Lin Fei was silent for a while, thinking a lot.

For example, Ye Wudi's seventh son, Ye Zhenbei.He was Ye Wudi's favorite son back then, and even recommended him to Lin Fei repeatedly, hoping that Lin Fei could give him advice.

Seeing Ye Wudi's face, Lin Fei thoroughly refined his physique so that he would be able to forge ahead on the immortal road in the future.

And those so-called ancestors of a clan, ancestors of a clan, weren't they all ants who knelt down in front of him?Even Lin Fei himself couldn't remember how many ancestors of thousands of races he had killed.

Some races have no ancestors since then, and their rankings have plummeted, and they have never recovered.For example, the elves, which are ranked outside the [-]th place today, used to be the second most glorious race.

Even the ancestor of the elves once threatened the status of the prehistoric heaven. When Ye Wudi was still in the realm of the earth fairy, she was already infinitely close to the position of the extreme.

The results of it?

Delusion to seek refuge with the Demon Lord of the Six Paths, coveting the position of the first clan, and secretly plotting against the prehistoric human race that is in the stage of dying.The ancestor of the elves in the early days of the Immortal Emperor was directly slapped to death by Lin Fei...

But now, it's these servile servants, even the names of the dishes on the recipes, who actually turned around and destroyed the heaven supported by Lin Fei?In turn, harming human beings?

Lin Fei didn't even doubt that once the news of his appearance in the Great Desolate Continent was released, those Wanzu who used to have their tails between their legs would definitely go crazy and want to kill him!


At that time, the Ten Thousand Races leaderboard changed.


In the vast turquoise ocean, there are shocking waves of water surging up, rising into the sky like water dragons, and then turning into torrential rain.

There is a tree in this ocean, which seems to connect the sky above and the bottom of the sea below.Each leaf is the size of a basketball court, flowing with a golden glow.And on its height, there is a lair, which has a palace.

In that palace, a woman in a blue dress had deep eyes and a cold face.

The chill emanating from her body actually caused thick black ice to spread crazily on the sea surface, which was bitingly cold.

"The Ten Thousand Races Ranking has changed. The Human Race has reached the 3992nd place, which has increased by more than [-] places!" Cai Beiyu's heart was full of turmoil, and he couldn't understand why there was such a drastic change.

Since the collapse of the Heavenly Court, the ranking of the human race has been falling along with the pursuit of the remaining strong by the ten thousand races.Although a lean camel is bigger than a horse, it cannot withstand such a brutal slaughter, and has already dropped to 7998!

And yesterday it was still 7998, why did it suddenly increase by [-] today?

No matter how good the chance is, no matter how bad luck is, it is impossible for anyone to improve so quickly and fiercely, right?

"Could it be..." Cai Beiyu showed a horrified look on his face, and had a horrifying guess, "Someone ascended from the Four Great Jedi to the Great Desolate Continent? How is this possible!"

Her expression was cloudy and uncertain, and she thought a lot for a while.In the end, it was concluded that it was very likely that the person of Wansheng Tianzun came to the Great Desolate Continent through his backhand! is Wansheng Tianzun himself!

"Tianzun, is it you?" Cai Beiyu muttered to himself, with a struggling look on his face, "If it's you, save me. The truth behind the first clan..."

Meanwhile, canine territory.


An angry roar suddenly resounded through the sky and earth, shaking away the clouds in the sky.

A huge vicious dog, the size of a house, roared towards the sky.

"I, the Tengu clan, how could I fall to the 3934th place!"

"Impossible, why is this human race so advanced!"

It was in a sycamore forest, and it was endless at a glance.Under the soft moonlight, tall sycamore trees shone brightly, swaying in the wind like a sea of ​​leaves.

A woman in a feather robe frowned slightly, and looked up at the sky.

"Did the Ten Thousand Saints come back?" She sneered, "If it's you, it would be interesting... The human race with you can only rank nearly four thousand."

"One trash, kill it sooner or later!"

That is the ruins of the Heavenly Court.

A vague figure shrouded in immortal energy floated out of the dust.On the other side of him, there was a tall figure shrouded in devilish energy, with a terrifying aura.

"Could the ranking change of the human race be related to the 33rd Heaven?" The immortal's voice was extremely ethereal.

"Impossible! Even the traitor from the human race in Ye Zhenbei doesn't know the whereabouts of 33 Chongtian. We have been searching here for a long time but to no avail. Who else in the human race would know?" Mo Ying sneered.

"Ye Wudi." The fairy's understated voice made the Moying's eyes gleam, and the devil's energy surged.

All of a sudden, all races in the Great Desolate Continent were shaken.

The accident of more than 300 members of the dog race is still a trivial matter, but the rapid rise of the human race is simply astonishing.

"What variable appeared?"

"Find him and kill this variable in the cradle!"

"We have already forged a deep blood feud with human beings, and we must not allow them to rise again, otherwise it will be our disaster!"


This is destined to be a sleepless night for all races.

But in Zhenbei City, it was peaceful.Only a group of people under the leadership of Ye Wudi continued to perfect the broken patterns of the Sun Moon Emperor Formation.

But the materials they used were all from Gou Dongxi's space ring.

After all, he is the ancestor of a family, and his background is profound, which can be called rich and powerful.After Lin Fei ransacked it, he was not stingy about using it on the right path.

Although it consumes a lot, it is the foundation of one's life.

It's a pity that this project is too cumbersome and huge, and it cannot be completed overnight.

"So, what I have to do is to divert my attention." Lin Fei hugged Ji Yaoguang who was snuggling beside him. The two were sitting on the roof of the City Lord's Mansion, looking at the busy people.

"Turn your attention away?" Ji Yaoguang frowned, already roughly guessing his thoughts.

"Well," Lin Fei said calmly, "For example...killing the Dog Clan. I think that as long as I appear somewhere, it will definitely attract the greatest attention."

"Just you?" Ji Yaoguang was a little nervous. After all, although Gou Dongxi died, the other party was still ranked ahead of the human race.

"It's enough, and I can even give them some surprises." Lin Fei pinched her nose and said with a smile, "On the contrary, it's hard to handle when there are too many people. This trip is too dangerous for them."

"When I'm not around tomorrow, all the affairs in the city will be handed over to you."

Ji Yaoguang sighed, looking a little worried: "I'm not too worried about the dog clan. What I'm afraid of are those who are strong at the Jinxian level among the top hundred clans."

Speaking of this, she hugged Lin Fei tightly, as if she was afraid that he would disappear in front of her eyes in the next moment.

"Ye Wudi and I have a plan." Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, seeing how worried she was, so he said flatly, "If it succeeds, Wanzu will have nothing to worry about!"

Facing Ji Yaoguang's surprised gaze, he spit out five words:

"33 heavy days."

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