, making people wonder what to say.

The loquat essence that had turned into a woman was extremely crisp, and directly cut through the white and smooth arm, causing blood to flow out, and sent it to Lin Fei's mouth.

Rao even Lin Fei felt that this scene was a bit weird, as if he was a vampire...

He also lived up to the kindness of the loquat essence and started sucking blood directly.

Even now, everyone feels like a dream.Not to mention everything that happened before, just now is enough to make people lose their minds - in their lifetime, they can actually help Wansheng Tianzun?

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