I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 787 Starfire

In mid-air, there was a dilapidated three-legged fire crow skeleton.

Its body is as majestic as a mountain range, but it has no terrifying aura, its light is dim, its life is dying, and even the light of the Lingtai is about to be extinguished.

Even after paying such a painful price, the three great masters present could not calm down.

In an extremely short period of time, two holy masters were killed one after another!

Moreover, he is still a holy master figure with the Immortal Artifact of Zhenjiao in his hand...

At least on this planet, such a thing has never happened, it is the first time.

Too violent, too brutal.

"Death! The jade ruler is mine!" The Holy Master Tianshu was agitated, and suddenly flew up, his sword was as bright as a dragon, he breathed out cold light, and his murderous aura soared into the sky.

"Jingle Bell!"

A series of metal tremors sounded, and it turned out that Taoist Zixia sacrificed the Zhenjiao Immortal Artifact, and the fairy pattern startled the demon bell.

The Holy Master Tianshu was blocked one after another, and he was furious in his heart, but because there were two people of the same level present, his face was ugly for a while, but he didn't dare to explode: "Niubi, what do you mean?!"

Taoist Zixia was also unambiguous, and said directly in a trembling voice: "Yin Qisha and Zhao Hanyue are dead. Holy Master Tianshu, do you think that just one person can overwhelm me and old nun Bodhi?"

The face of the Holy Master Tianshu changed slightly, and he looked at the old nun Bodhi.

Although the latter did not speak, he also stepped up and stood beside Taoist Zixia, blocking Di Jun's body, with a very obvious attitude.

"Okay, okay, you all want to protect this beast?" The Holy Master Tianshu knew that there was nothing he could do, and sneered again and again, "Or is he just greedy for that jade ruler, and doesn't want the old man to compete with you and form an alliance? "

"It's all good, the situation is better than people, this time the old man admits it! But I'm here to warn you two, this evil beast must not be left behind, otherwise it will be a disaster for the world!"

"He is only seven hundred years old at such a young age, and he is already able to compete with us. How about rising in the future?"

The old nun Bodhi raised his palms to salute, and lightly recited the Buddha's name: "Nawu Dingguang Tathagata. Don't bother the benefactor at this time. I have made arrangements with the benefactor Zixia. The benefactor please come back."

The Holy Master Tianshu sneered and shook his sleeves, showing unwillingness on his face, but he also controlled the fairy sword, as if intercepting a long rainbow from the sky, and rushed thousands of miles away in an instant.

Dao Yini glanced at the unconscious and dying Di Jun, looked at each other, and sighed.

They used a lot of background information to barely hang Di Jun's life.The next step is to regenerate Dijun with flesh and blood, and erase his past memories, so that he can start a new life.

Both have compassion and kindness. Although they have different ways, they have reached a consensus on this point.Regardless of worshiping Buddhism or Taoism, both of them are willing to completely lead Di Jun to become a good disciple.

But soon, they ran into a problem.

It's not that Di Jun's flesh and blood were burned, it's so easy to recover in the future!

He didn't know what kind of overbearing technique inheritance he used to burn the origin of his physical body.Ascertaining the original information of his body, it was as if he had no flesh and blood, only a skeleton!

This made the two of them shudder and feel incomprehensible, beyond their vision and cognition.

At this time Diya stood up, crying heavily, throwing herself on her brother's skeleton, saying that she didn't want to live with this filthy body any longer.

Di Ya was scared, and she didn't dare to face this world full of sin and filth, let alone face herself and her brother. She was willing to die and make up for her brother with her own flesh and blood.

One and one nun couldn't bear it, and tried to persuade her again and again, but Diya's mind had been made up.She repeatedly expressed her gratitude to the two seniors, and even kowtowed to thank them.

Di Ya said that thanks to the two seniors for everything she has done, she has seen the light.Although this world is dark, there is still light that can shine through the mountains and rivers.It was also the existence of the two seniors that made her feel that human beings are not such a race that is hated by many creatures, and there are also good and evil.

Her only wish is to let her brother live a good life without being so painful or extreme.

"I also ask the two seniors to be fulfilled. After that... erase my brother's memory about me, erase my memory about the Fire Crow Clan, and let my brother think that he is... a human being!" Di Ya broke down in tears, crying like children.

Forget about your race, think you are human and go on living.

It's too heavy.

But it's better than living in the painful memory of the destruction of the Fire Crow clan, the betrayal of the cousin, the death of relatives and friends, the abuse of the younger sister... all kinds of painful memories, right?

"Fu Sheng Wuliang Tianzun." Taoist Zixia sighed softly, and solemnly saluted this junior of the alien race.

"Nawu Dingguang Tathagata." The old nun Bodhi also chanted the name of the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp, folded his hands together, bowed his head and showed compassion.

In this way, Di Ya sacrificed, Di Jun regained his flesh and blood, and was transformed into a human being, erasing all the memories of the past.

During Taoist Zixia's explanation, he knew that his name was "Emperor Jun" and that he was Taoist Zixia's younger brother.It's just that he was hit hard by a foreign enemy and lost his memory.

Taoist Zixia exiled Dijun to the extraterritorial life planet on the grounds of tempering, let him promote Taoism, and let him take away a lot of classics.

Di Jun forgets all kinds of things in the past, is deeply influenced by Taoist culture, and even founded a religious order, and has his own dream.

Great unity of all races!

"Brother often taught me that all races are born equal, and God has the virtue of being good, so existence is reasonable."

"But I see that in this world, races are fighting endlessly, and my human race is also good and evil. The good ones are naturally worthy of admiration, but the evil ones are also despised."

"I, I want to educate this world." Di Jun is like a warm teacher, deeply influenced by Taoism, with a natural and peaceful atmosphere, which is convincing, and he has become an admirable elder.

Gradually, there were even alien races in his family, and there were even scenes of tiger demons and humans hooking up shoulder to shoulder, laughing and drinking;

There are scenes where the fox demon washes away her charm, devotes herself to Taoism, is baptized by culture, smiles and salutes when she sees people, and frequently discusses the scene of practice;

There was a scene where the function of the human being injured was impaired, and the big brother of the Yaozu even took out a bloody kidney and let the brother eat tonic.The human monk was so moved that tears filled his eyes and his hands were trembling, but even though his face was pale and his veins were throbbing with pain, the big brother of the Yaozu laughed and patted him on the shoulder and said it was okay, the big deal would be to consume himself and grow back slowly. .....

This planet is amazing, although this trend is just a spark, but who can say that it must not spread to cover more?

Such a strange situation lasted until the peak of Dijun Mahayana.

Then, when he ascended to cross the catastrophe and became a human immortal, everything changed.

Returning to the source, clarifying the body, and memories flooding in.

"I'm Firecrow?!"

"Father, mother, Xiaoya...!"

Di Jun was about to ascend, but he spat out a mouthful of blood and fell from the sky.

Countless disciples and grandchildren screamed in panic, and hurriedly surrounded him.

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