I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 751 On the Rewards for Deeds

Lin Fei put away his mobile phone, and took a photo of the dragon blood crystal that was the eye of the formation.

After dispelling the formation here, he took out all the materials for the formation, and looted the entire Long Family, earning a lot of money.

Dragon Blood Grass, Dragon Blood Stone, Dragon Blood Crystal, Dragon Bone, Dragon Scale, Dragon Tendon...

Casual release of one or two of these precious things to the cultivation world is enough to cause a sensation.People will not give up their desire for such treasures even if they are beaten to death.

But at this moment in Lin Fei's space ring, they almost piled up into a hill.

"The Long family is really generous." He nodded again to express his approval and approval.

The Long Family Villa has collapsed as a whole and has become a ruin.Such a big movement has already alarmed many nearby people.

When they heard Lin Fei's words, they were all speechless, thinking that he was simply a devil.

"Thanks to the fact that everyone in the Long family is dead. Otherwise, if there are still people alive, I'm afraid they will be pissed off after hearing this. It's a devil..."

"Haha, you are the devil, right? What do you mean by the loss of the Long family?"

"However, the Long family really overestimated their capabilities. They dared to fight against Tianzun. Alas, expansion will cause people to perish. If it weren't for such a step, the Long family must be extremely brilliant in the future. It's a pity."

Facing the discussions of these people, Lin Fei turned a deaf ear to them, and was even in a good mood.

In this way, not only did he have more materials for formation, but he was able to quickly return to his normal state, and he even practiced the realm of crossing the catastrophe to the Great Perfection.

Lin Fei didn't stay at Long's house, and didn't even go to Yao's house. He only sent Yao Xinyi a message.

Firstly, to explain the matter, and secondly, it is also a blow to Yao Xinyi. It probably feels like this: Don't be narcissistic, Long Wolei is not stunned by you at all, and you have to be a bit more charming.

Yao Xinyi was dumbfounded when she saw this news, she felt relaxed and happy that not many problems were solved, and she even looked aggrieved soon, thinking that this was too shocking.

"Dead Dragon, Lei, you died well, you deserve it! You have no vision, don't know how to appreciate, and are completely lacking in aesthetic ability!"

"I'm such a great beauty, it's okay for Tianzun to live for [-] million years, but you haven't been stunned by me?"

"No, no, no, I have to look in the mirror to suppress my shock." Yao Xinyi was a little flustered, having doubts about her appearance.

But after looking in the mirror, she patted her bulging chest, and let out a long sigh of relief: "I've been worrying too much, I'm just like Xi Shi alive..."

And the news that the Long family was killed by Wansheng Tianzun also spread like wildfire, causing a lot of discussion.

Many people think that the Long family deserves it, and it is their own fault.

There are also people who feel that the recovery of Wansheng Tianzun's cultivation base is too fast, which is simply unimaginable.

Lin Fei didn't care about this, and after returning to the Heavenly Demon God's Palace, he began to distribute the spoils.

Ying Long got the most, because most of these trophies were related to the Dragon Clan, and she had the highest utilization rate in her hands.

Although Ji Yaoguang and others were not as good as they were, it was enough to make everyone in the Heavenly Demon Palace envious.

Lin Fei's atmosphere was far beyond imagination, and he even began to send out fairy weapons.

Yang Luan got the Nine-Line Fire Crow Fan, Yuan Lu got the Xuanwu Heaven Breaking Bow, Kronos got the Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hammer, and Seraphim got the Longinus Spear that was broken in two.

Lin Kunpeng and others were jealous, their hearts beating wildly.

Looking at Lin Fei's casual posture, it doesn't look like he is giving away an incomparably precious fairy artifact? !

Satan was also excited, rubbing his hands excitedly, looking forward to Lin Fei with a shy smile on his face.

"They are all strong men who have made outstanding contributions to resisting the invasion of the Blue Ocean Clan. I should have a share too?" He thought in his heart, looking forward to it.

However, Lin Fei glanced at him, but said: "Xiao Sa, there is no fairy artifact for you for the time being."

What the hell?

Satan was stunned and was thrown into the wind.

"Tianzun, don't! Although I was not a good person before, I have changed my mind now. I have five words, four beauties and three loves!" He cried out on the spot, wanting the face of the lord of hell.

Just kidding, Immortal Artifact, that is Immortal Artifact!

"Stop," Lin Fei glanced at him, "It's not that I won't give it to you, it's just that the fairy weapon is not enough. Quantum armor and Qingfeng Luoying sword, one defense and one attack, are still useful to me now."

"Or else I'll give you both of these things, and you're going to flatten the blue starfish?"

In an instant, Satan was like a frost-beaten eggplant—it was gone.

"But you don't need to be disappointed. I will take down Heaven in the next few days and give you the Garden of Eden when the time comes." Lin Fei said calmly, as if he had already made up his mind.

Satan was looking listless just now, and he was instantly excited when he heard this: "Really?!"

The Garden of Eden can be called the most precious medicine field in heaven!

Among them, there are countless holy trees and sacred trees, bearing strange fruits.Baptized by the power of vast beliefs, the soil there is extraordinary, with sacred spirituality, and can be called the pure land of God.

The fruit it bears is also special, like the origin of the power of faith, which can make the cultivation base of gods like them to a higher level.

They were born with noble and extraordinary backgrounds, but they were unable to step into the path of self-cultivation.The limit to which the path of the gods can grow is the main god Dzogchen, corresponding to the peak of Mahayana.If you want to go to the next level, you can only rely on the power of faith.

Otherwise, how can it be possible for a god who has lived for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years to still be the main god?It's not that their talents are extremely poor, but that their growth path is broken and it is difficult to continue.

Yahweh sublimated to the realm of human immortality, and also created two great creations in the realm of human immortality, and even invested the origin of immortality into them.

One is the gun of Longinus, which needless to say.The second is the Garden of Eden. Jehovah has great ambitions and wants to turn it into a land of creation for his long-term development and advancement step by step!

"Hahaha, it's cool. The old man has oppressed me all my life, but in the end it ended up like this, just making wedding dresses for others!" Satan felt refreshed as if he had eaten hot pot in winter and popsicles in summer, and he hurriedly asked Lin Fei thank you.

"By the way, Tianzun, look, I think it's okay to establish a religion in the world?" Satan's face was shy, a little aggressive.

The crowd was stunned.

What the hell? !

The devil Satan wants to establish a religion in the world, are you sure it is not a dark and evil sect that will harm the world?

Not only did other people have this reaction, but even Lin Fei's expression was slightly strange.

Satan coughed twice in embarrassment, like a little daughter-in-law, and said cautiously: "I decided to preach five lectures, four beauties and three loves. The teaching is that I am for everyone and everyone is for me. The prayer ceremony is changed to helping others to build friendship together. harmonious society!"

The corners of Ji Yaoguang's mouth twitched slightly, thinking of people trying to do good deeds, and praying while doing it, saying prayers such as "Praise Satan" and "You're welcome, these are all Satan's teachings", and it felt very strange.

"Get out." Lin Fei refused flatly.

"Okay!" Satan agreed more quickly.

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