I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 922 Dog meat hot pot, the portion is okay

After being hit by this blow, the soul-snatching golden bell made an ear-piercing and rapid jingling sound, like a soul-snatching death.There was an unlucky ghost on the spot who couldn't bear such power, and his head exploded with a bang.

The jade seal and the bell were blown away by the powerful impact, and smashed towards Gou and Lin Fei.

A cold light flashed in Lin Fei's eyes, and he reached out to pick it up resolutely.

The chaotic lotus pond, the diagram of the six extinctions of Taiji, the body-protecting qi, the formula of supernatural power to control the spirit...

All kinds of supernatural powers are displayed in an instant, and there is even the technique of opening the sky with double pupils, opening up a very small space to block the path of the soul-snatching golden bell.

The soul-snatching golden bell fiercely tore through many obstacles, but was still held in Lin Fei's palm with a "snap".

On the other hand, Gou, who was timid and afraid of death, didn't dare to pick up his magic weapon.He was instantly terrified, and his first reaction was to quickly retreat to the side.


Yuyin directly smashed a piece of life in the town into a bloody mess, and even smashed down an entire row of buildings without going forward.The sky was full of smoke and dust where it passed, and a wide and deep gully was reclaimed on the ground, which was immediately blocked by the wreckage of buildings all over the sky.

Countless creatures looked at the scene in front of them, and they were frightened out of their wits.

"This is the strength of the Immortal Realm?!"

"Are you kidding me? I believe even those two are Earth Immortals!"

"It's all in the realm of immortality, how can it be enough to cause such power!"

This scene deeply impacted their three views, and felt that everything was so absurd and bizarre.And those creatures who were affected and died tragically made their hair stand on end, and their scalps became numb.

If you change your position, you are afraid that you will be among the dead, right?

Gou didn't go to pick up his magic weapon immediately, and instantly realized what a stupid decision he had made.

He...was too timid and cautious.

Perhaps such a personality allowed Gou to live long enough and successfully seek advantages and avoid disadvantages again and again, which convinced him.But at this moment, such a character became the root cause of his death...

Lin Fei didn't have a word of nonsense, and hit the golden bell in his hand again!

Although Gou has a superior magic weapon, but he is not in his hand, even if he is in a flash, he will be too late to escape, and he will not be able to stop him.

"No!" He let out an extremely shrill scream, even though he resisted desperately, he could not escape bad luck.


Amidst a loud bang, an extremely bright golden light flashed, accompanied by terrifying pressure, the ground in the town split open.Gou's head was blown off on the spot, and even the scarlet blood mist was completely submerged in the golden light.

The original Honghuang ranked 3621st, the ancestor of the dog clan, the dog nicknamed "the strongest lost dog in the Honghuang" and "worthy of its name", just fell away!

Countless creatures trembled and frightened, and looked at the man standing in the air in horror.

Lin Fei had no expression on his face, and just swept his sleeves away.

"Chi Chi Chi--"

Rays of light swept across, and the dog's body, together with the dog ancestor jade seal and the soul-snatching golden bell lying tightly in the smoke and dust ruins, were all put into the space ring by him.

There was a sudden deathly silence at the scene, and even the sound of someone's teeth chattering and someone swallowing saliva seemed so clear to my ears.

No one thought that such a thing would happen!

Lin Fei first single-handedly attacked Inushan and started killing, forcing Quanzu to flee with his tail between his legs.Immediately afterwards, he was even more unscrupulous, killing towards the territory of the Tengu clan.From anyone's point of view, he is seeking his own death, but in the end, he forcefully suppressed all dissatisfied, and even caused the fall of the clan...


Too fierce!

This is simply to wipe out an entire prehistoric race that ranks in the top four thousand with one's own strength.Without ancestors and ancestors, the strong will be wiped out.God knows what bleak ranking the dog clan will fall to. I'm afraid that under the cruel law of the jungle, it is possible for them to be gradually eaten away by other ten thousand clans!

Thousands of clans spread all over the prehistoric region, and when they encountered scattered dog clans that could be bullied, they killed them.Even if all the killings of all the races are combined, it is enough to make the dog race extinct, and the orderly and multi-dimensional way of heaven will not be able to punish it-it is very similar to the scene of the ten thousand races joining forces to exterminate the human race.

To add insult to injury, what's so difficult about it?What is really difficult is how to face the interests without being tempted, and not to add insult to injury.

Unless the Tengu Clan show mercy and set aside a piece of land for the Dog Clan to protect, otherwise this is almost inevitable!Otherwise, even if the Tengu Clan speaks out to protect the Dog Clan, the Great Desolate Continent is vast, and the rest of the Ten Thousand Clans work quietly, what can the Tengu Clan do?

At this moment, in Tianquan Town, countless creatures are trembling, only the human race is different.

They were so excited that tears filled their eyes, and some even shouted hoarsely with red eyes: "Okay!"

After his words fell, the rest of the human race could no longer bear it, and burst into hoarse cheers.

Only those who have experienced being enslaved, oppressed, and inhumanely tortured for a long time can understand their feelings at this time.

The most frightening ones are the Tengu clan, all of them are extremely desperate at this time.The fact that the dog race is killing humans is actually the same style as the tengu clan.

I thought that the human race was bound to perish, who knew that such a change would happen?

After the first battle that shook the multiverse, there was no news from Lin Fei and Liu Dao, and the Great Desolate Heaven completely collapsed.Even though Ye Wudi had been determined to have fallen completely, many people from all races resisted their impulse and did not wantonly massacre human races because they were afraid of Lin Fei's invisible terror.

It wasn't until time passed and there was still no news from Lin Fei that the Wanzu fell into a complete carnival.

But what's happening now...

It's fucking outrageous!

The Wansheng Tianzun, whom everyone thought had fallen, has returned powerfully!

"Self-judgment, or should I do it myself?" Lin Fei said lightly, stepped out like a frightened bird, and landed on a roof, overlooking a group of powerful Tengu tribes.

"You can't act like this!" Immediately, a member of the Tengu tribe yelled fiercely, "We are the top [-] races in the wild, if you dare to kill our tribe, you will definitely suffer-"


Before he finished speaking, a brilliant silver sword light flashed past.Blood splattered ten feet high, followed by a dog's head "Gulu" rolling down.

Lin Fei showed a playful look on his face, and said with a smile: "The top [-] races? Back then, the ancestor of the Tengu personally broke off his wings and roasted them for me to eat, do you know? people talk about."

The audience was terrified!

But the prehistoric human race seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, their complexions flushed red, and they felt a burst of enthusiasm.

What a glorious past of the human race!


"We are a glorious top [-] race, we would rather die in battle than suffer such humiliation!"

All the strong men of the Tengu clan roared angrily, all showing their blood, showing their ferocious and terrifying original forms one after another.

However, Lin Fei looked around in satisfaction, and said something that stunned other creatures:

"This time the dog meat hot pot... the portion is not bad."

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