I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 749 Qianlong Change, I'm Familiar Than You


Long Wolei was shaken all over, his muscles swelled violently, and the clothes were torn apart, and the pieces flew in the wind like butterflies.

His bronze-colored body is like pouring copper water, and his muscles are entrenched like horned dragons, full of a terrifying sense of strength.

Not only that, Long Wolei's life form has undergone great changes.Golden horns grew from the top of his head, and with a "puff" sound behind him, he spread out the golden wings of the Heavenly Dragon, and ice-cold dragon scales shimmering with metallic luster emerged from his body, covering them layer by layer.

At this time, Long Wolei's size had skyrocketed, he was about [-] meters tall, tall and majestic, his golden pupils were filled with endless majesty, and his aura was astonishing.

"Drink!" He shouted violently, and when he opened his mouth, he breathed out a stream of innate Taixu qi, which turned into burning gold and molten stone.

It is like a vast ocean of fire, igniting the void and burning everything!

Lin Fei frowned slightly, his body was full of protective energy, and he greeted him with a Yin Yang Tai Chi diagram in his hand.


This stroke actually pierced through and tore apart the Taiji Diagram, and then bombarded the body's protective qi with incomparable ferocity.The powerful impact force sent Lin Fei flying on the spot, the protective energy exploded, and his whole body was covered in flames.

He had no choice but to mobilize the little energy and blood left to extinguish the flames with divine power.Although the fatal blow was blocked, the blood was almost exhausted, and even the lips were so pale that there was no blood at all, like a wounded patient on the verge of ischemia.

Long Zeyuan was overjoyed, and Long Wolei was also shocked by the power of this blow, and then he laughed loudly, insanely: "Lin Fei, are you crazy? Why don't you continue to be crazy?"

"You are a useless person now, I can kill you with just one breath!"

Lin Fei let out a deep breath, and his eyes became cold.Under normal circumstances, Reversing Faqiang is as common to him as eating and drinking—even if it is a difference of a large realm, he is not afraid!

But the problem is that his current combat power is not as good as a normal chaotic body, even a special physique such as a Taiyin body.

The injury was too serious, and it only took seven days to recover, which was far from enough!

Seeing that the situation seemed to be clear, when even some of the Long family's henchmen flattered him: "Young Master Long is mighty! What nonsense, Wan Sheng Tianzun, is not worthy to lift your shoes, it's just a stepping stone on your path to supremacy!"

Some people take the lead, followed by others.

"Yes, Young Master Long won the Chaos Body, and he will definitely be the next strongest person in the multiverse!"

"Young Master Long, I have been loyal to the Long family all these years, please support me more!"

"Lin Fei, you are ignorant of current affairs! You will surely die, why don't you kneel down and beg for mercy from Young Master Long? Kneel down and kowtow three times, maybe Young Master Long will let everyone around you go when he is in a good mood!"

Lin Fei looked indifferent, and glanced at them from a distance: "Noisy."

Before he finished speaking, he punched him in the air.


The divine power was raging and berserk, and the light was so bright that it slammed at these dog legs like a big wave, scaring them so that their hairs stood on end, almost knocked out of their wits!

"Heh, the cripple is still not convinced? With me here, is it your turn to be presumptuous?" Long Wo's Thunder God Sense resounded through the world, like thunder rolling.He flew over directly, blocked in front of the Long family group, and stretched out his palm very arrogantly.

The power of Lin Fei's punch was unexpectedly blocked by a phantom of his dragon's claw hundreds of meters high, which exploded in the middle and was blocked.

Seeing this scene, those dog legs were shocked in their hearts, and they were even more convinced that Long Wolei would definitely kill Lin Fei.

"Haha, Lin Fei, how does it feel to be incompetent and furious?"

"I'm standing right here, come and kill me if you have the ability!"

"Hehe, I'm about to be crushed to death by Young Master Long, and I still want to be fierce? Don't you have any compulsion in your heart?"

These people tried their best to ridicule, making Long Wolei laugh out loud, and felt great joy in his heart.

"I didn't want to waste it, but since you all want to die, then I will help you." Lin Fei sneered, turned his palms, and suddenly a strange fruit appeared.

This fruit is silvery white, only the size of a baby's fist, exudes a rich fragrance, and contains a majestic life essence.Just its natural breath made Lin Fei slowly recover from his horrific injuries, flowing with silver waves.

Xuanlei Undead Fruit, the supreme good fortune contained in the Nine Heavens and Clouds Tribulation!

"What is this?!" Long Zeyuan was shocked, and then hurriedly said, "Quick, kill him, don't let him swallow this strange fruit!"

In fact, there is no need for Long Zeyuan to remind, Long Wolei naturally dare not neglect.He roared angrily, and even a keel spear appeared in his hand, which was entangled with strands of dragon blood essence, with a fierce and fierce aura.

The keel spear rushed towards Lin Fei like a shooting star, carrying a terrifying spear light.


A crisp sound made Long Wolei's eyes widen suddenly.

The quantum battle armor lay in front of the keel spear, blocking it for a brief moment, and even caused the tip of the spear to shatter and explode with a "crack".

Taking this opportunity, Lin Fei took a big mouthful of the Mysterious Thunder Undying Fruit with a "click" and swallowed more than one-third of the pulp.


The majestic life energy made his whole body glow with rays of light, and his figure was hazy.

There was a thunderous roar in Lin Fei's sea of ​​qi, and the majestic power was recovering.The viscera are filled with powerful vitality, and the heart is beating even more powerfully, pumping the new blood to the limbs and bones frantically, allowing the power to fill this already exhausted body again.

Even the bones of the gods are crackling, and the cracks are recovering rapidly.What's more, the destructive power deposited in the bones, flesh and blood, meridians, and even the primordial spirit was directly squeezed and discharged from the pores that emitted the glow.

"Death!" Long Wolei roared angrily, and threw out a shot with all his strength, and a phantom of a dragon appeared, and rushed forward with him, making a terrifying roar.


Just this dragon roar caused the surrounding pavilions, vegetation, rockery and other things to burst into pieces, turning into debris, powder and fragments flying all over the sky.

However, at this moment, something that frightened him happened.


A hand that exudes a little glow directly holds the keel spear.

"Zizi Jue." Lin Fei was jumping with crackling electric arcs all over his body, and there was also a divine light in his eyes that was astonishing as a sharp sword.He stretched out his hand, shook it, pulled it, and the strange way of exerting force actually snatched the keel spear into his hand.

Under the horrified and terrified eyes of the audience, he held the keel spear with both hands, and folded it lightly.


A crisp sound, as if ringing in the hearts of everyone, made people tremble at the apex of their hearts!

That keel spear just... broke!

"The Qianlong Transformation, created by my apprentice, I am more familiar with it than you."


Lin Fei spread out a pair of heavenly dragon wings behind him, his body was covered with dragon scales, and his figure was as tall as [-] meters, and he could punch with his hand.

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