I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 75 The wrath of the marionette

Bai Zhan was all too familiar with this voice.

It's a black rose!

Lin Fei's face did not fluctuate at all when he heard these words.Even when he heard this document last night, he was so calm.

After all, having survived for so many years, what vicious conspiracy and tricks have you never seen before?

Black Rose's hand is far from complicated, it is only practical.

Just hearing this sentence, Bai Zhan basically guessed the truth of the matter.It's just that the resistance in his heart always made him unwilling to accept and believe, so he chose to continue listening.

"Little Rose," another languid and enchanting female voice came from the phone, "but for a stinky man in the middle stage of body training, why should you care?"

Back then, when Bai Zhan was training outside, it was in the middle stage of body training.

Although Bai Zhan had never been in contact with this woman, he had basically guessed her identity from the tone of her conversation with Hei Rose.

The second leader of the Dark Night Organization, the other side of the flower.

"Sister, you can't say that, you have to consider his potential." Hei Rose continued, "You are already in the middle stage of body training at such a young age, don't you think that even if you become a grandmaster in the future, it will be a matter of course?"

The other side flower instantly understood, and sighed: "That's true. The Bai family's martial arts wizards are born in large numbers, and his father is the youngest master in Rongcheng. If you think about it this way, this Bai Zhan is indeed an excellent man, and I'm a little moved."

She smiled coquettishly, as charming as a succubus: "Speaking of which, a promising martial arts genius and son of a wealthy family, how can my sister make him join the dark night?"

Hearing this, Bai Zhan's face was ashen, and the veins on his arms were exposed.

Lin Fei just watched this scene calmly and didn't say anything.

"It's very simple. It's just like using Nightmare, and prescribe the right medicine according to his personality and hobbies. If Nightmare pursues the art of death, then I will give him the opportunity to complete his own art, and even give him the best art."

"This Bai Zhan is simple-minded and values ​​love and righteousness. Hehe, such a person... To put it bluntly, he is a real man, but to put it bluntly, he is an idiot. It is best to use him. As long as you show him great kindness With me, it can definitely be used by me!" Black Rose was as arrogant as ever, full of confidence, and it seemed that it was not difficult for her at all.

At this moment, Lin Fei saw Bai Zhan's chest heaving up and down, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Obviously, this fact was an unbearable blow for him.

"Oh? Does my sister want to plan a good show and act as his savior?" Bi'anhua's mind is not simple, and it almost makes sense.

"Yes, not only do I have to plan a good show, but I also have to act it so that it is real!" Hei Rose said coldly, "I not only want to save him, but also look extremely tragic, and I will die for him if I do it just a little bit. What it looks like on the spot!"

When Bai Zhan heard this, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

"Enough!" He smashed the mobile phone in his hand, but Lin Fei took it from the sky and threw it on the table.

"Boom" sound.

Bai Zhan smashed the stone table with a punch, and the table was torn apart in an instant, and the rocks scattered to the ground.

Lin Fei watched this scene quietly, as still as a sculpture, without even blinking his eyelids.

Bai Zhan clenched his teeth, and even his eyes were red.

The woman who originally thought that he was kind to him like a mountain and a deep love like the sea actually had a downright vicious heart.Those things that Bai Zhan kept in mind turned out to be just well-planned good dramas.

He fought in vain, but he was just a marionette played by others, and he has been kept in the dark for several years.

If it wasn't for Lin Fei's exposure to Hei Rose's true colors, I'm afraid he would either die for Hei Rose, or he would continue to play with him for an unknown time.

How moved I was at the time, and how angry I am now.

The cruel truth was revealed, and such a gap almost made him fall into the abyss.

I am afraid that only he himself can understand the taste of it.

"There's another video file, don't you want to take a look?" Lin Fei's words were like putting salt on his wound with great calmness.

At this moment, the mental tenacity was like a white battle, and it almost collapsed on the spot.

Master Lin - what are you... a devil? !

"Don't watch." Bai Zhan's voice was low and hoarse.

"Your psychological endurance is so poor?" Lin Fei asked casually.

At this moment, Bai Zhan wanted to die.

He was so aggrieved that he wanted to vomit blood, and finally a word popped out from the gap between his teeth: "Look!"

Damn, I already know the news of such a bolt from the blue, what are you afraid of?

Bai Zhan took a deep breath and opened the video file.

It is not difficult to see that this is a long-distance candid shot.The picture keeps zooming in and out, focusing on the window of a suburban villa.

Despite the good pixels of the recording device, the picture was a little blurry at such a discreet distance.

But no matter Lin Fei or Bai Zhan, you can see at a glance that this is actually the place where Black Rose hid before.

A plump, bulging young woman went to open the door.

Although she couldn't see her face clearly, Bai Zhan and Hei Rose had been together for so long that she could still be recognized at a glance.

Then a man walked in and hugged the black rose.

At this moment, Bai Zhan's face turned green.

Well, just don't know if there is green on the head.

In other words, the person who should feel green, I don't know if it's him or the mandala...

Bai Zhan couldn't hold back again, and smashed the phone to a crumb with a "pop".

But this time, Lin Fei did not stop it.

"This woman!" Bai Zhan gritted his teeth and let out a roar from his throat.

He reached out and grabbed his hair tightly, even pulling a handful.

If you didn't see it with your own eyes, it would be difficult for others to imagine that Bai Zhan also collapsed in such a frenzy.

He curled up and buried his face in his knees, as if he didn't want Lin Fei to see his expression.

Lin Fei was not in a hurry, he just waited for him to calm down.

After a long time, Bai Zhancai hissed: "Master Lin, I want to break this matter with my own hands."

He raised his head, his face full of determination.

Killing intent revealed.

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