Ancient buildings, green tiles and vermilion tiles, and stacked pavilions.It stretches into stretches, magnificent and unrestrained, just like a bustling and majestic city, stretching as far as the eye can see.

This building complex is located on the plain, and it used to be an ancient battlefield full of corpses, full of sinister and sinister atmosphere.Almost every inch of the land was stained with blood, and I don't know how many powerful people can bury their bones here.

Such a field even caused a qualitative change in the attributes of the aura, full of coldness.

In fact, this is not surprising, after all, the free energy between the heaven and the earth and the energy that can be used by monks are collectively called aura.The so-called breath of starlight and moonlight is naturally the natural aura emanating from the stars, which belongs to the feminine category.And bathing in the sun, exhaling under the morning glow and sunset is to absorb masculine aura.

This place is protected by layers of large formations, and there are several powerful auras that are dormant like real dragons, and the foundation is profound.In the sky, there is even a small bloody moon hanging in the sky since the establishment of this faction, which makes the name of this faction ready to be revealed.

Yinyue Dynasty!

This dynasty has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. It stands tall in the wind and rain, overlooking the vast central territory of the ancient star, and no one has come to offend it for thousands of years.

But on this night, an uninvited guest came blatantly.


A round of scorching sun flew from the sky, the momentum was frightening, the golden light covered the sky, it was too bright.

"How courageous, you really dare to come!"

"Let the battle begin, let him in, and catch a turtle in a urn!"

"Di Jun, since you dare to come, don't even think about going back alive!"

In the Yinyue Dynasty, powerful spiritual thoughts resounded one after another.They are all terrifying existences at the level of princes and generals, and if any one is released, it is enough to shock one side and sweep away the so-called first-class sects.

The Holy Land and the Dynasty are the strongest forces in the ancient star!

Inherited for a long time, with profound heritage, not to be desecrated!

And to be more direct, these strong men are all monks in the realm of crossing the catastrophe, and they have practiced the holy land to inherit the great art of killing, and they all have extremely terrifying dominance at the same level.

In addition, the emperor's uncle Yin Xuande and the empress dowager Nan Gongjing are all strong in the early stage of Mahayana, and they are at the same level of practice as the emperor Yin Qisha.

Three holy lord-level powerhouses sit in town, and twelve prince-level powerhouses control the formation!

With such a force alone, who would dare to trespass on the Yinyue Dynasty?

Not to mention, they also invited experts from the two holy places and the two religious lineages.

It is not appropriate to say please, these "foreign aids" seem to have ulterior motives, they don't want the jade ruler spirit treasure to fall into the hands of the Yinyue Dynasty, and want to fight for it.

The four major forces united together, and the Yinyue Dynasty couldn't keep them out, so they could only recognize them by pinching their noses.

The formation light curtain was really like a curtain, opening a gap to both sides, allowing Di Jun to enter.

As soon as Di Jun entered it, the formation immediately closed.

When he saw the picture in front of him, his heart shook instantly, his whole body trembled, and his chest seemed to be burning with flames.

On a palace of the Yinyue Dynasty, there is a picture similar to a holographic projection.

It was Diya in human form, the golden feather coat had been torn, and pieces were piled up in disorder on the floor.

But on that large bed, there was a scene full of crimes.

There was no cover on Di Ya's body, and her hands and feet were tied.And a dozen men are treating her...

The scene was extremely unbearable. Diya's screams, the man's laughter, and the sound of slapping her hard... were intertwined, making the people of the four great ways couldn't help but frown, and deliberately blocked her. Gained a divine sense of that place.

But the people of the Yinyue Dynasty watched it with relish, and some even got excited, and their lower body clothes were all bunched up.

And seeing his own sister suffer such torture and humiliation, which brother can not be moved?

Di Jun's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidney qi exploded!

"Hand over the jade ruler and commit suicide, and I will free your sister." Yin Qisha stepped on the top of the hall, showing a playful smile.

"Di Jun, for your sister's sake, let's admit it." A benevolent-looking old man sighed, as if he couldn't bear it, it was the Holy Master from Tianshu Holy Land.

"Di Jun, if you still have a little conscience and can't bear your sister's suffering, you should know how to deal with it." The Holy Master from the Holy Land of Worshiping the Moon, Fairy Hanyue also reminded in a cold voice.

Although she felt that the Yinyue Dynasty was extremely unbearable, it did not hinder her ambition to obtain the jade ruler.

"Di Jun, surrender." An old Taoist showed compassion, as if he had made up his mind, and gritted his teeth, "If you are willing to surrender, the poor Taoist will protect the continuation of the Fire Crow Clan... oath!"

He didn't dare to say that Di Jun would survive.

Di Jun and them already had a mortal hatred, if the old Taoist wanted to protect him, he would definitely provoke public outrage.

But even so, it made many people change their faces.Keeping the enemy's offspring alive, isn't this raising tigers?

You must know that the ancient Jedi is the only restricted area for life on this planet.The most frightening thing is the unknown. Many powerful people don't know anything about it. They only know that even if the Mahayana strong entered it, they didn't come out. The monks who broke into it disappeared without exception!

And that area is even more sympathetic with the way of heaven, which is extremely mysterious.At the earliest, there was a man who swore an oath to his Taoist companion, and swore an oath to the ancient Jedi, saying that if he changed his mind, he would be turned into ashes and never be restored.

Then the goddamn thing came true, and it was wiped out!

Since then, there have been many deeds, all of which have proved a truth: oaths can be sworn at will, but you can't swear to the ancient Jedi.If you really want to break your oath, no one will go unpunished!

"The poor nun also has the same intention." A nun held a bowl in her hand and opened her palms up, "God has the virtue of being good at life, but this time, I, the human race, have done nothing. The poor nun has no power to change the general situation, so he can only do his best. May Fellow Daoist Emperor Jun rest in peace."

One path and one Buddha are all truly compassionate, and even Di Jun can feel that they have murderous intentions towards the Yinyue Dynasty.

In other words, the actions of the Yinyue Dynasty have already aroused their dissatisfaction.It's just that the Yinyue Dynasty, as the only existence that dared to call itself the "Dynasty" and established a moral lineage, has a terrifying background. Once a war starts...

Victory or defeat is a small matter, maybe the entire planet is gone, and this problem is big.

Just like a country with a nuclear threat on the earth, the Holy Land Dynasty and the top religion will never go to war easily!Even if there is any dissatisfaction and conflict, try to fight in a small area and resolve it within the established rules and regulations.

"Since old nun Bodhi and Taoist Zixia have both spoken, then I will be merciful once again—Di Jun, quickly hand over the jade ruler and commit suicide, leaving your Fire Crow Clan to continue."

"Well, I think your sister also has my human species in her body, but I don't know who it is. It's really interesting."

Yin Qisha showed a joking look on his face, he held his head high and raised his head: "Don't thank you yet?"

Under everyone's gaze, Di Jun smiled like crazy.

"I thank your mother!"

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