"I'm dying of laughter. You've never practiced before, and you still want to surpass me in three days? You're a frog at the bottom of a well, you don't understand anything."

"Don't say it's you, even the first Great Rakshasa Sect Master took a whole month to cultivate to the Foundation Establishment Realm! Yasha, Rakshasa, Shura, the fastest record among the three races, is unprecedented! "Ye Lan was extremely sarcastic, and didn't just laugh it off just because the other party was a "seven-year-old child".

"Ahem, the seventeenth princess is still young, and she speaks childishly..." Shura General smoothed things over awkwardly.

"Of course I know that," Ye Lan cast a glance at him, and said displeasedly, "You think I'll be as knowledgeable as this kind of brat? I just saw that she didn't know the heights of the world, and wanted her to recognize the reality. My sister is not sensible. , I, as a sister, can’t be disciplined anymore?”

Lin Fei didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, turned around and left.

"Stop!" Ye Lan was extremely angry, she never thought that the most useless trash in her eyes would dare to take her so seriously.

It takes a month to build the foundation?

Are you kidding?

Lin Fei returned to his bedroom and immediately began to retreat.He ran the "Golden Scale Dragon Yuan Jue", his muscles and bones crackled, impurities were expelled from his body, and even his internal organs were being baptized.

The Shura clan was born powerful, with outstanding physical talents.And the bloodline of the royal family is even more noble and extraordinary, already comparable to the subspecies of divine beasts, possessing majestic bloodline power.

Lin Fei didn't take a fork in the road, and with such talent, and with the help of "Golden Scale Dragon Yuan Jue", he opened up all the meridians in just two hours, allowing his body to be tempered enough to reach the late stage of body training.

His whole body was sticky, and he was even in the mood to take a bath in the spirit pool to wash away the dirt.Just looking at his own body, Lin Fei felt speechless.

The body is smooth and white, with a bit of hazy luster, like the beauty of jade.She has a slender figure, delicate collarbones, and wet, smooth black hair sticking to her back.And in the water, there is even a reflection of the face of a little girl carved in powder and jade.

"I want to die, can you hurry up?" Lin Fei sighed softly, thinking that there are few things in this world that are more terrifying than reincarnation.

The most terrible thing is that the Shura tribe is like ancient humans, women can usually marry at the age of 14...

Do you want Wansheng Tianzun to marry someone as a daughter?

"I'm sorry, I choose to die." Lin Fei was so sure that he didn't even dare to think about such a thing.

The picture was so beautiful that he dared not look at it.

As a noble princess of the Asura clan, the most important thing Lin Fei lacks is all kinds of cultivation resources, which are also the greatest confidence for him to build a foundation in three days.As long as there are enough cultivation resources, let alone foundation building, he dares to form alchemy in three days!

Of course, Lin Fei was unwilling to form an alchemy anyway, the stronger he was, the less likely he would die, which was contrary to his original intention of seeking death.

Lin Fei opened a box and took out the 500-year-old wild ginseng that condensed the majestic aura.Not to mention ordinary people, even the Asura royal family, wanting to take this substance in the late stage of body training is no different from committing suicide.

But for him, it's not the case.


Lin Fei bit off a mouthful of wild ginseng, and life essence drifted away like mist from the cut.He swallowed the wild ginseng after chewing it twice, operated the profound kung fu to open up the sea of ​​qi like a rock, and began to attract powerful medicinal power to circulate the sky, and he was about to start practicing qi.

On the other side, Ye Lan was already gossiping with King Shura.

She looked cute and coquettish, but she told King Shura what Lin Fei had said earlier.And Yelan was still fanning the flames, deliberately pretending to be concerned, and worriedly saying that Seventeenth Younger Sister is so ignorant that if she is not educated, her personality will harm her in the future...

King Shura immediately frowned.

In practice, one should avoid high-spiritedness and impetuous arrogance. This narrows the path and risks becoming obsessed.Not only that, but if you really want to have some strength and die like crazy in the place of trial, won't your precious daughter be gone?

"It needs to be educated." King Shura thought so, and decided to use this incident to give his little daughter a hard blow three days later, so that she could recognize the reality.

Lin Fei didn't know about this, he was still practicing, and his sea of ​​qi was almost torn apart.

But almost, there is no.

It seems dangerous and dangerous, but in fact it is extremely safe, and this speed has been grasped to the extreme.

Lin Fei's acupuncture points were as bright as dots of stars, which contained dormant medicinal power. The 720 acupuncture points are like a small whirlpool, sharing and bearing this huge force.

The speed at which he runs the circle is unbelievably fast. At the beginning of other people's qi training, the meridians are stagnant, and it takes about half an hour to run the meridians of the whole body for a circle.But Lin Fei only took 3 minutes, maybe even less time.

There was tearing pain in the meridians all over his body, sweat was pouring down, his face was pale, and he was trembling all over, but he didn't frown or cry out in pain.

In this way, three days passed quickly.

Before Lin Fei could take the initiative to meet King Shura, he came to the bedroom here, followed by Ye Lan who wanted to watch a good show.

With just one glance, King Shura showed a look of horror, and looked at Lin Fei as if he had seen a ghost.

His heart was shaken violently, and he was trembling and speechless for a while!

On the contrary, Ye Lan didn't notice anything, and she seemed concerned but jokingly said: "Sister Seventeen, have you cultivated Qi yet? I heard that you rejected the guidance of our warriors and fumbled at home by yourself? Is it hurt? If you feel your own meridians and qi sea, you are not sensible enough to cause trouble to your father, right?"

"Look - father and king are trembling with anger! Why don't you kneel down and apologize?!"

She saw King Shura's eyes widened, even trembling slightly, and her voice became severe.

"Shut up!" King Shura suddenly yelled, making everyone in Yelan dumbfounded.

"How did you manage to build a foundation?!" He quickly looked at Lin Fei, his eyes were shining.

"That's how it was done." Lin Fei said lightly, with a coldness that completely didn't match the little girl's appearance.

Ye Lan was shocked in her heart, and said quickly: "Father, she must have taken some crooked ways, cut off the possibility of the future, and became the weakest foundation building in a very short time!"

King Shura was also uncertain, although he saw nothing wrong with his youngest daughter, but he couldn't help being suspicious.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain it, three days to build a foundation... Is this possible?

Even taking this kind of self-seeking crooked way is exaggerated, let alone stepping on it step by step!

"Then do you want to try?" Lin Fei smiled faintly and looked at Ye Lan.

"Try it, just try it, do you think I'm afraid you won't succeed?" Ye Lan couldn't bear to be provoked, and immediately took a step forward.

There is no doubt that the Shura tribe is aggressive, let alone such a young and arrogant little princess.

Even King Shura didn't speak, acquiescing to the contest between the two.

Then there was a crisp sound of "pop".

Ye Lan flipped a few times in the air, and was slapped away by Lin Fei.

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