I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 770 The decree of the immortals is revealed in the world

The part that Lin Fei can refine for his own use is still less than [-]% of the dragon essence in Neores' body.

But this was already extremely terrifying, causing his whole body to glow brilliantly.The road between heaven and earth is sympathetic, and the sound of roaring is endless.

Amid the global attention, an illusory door appeared in the sky.It lingered in several buckets of fairy light, full of holy and peaceful meaning, but also had a calm aura that surpassed the heavens.

Its quality is like jade, covered with dense runes like tadpoles.As soon as the beginning appeared, it distorted and blurred the surrounding space, condensing patterns one after another.

There are towering fairy mountains, green peaks and green valleys, gurgling springs, and waterfalls like practice;

There is a majestic fairy palace, majestic and majestic, the hymns of immortality are ethereal and illusory, the purple air comes from the east, the roof gathers, and strands of it hang down like waterfalls;

There is a fairy dancing under the moon, with a graceful figure, as graceful as a frightened bird, looking at the city of people, and then the country of people;

There is a powerful person who flies away, picks up the stars with one hand, only smiles for the beauty...  


Extremely shocking!

Tens of billions of creatures were jealous, breathing fast, trembling with excitement, wanting to go to the world behind that door.

The unimaginably rich energy factors are all over the place, fairy mountains are everywhere, and immortal medicines are born every now and then, just like a dreamy paradise!

"The Immortal World, that is the Immortal World!"

"Oh my god, Lin...ah no, is the Ten Thousand Saints going to ascend?"

"A cultivator soars, this is the first time I've seen it in my lifetime!"

Perhaps the creatures of the Black Dragon Star would never have imagined in their dreams that the gate of heaven was closed and yet it had already alarmed countless big shots in the fairy world.

"This wisp of energy...is the Heavenly Venerable going to ascend?" The Queen Mother of the West was enveloped in the most wonderful aura, her body was ethereal, her expression was complex and emotional, and her distant gaze was directed towards the sky.

"Wansheng Tianzun, you are the enemy when you ascend to heaven at this time. He will be a Taoist friend after he attains the status of immortal emperor and ascended to heaven." Jade Emperor Haotian looked indifferent, and stretched out his hand to take a yellow list with condensed light.

As long as Lin Fei dared to enter the fairyland at this time, he would definitely be the first to kill him!

Lin Fei, who just got to witness the realm of immortality, no matter how he defies the sky, Haotian can kill him at will.

There is a saying of "four seas" in the fairy world, but it is not a real sea area.Because it was once transformed by the Qing Qi of Hongmeng, its shape is like the sea, so it is called the four seas.

But now there is no trace of the Immortal Emperor in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. Instead, in the depths of the North Sea, a burly figure of a hundred feet shook, first surprised, then frowned, and looked solemnly in the direction of the central heaven.

Lin Fei made such a big commotion, but he didn't make it to the gate of heaven.

With a sweep of his sleeve, a lotus pond of chaos surged into a river and submerged the gate of heaven, erasing its existence and no longer existing between heaven and earth.

In the entire star, tens of billions of creatures were dumbfounded, with "shit" on their faces.

Soaring, how many people have dreamed of good fortune for a long time!Not to mention those beings whose cultivation systems cannot ascend to the immortal world, even transcendent cultivators have followed suit, generation after generation wanting to ascend to the immortal world!

But Lin Fei just swept his sleeves away, directly erasing the manifestation of Tianmen from this world?

The extremely weak Niores dragon body was only more than one meter long, and it looked similar to an enlarged loach. It also opened its mouth and was unable to speak for a long time.

Although I know that Lin Fei is so strong that it is unimaginable, but forcibly staying in this universe and refusing the introduction of the fairy world... It is still too shocking.

And after the Tianmen manifested, it was a thunder calamity.

There are four or nine heavenly tribulations in the realm of the immortal, and there are a total of 36 catastrophe tests, and this is the first of them.

Most of them are minor catastrophes, and only multiples of nine are the real major catastrophes.

However, even the Little Heavenly Tribulation could be regarded as "extraordinarily important" to Lin Fei.

Perhaps it was also related to the reversal of the luck of a planet. This thunder catastrophe can be called an exaggeration. A single ray of lightning is enough to destroy a small satellite like the moon.However, Lin Fei was calm and fearless, and forcibly endured the thunder calamity, and even tempered his bones, flesh and soul with the thunder.

In front of the momentary planet and tens of billions of living beings, making such a move directly caused an uproar all over the world, and countless billions of living beings felt their scalps go numb.

Even Niores was terrified, knowing that he was in it, he might not survive for three seconds.

How could Xiao Tianjie be so ruthless? !

How can anyone survive such a catastrophe? !

The most terrible thing is that after Lin Fei crossed the catastrophe, seeing the thunder clouds that gradually receded, he even sighed with regret: "That's it?"

He really felt a pity that he wasn't good enough for body training.

The Goddess of Time has already become numb, and it is not surprising that even if Lin Fei breaks through another level, he will usher in an even more exaggerated thunder calamity.In Lin Fei's words, "Calm down, just get used to it".

But tens of billions of beings have not been able to get used to it.

Especially the three races of orcs, giants, and undead. I don't know how many creatures were frightened on the spot, their legs went weak, or they sat or knelt on the ground, and their brains were buzzing.

Lin Fei restrained his huge aura, and stretched out a finger lightly.


A finger stretches across the eternal sky, covering the sky and the sun, casting a daunting shadow.

When this finger fell, the stars trembled, and the island where the orcs lived sank directly. All the orcs were wiped out, and even this huge island was completely wiped out from the territory of Black Dragon Star.

More than 2 million orcs were all extinct, leaving no one behind.

The entire planet, with tens of billions of creatures, suddenly fell silent like death.

"Heavenly Lord, forgive me, not all of our giants deserve to be killed, at least the newborn is innocent!" Someone from the giants shouted tremblingly.

"Then my human race should be killed?"

"In my human race, it's not just newborns who are innocent. Are children, the elderly, women, children, and adults guilty?" Lin Fei's expression was indifferent, his eyes as cold as a knife, "I didn't destroy your race back then, just thinking that you might change your past. new."

"But you slapped me in the face with the facts...Once the human race loses power and there is no strong man standing on top of you, you are the natural enemies of human beings after all. You are born to feed on human beings and other life. Do crazy things."

"Once your race becomes the first race in the universe, it will be a disaster for all other races. You and I know this well."

"This is racial hatred, which cannot be eliminated. Since you want to launch a war of genocide, then I will respond to you—you giant race should be extinct!"

He thought of the brutal scene of the giants fighting saints and devouring human beings bloody, and sensed the human bones in the habitat of the giants with his spiritual sense, without any hesitation.

Lin Fei's fingers traced across the void, each stroke condensed golden light, and a piece of something similar to a spell appeared.

But not a spell.

"Xianyu!" Niores exclaimed, knowing that something had happened.

The decree of the immortal is to act on behalf of the heavens, and no ordinary person can resist it.

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