
Without any organization, several people knelt down on one knee and said in a deep voice, "Hero, have a good journey."

After pressing, there was a sound of "plop", and the crowd knelt down densely.

With grief and gratitude, they shouted in unison, as if they wanted to vent their emotions: "Heroes, go all the way!"

Even Zhao Yu, who is a strong human being, let out a long sigh and knelt down on one knee in front of this admirable comrade-in-arms.

Only Yin Chenglin hugged his brother's gradually freezing body, wept bitterly, and pressed his foreheads tightly together.


In the gloomy sky, it rained heavily.The wind was howling, the trees were shaking, and the fallen leaves were fluttering in the wind and rain.


Yin Chenglin finally stopped crying. A 140-jin iron-blooded man was still sobbing.He vigorously wiped the blood, tears, and rain from his face, showing a determined look.

"Forward! Keep going, everyone must not stop!" Yin Chenglin roared, brushing his hands over his younger brother's eyes, making him close the eyelids, and then put the space ring into it.

No matter how difficult it is to accept emotionally, his reason told him... his brother's choice was correct.

It is the best decision to use his dead body to refine alchemy and improve his and Zhao Yu's cultivation as much as possible.

"Do you still want to move forward?" Zhao Yu couldn't bear to look at the people behind him, "Some of them couldn't hold on anymore, they fled non-stop for three days and three nights, and fought four times in a row... "

"It's not safe enough here!" Yin Chenglin interrupted her, gritted his teeth unquestionably, "After all, it's only the fringe area of ​​the Far North, and it's not close enough to the fragments of time and space. No one is sure, whether the Wanzu will search come over!"

"Only in the depths do we—"

Before he finished speaking, he revealed a look of horror, and turned his head together with Zhao Yu.

But I saw a kobold standing on two legs, about 1.9 meters in height, wearing a gray gown, with his hands behind his back "like a dog", squinting his eyes and looking at them with a smile.

With a smile, he revealed his sharply criss-crossed white fangs, which looked quite ferocious.

The 3621st family of the prehistoric family, the dog family.

The backing behind it is even more astonishing, it is the [-]th in the prehistoric world, the Tengu tribe, the top [-] races with golden immortal powerhouses!

Generally speaking, in addition to relying on special backgrounds to establish their lives, all the prehistoric tribes have strong people in the Golden Immortal Realm sitting in command.As a vassal race of the Tengu clan, the dog clan is a race ranked in the top [-], and it should be given two points more.

"You're right, it's not dangerous enough here, I'm still willing to come in and search for it. Hehe, although you released bombs along the way, and even did not hesitate to let some people split up to divert our attention, it's a pity... Useless."

"Tsk tsk, the sacrifice of more than 1000 people? I just want to give us wrong information and let you, the main force, escape secretly. It's sad and deplorable, but also... ridiculous." The color seems to be able to eat them.

"You are... the sect of the dog clan, Gou Dongxi?!" Zhao Yu's face changed, and he recognized his identity.

There are sayings of "ancestor" and "ancestry" for all races in the prehistoric and desolate.Zu refers to the first living body of this race; Zong refers to the hero who brought great changes to this race.

For example, the prehistoric human race recognized Pangu as their ancestor and Haotian as their ancestor.One created the world, broke the chaos, divided the heaven and the earth, and created the birth of the multiverse; the other rose from the suffering and grief, established the prehistoric heaven, let the human race stand up and rule the prehistoric.

The weight of ancestors is heavy in a race.

As soon as Gou Dongxi heard Zhao Yu calling him by his own name, his face immediately changed: "Shut up! Ant, how dare you call me by my name?!"

In that long past, the human race was not a common language for all races, so there was no problem with him naming it that way.After Haotian came to the throne, the language of the human race was pushed to be used by all races, and Gou Dongxi felt that something was wrong!

There is a problem, a big fucking problem!

Originally, Gou Dongxi wanted to go to the "Honghuang Central Human Race Tianting Dog Race Office" to change his name, but he never thought that the adult of the Tengu Race thought it was quite interesting, so he said casually, "Don't change it, this name is quite interesting."

When Gou Dongxi heard this, he immediately wagged his tail and responded with a shy face. He never thought of changing his name again, and he really explained the word "dog leg" vividly and vividly.

But the strong men of the Tengu tribe thought it was funny, but Zhao Yu and Yin Chenglin couldn't laugh at all.

Only the strong can treat him as a joke, but when everyone present sees him, there is only fear and despair.

The sect of the dog clan, the strong man of the fourth and ninth ranks of human immortals!

Even though the Dog Clan's favor from heaven is extremely limited, and this is the end of their practice, Gou Dongxi is definitely the most terrifying type of powerhouse in this realm.After all, he has lived too long, and he has been tempered in this realm for tens of thousands of years!

Zhao Yu and Yin Chenglin took a deep breath, stepped forward, and flew to Gou Dongxi.

More than 3000 human races were also in an uproar, subconsciously retreating, wishing to run as far as they could.

"Tsk tsk, two human immortal second-order wastes, how dare you stand in front of me? Alright, if you have the backbone, I'll send you back to the west right now!" Gou Dongxi yelled violently, and flew forward with a claw.


Terrifying black light giant claws emerged, exuding a tragic evil spirit.

Zhao Yu and Yin Chenglin resisted desperately, but it was useless to join forces.Their attack was directly crushed, the body guard and the armor exploded together, a large number of torn wounds appeared on the body, blood rushed out, and flew out directly.

Just one hit!

In an instant, everyone was extremely desperate and felt the fear of death.

Zhao Yu and Yin Chenglin's eyes were tearing apart, and they found that their souls and physical bodies were paralyzed to the extreme, and they could hardly move.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really sad. Do you feel like you can't move anymore? That's right. You just watch carefully, how do I eat up your group of people!" Gou Dongxi showed a cruel smile and raised his hand again .


Suddenly, there was a thunderous sound.

The sudden movement startled Gou Dongxi, and subconsciously flew back a hundred meters away, looking at the distant sky in surprise.

This place is close to the fragments of time and space. If something happens, it must not be involved.

But immediately after, Gou Dongxi showed a look of astonishment.

Because in his line of sight, there is a floating city flying up, and there are human races, monster races, and demon races in it.

And the moment he saw Lin Fei's face, the hair all over his body exploded, and his guts were almost shattered!

"Wan... Wan Sheng Tianzun?!"

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