I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 777 Beating Jurassic Creatures

The double crown dragon is about seven meters long and about two meters three or four in height.Its body shape is full of terrible pressure, not to mention the sharp and interlaced fangs, which makes people shudder.

You must know that a male brown bear with a body length of 2.5 meters can reach a maximum of a thousand catties.And the gigantic monster in front of him weighs at least three to four thousand catties.

When it started to run, the ground trembled slightly, and the leaves in the forest withered.The sound of tight and hurried footsteps sounded like a drum beating on the human heart, arousing the primitive fear of beasts.

At this time, the Dicrosaurus was very excited, it did not expect to encounter such a big prey.

Xiaolong's mother was terrified, and her first reaction was to turn around and run away.

However, just after taking two steps, she suddenly realized something was wrong, and turned her head suddenly, only to find that Lin Fei jumped off her back neatly.

Even... took the initiative to rush towards the terrifying adult predator.

She let out a terrified neighing sound, and her mind, which was not very bright, almost shut down on the spot.She couldn't understand why Lin Fei would do such an absurd move, which was clearly contrary to his living experience, and he was simply seeking death on his own initiative!

Xiaolong's mother seemed to be struggling and hesitating, and her running steps stopped abruptly.

The biological instinct is terrifying her, and she wants to escape as soon as possible.What's more, the two children whose whereabouts are unknown are still waiting for her to find, and she is not allowed to die here.

But that little one...

No wonder Xiaolong's mother struggled and hesitated so much. After all, Lin Fei didn't have enough friendship with her at this time, and it was almost purely because the brown sugar stuck to her.Not escaping immediately, and even worrying about Lin Fei, can be regarded as being kind-hearted to the extreme.

But according to the real past experience, after becoming a partner who depended on each other for life, she really gave up her life for Lin Fei.Even if we don't talk about the final sacrifice, there was also an encounter with a crocodile creature in the water lake, and he was severely injured in order to save Lin Fei.

And Xiaolong's mother just hesitated for a moment, and the scene in front of her made her eyes widen suddenly, conveying the emotion of panic.


Lin Fei's figure was as agile as a sharp arrow, showing exaggerated speed, not inferior to that large predator.This is also the reason why he is small in size, and the distance in one step is not enough.If it is an adult body, it must be able to surpass the speed of Dicrosaurus!

The Double Crown Dragon was instantly enraged.

This little dot on the dragon's back was really strange, but it didn't pay attention to it at all.Now such a big and strange creature, dare to challenge its majesty as a large predator?

"Roar!" It roared angrily, and bit Lin Fei suddenly.

The bloody mouth opened wide, and the interlaced and densely packed sharp teeth inside were clearly visible, and a suffocating stench rushed over.

With its exaggerated bite force, even a cultivator in the late stage of body training can hardly escape serious injury or even death if he is bitten.

How rich is Lin Fei's combat experience?Has been completely turned into instinct!


He took the last step, and his whole body, like a cobra, shot out obliquely upwards.

Shuangguanlong took a bite, but Lin Fei jumped directly on top of his head.

Heavenly Demon Sovereign!

Even though there is no true energy in his body, the power of this move cannot be underestimated.


A heavy foot stomped down, causing the two decorative bone crowns on the top of Shuangguanlong's head to shatter. The center of gravity was even more unstable. The head was trampled on the ground, and the whole body fell to the ground with a bang, causing the earth to tremble.

Such brute force caused the brain of Shuangguanlong to shake, and it screamed in pain. The brain was buzzing, and the body was space-time. It was impossible to make an effective counterattack for a while.

Xiaolong's mother was so dumbfounded that she even couldn't help but took half a step backwards!

At this moment, this little guy scares her more than the double crown dragon...

Lin Fei took advantage of the opportunity to ride on the neck of the double-crowned dragon, then clenched his small fists, and directly blasted down with exaggerated force.

"Bang bang bang bang-"

Punch after punch, like a violent rainstorm that never stops, and even produces a faint white shadow of the fist.The power capable of crushing stones is superimposed in this way, and it bursts out with an inch of force, and the swing distance of each punch is only within an inch.

It's very similar to Wing Chun boxing, and the Japanese word punches.

The rough and thick skin of the double-crowned dragon was beaten to pieces, and even the bones were cracked and shattered. It completely lost its vitality in two or three seconds, and it was too dead to die.

Lin Fei's fist was also red. The child's delicate skin was already chapped, with blood oozing from it, and there were slight cracks in the bones.

The effect of force is mutual, with such a fierce punch, it is impossible for his physical body to be completely unharmed.

Lin Fei was surprisingly calm, as if he had done an insignificant thing, but Xiaolong's mother was completely stunned and frightened, and quietly moved back half a step.

"Are you serious about taking half a step back?" Lin Fei was dumbfounded, communicating with his spiritual thoughts.

Xiaolong's mother trembled a little, but she didn't dare to move rashly.

Lin Fei is also helpless, he will inevitably show power beyond Xiaolong's mother's imagination, causing her instinctive fear to be irrelevant.

Fortunately, his divine sense is very special, although there are still obstacles in communicating with Xiaolong's mother, it is not a big problem after all.Lin Fei explained that he was willing to help her find the two children, and he would be able to deal with any dangers encountered along the way.

For the sake of the child, Xiaolong's mother finally agreed.

But Lin Fei's next move still made her shudder.

He actually... made flames.

It's not a difficult task, just drilling wood to make fire.With Lin Fei's physical fitness in the late stage of body training, the frequency and strength of drilling the wood was astonishing. After two clicks, smoke started to rise, and the dry grass on the wood immediately burst into flames.

Living things are instinctively afraid of fire, and Xiaolong's mother is no exception, she stays far away from the fire.

Then, in front of her, Lin Fei took out the hard bones of the dinosaur, ground them into bone knives, cut off large pieces of meat, and roasted the meat on the flame.

Seeing Lin Fei gorging on meat, her mouth full of oil, she almost wanted to slip away again.

No matter how you look at it, this is a terrifying predator!

Not only that, Lin Fei also made wooden bows, bone arrows, and animal skin clothing.These creations are things that Xiaolong's mother has never heard of or seen, and they are extremely novel and mysterious.

Lin Fei already had confidence at this stage, so he urged Xiaolong's mother to go on the road together, and hurried to find its two children.

Passing by a swamp, Lin Fei took the initiative to drink water, and even made a huge noise by throwing big rocks into the water.


The splash of water finally alarmed the familiar crocodile creature.

Xiaolong's mother was stunned again.

Because Lin Fei seemed to have a deep hatred for this "unacquainted" crocodile creature, and even chased him down the water...

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