"Swear to follow Tianzun to the death!"

The voices of everyone's shouts were intertwined, resounding through the rain curtain, overwhelming the mountains and rivers.

"Enter the city!" Lin Fei only put down these two words, then turned and entered Zhenbei City.

People entered the city in an orderly and mighty manner.

Zhenbei City is a city in the hands of Haotian, the first generation of human emperors.It can be big or small, small enough to hold it up with one hand, big enough to be comparable to the area of ​​a continent on Earth!

Therefore, when everyone entered it, they saw an extremely magnificent and shocking scene.

There are many high-rise buildings, green tiles, vermilion tiles, carved railings and jade bricks.It is an independent courtyard at every turn, and the main building is as high as nine floors.Among them are pavilions, pavilions, winding corridors, small bridges and flowing water.

Looking down from a high altitude, it can be seen that the buildings are well-proportioned and well-organized.The street is bright and spacious, with ancient trees such as weeping willows on both sides.The trees are too old, and they are all towering to block out the sun, and they are extremely tall.

Strips of green silk hang down like layers of curtains.Under the baptism of rain, the greenery is more vivid.

These willows are all landscape trees, and there is no energy circulation system in their bodies, that is, the ability to absorb, store, and utilize spiritual energy. In short, they do not have the ability to open up a sea of ​​energy.

Even in the Great Desolate Continent, there are the vast majority of such plants.Such willow trees are naturally impossible to compare with the willow demon clan.

If you can become a million races, you must have a heavenly family!

A race that doesn't even have an energy circulation system is worthy of the word "Tianjue"?

"Xiang Ling." Lin Fei said suddenly.

"Here!" Xiangling took a step forward, and Shi Shiran saluted.

"You are in charge of arranging for them to choose a residence to settle down, and to register everyone's account information. The workload of this matter is relatively heavy, and I allow you to recruit any manpower to assist you. This is up to you." Lin Fei sighed softly, knowing that being the city lord It's not that easy.

To manage so many people, there is always something to do.

"Xiangling takes orders." Xiangling lowered her head slightly, but a group of people looked sideways and enviously.

In this way, he has status in the city, right?

Everyone knows that when a new force is born and established, there must be many functional departments.And once he holds a position in it, or even has a leading role in a certain aspect, he is a so-called senior official.

"Old King Peng." Lin Fei called out again.

"Don't dare!" Lao Peng Wang was so frightened that he said quickly, "Tianzun, you call me Yin Peng."

Lin Fei gave a "hmm" and said, "After registering the household registration and residence information, you will recruit soldiers. The threshold is set at the realm of the cave, and all salaries...are distributed according to the level of the prehistoric heaven. You don't know much about this, You can let Yin Chenglin and Zhao Yu assist."

"After the recruitment is complete, I will make my own arrangements."

People of other races didn't know about it yet, but Yin Chenglin and other prehistoric human races were in an uproar and became excited instantly.

The monthly salary of soldiers in the Great Desolate Heavenly Court is simply the highest among all races. It once made all races jealous and envious!

Even the low-level soldiers in the cave realm, or the most low-level personnel in the Tianting Zhengfu, have a monthly salary of a low-grade spirit stone.

This is not a low-grade spirit stone from a lower plane!

The Great Desolate Continent is full of aura, even if it is a low-grade spirit stone, it can improve the cultivation level of the cave realm to a certain extent.Basically, one hundred low-grade spirit stones are enough for monks in the early stage of Dongxu to cultivate into the late stage of Dongxu.

what does that mean?Even if you only receive a salary and salary, it will take less than ten years to cultivate to the late stage of Dongxu!

This is simply unimaginable in the lower planes.Think about the earth's cultivation world, those people who have been cultivating for hundreds of years and are still in the realm of the Nascent Soul; Han Zhenbei and Lin Kunpeng in the early days......

"...For the time being, the people in charge of all aspects are the above-mentioned people." Lin Fei made the arrangements without hesitation, "Don't ask me about things, and follow the management system of the Great Desolate Heavenly Court for the human cities, just continue. "

Everyone responded immediately, and they were all extremely excited.Whether it is the life from the fragments of time and space, or the prehistoric human race, for them, it is the rest of their lives.There is a bright future waiting, how can we not be happy about it?

The first thing to start was the settlement work. Although the heavy rain continued, everyone was enthusiastic, and the settlement work was carried out in full swing.

Especially the Shuilanxing people, they were so excited that tears filled their eyes, and they were filled with emotion.The general content is also very simple. It is nothing more than that the house price in Shuilanxing is too expensive, and I dare not even dream of living in such a luxurious house.

Lin Fei just laughed it off, and started to investigate the situation of the whole city.

There is a large area of ​​spiritual fields in the city, but it is a pity that they have been looted by thousands of people, and they have all been wiped out.That insane looter of ten thousand races explained the words "the geese passed by and plucked their hairs" vividly - even the spiritual soil was hollowed out!

If it weren't for this ancient city and its buildings, which were not only indestructible, but also possessed of special formations that Haotian personally sacrificially practiced, this city would have been moved away...

Lin Fei and Ye Wudi looked at each other with solemn expressions.

The Wanzu once plundered Zhenbei City, and there is no human habitation here, which is probably the result of their killing all.

"I see... Wanzu looted Zhenbei City, but there is no reason to occupy this city." Ye Wudi was led by Lin Fei, and after looking around, he found the clue, and his expression was a bit complicated.

The Sun Moon Human Sovereign Formation was slightly damaged.

On the edge of this space-time debris, there will always be all kinds of weird things happening.Mostly it is the chaos of time and space, once involved in it, there are often more bad luck than good luck.

The reason why Zhenbei City is called "Zhenbei" is that it suppresses the most dangerous place in the north.

A huge rift in space-time fragments!

The Sun-Moon Human Sovereign Formation, where the sun is space and the moon is time, together with this ancient city, suppressed this crack.The rift leads to many planes in the space-time fragments, and one will fall into it accidentally.

And... this kind of falling is completely random, it is also possible to fall directly into the place shrouded in original darkness.Zhenbei City is certainly extraordinary and will not be affected by itself, but what about the residents in the city?

In short, if a strong Jinxian is unlucky enough to encounter such a disaster, he will die and die!

This gap was originally only as thick as a strand of hair, less than a finger long.But it is gradually growing, and it will eventually require the exaggerated size of Zhenbei City to suppress it.If Haotian really let it go 10 years ago, no one is sure what it will develop into.

The current situation is that the formation is broken, and it is not safe here.

It's like the area where earthquakes or volcanic eruptions are most frequent. If it is not possible, who would want to stay here?

Ye Wudi rubbed his nose, looked at Lin Fei, showed a look of sudden realization, and said with sincere admiration: "Tianzun, you have expected it a long time ago?"

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