Tianquan Town and the surrounding territories occupied by the Tengu tribe suffered the most thorough looting at this moment.

Lin Fei came to Gou Chen's mansion first, and he saw a luxurious scene.

In the courtyard, there are pavilions, terraces, pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, winding paths and corridors, gravel pavements, and a lake.The green plants that can be seen everywhere are all spiritual trees, full of vitality.Blossoming bowl-sized exotic flowers exude fragrance and radiate a faint glow, which makes people feel refreshed.

Even the lake on that side is also rippling with blue waves, as clear as amber embedded in the courtyard.Among them are fishes the size of washbasins, wandering in patches, leisurely and contented.Its scales are either golden or bright red in color, with extraordinary appearance and spirituality.

In the lake, there are more aquatic plants such as water chestnut and lotus, all of which are swallowing the morning sun and shrouded in a hazy glow.

The breeze is coming slowly, the water surface is clear and round, and the wind and the lotus are lifted one by one.

Without even thinking about it, Lin Fei slapped the lake with his palm.Under the sweeping vigor, there was a loud bang on the surface of the water, and the waves were surging. Countless spirit fish were thrown into the sky, shaking their bodies in a panic.


Lin Fei swept his sleeves, and put all these tenacious spirit fish into the space ring, followed by even the aquatic plants.

What he has been through all the way is even scarier than a ghost entering a village.He didn't even let go of the crystal-clear, nutrient-rich spiritual soil, as if digging three feet into the ground.

As for the collection in Gou Chen's mansion, they never let it go.Everything of certain value was swept away.

It includes some pills, spirit stones of different grades, magic treasures, and array maps. Although most of them are of little value to Lin Fei, they are different to the residents of Zhenbei City, and they have gained a lot.

Especially the two ancient pines, which have already produced pine cones.The particles are full and crystal clear, purple-gold in color, exuding a glow, almost mature.Even for Lin Fei at this time, it is an elixir that should not be underestimated, and it is quite helpful for cultivation.

After all, it is the mansion of a Tengu Clan Earth Immortal. Although most of the precious resources have been exhausted by it, it is not surprising to have such gains.

This is just the beginning.

Lin Fei went in and out of the mansions of the powerful men in Tianquan Town one after another, and on the surrounding spiritual mountains, everyone was also frantically sweeping the spiritual fields and spiritual trees.With the forbidden jade order dropped by the strong Tengu tribe, it is natural for everyone to go in and out of it.

The spiritual fruit in front of him was so tempting that some alien creatures had evil thoughts.Most of them are alien races who have oppressed human beings in various ways, thinking that they will die anyway, so it is better to run away with the spirit fruit.

But as soon as such a person made a change, he was immediately killed by others.Even though there were a few unruly people with extraordinary cultivation, they were pierced by a sharp sword light the moment they rose into the air, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed on the spot.

Surprisingly, there were three clones of Lin Fei, and they followed them into the three mountains.Anyone who goes too far will be killed without mercy.

Although Lin Fei mobilized a large number of people, the territory of the Tiangou clan is really deep, and it took more than a quarter of an hour to completely sweep it.

On top of the three mountains, a mighty crowd gathered, waiting for Lin Fei's next arrangement.

Lin Fei swept his sleeves away, and used the method of the universe in his sleeves to recruit everyone into it.But even that wasn't enough to include all the survivors in this small town.

Fortunately, he also obtained magic treasures such as gourds and vases, and when they were activated, immortal light emerged.It swept over the crowd, and immediately absorbed them into it.

Lin Fei was so thoughtful that he was even worried that there would be a fight inside, so he simply used the Heavenly Demon Conferred God Art to suppress everyone's cultivation for a moment.

After doing all this, without any hesitation, he immediately used his extreme speed and rushed back in the direction of Inuyama.


It was as if a brilliant rainbow flashed across the sky, and the clouds were torn apart wherever it passed.

When he came to Quanshan, he saw Lao Peng Wang enjoying himself.This guy turned into a human shape, lying on the soft grass with his legs crossed, holding a bright red spiritual fruit in one hand, and he took a mouthful of it, the juice splashed everywhere, and the spirit was full of energy.

I don't know how many spirit fruits Lao Peng Wang ate. At this time, the pores of his body are dilated, and the sun is steaming, and his face is full of light, as if he is about to lift the clouds to fly up.

"You can really enjoy it." Lin Fei's voice didn't have the slightest emotion.

The old Peng Wang was so shocked that his hair stood up for a moment, and he smiled awkwardly and said: "Master, that... I'm not greedy. It's too expensive to fly all the way, I'm worried about going back I was exhausted on the road, which delayed Tianzun's schedule..."

Lin Fei glanced at him: "Oh? Then, I have to praise you for your loyalty and thoughtfulness?"

The old Peng king shrank his neck, he was surprisingly cowardly, and quickly changed the subject: "Master, I have swept up this mountain, should I go back now?"

Before the words fell, he turned into his original form.

Such a silver-winged roc looks quite powerful.It's just that he prostrated respectfully in front of Lin Fei, with the awareness of a mount.

Lin Fei didn't show politeness to him, he stepped up with one step, sat cross-legged on Peng's back, closed his eyes and meditated: "Let's go."

Lao Peng Wang let out a majestic and domineering neighing sound, shaking the sky and the earth, flapping his wings in an instant, hitting the sky, and piercing into the sky.

It took another full hour to return to Zhenbei City this time, and this was the result of Lao Peng Wang not carrying it at all and flying at extreme speed all the time.

Seeing the silvery roc flying into the sky above the city, countless excited eyes filled the city.

"Tianzun is back!"

"Haha, the mere Dog Clan is indeed no match for Tianzun!"

"I don't know how much Tianzun has gained!"

Old Peng Wang thought about swooping down from the city, even though he slowed down, he still brought a strong wind pressure and swept it in all directions, flying sand and rocks.

Lin Fei jumped off Peng's back, and said casually: "Hurry up and improve your cultivation, your speed is too slow."

Lao Peng Wang immediately began to panic!

As a member of the Dapeng family, his flying speed is enough to surpass his peers, and he is also an excellent capital as a mount.But if you can't even "housekeeping skills", how can you face the danger of "unemployment"?

After Lin Fei returned to Zhenbei City, he did not go to see Ji Yaoguang immediately, but was busy with the construction of the city.

He released all the survivors in Tianquan Town, and asked You Yue to cooperate with Ye Wudi to hold a court trial.

As soon as the news spread, it immediately aroused heated discussions among the residents in the city, and they were all curious.

As a prehistoric human race, he immediately thought of the former heavenly court trial system.In particular, the target of the trial was still the ten thousand races that oppressed human beings, which even caused a burst of applause and cheers.

The people were elated and wanted to watch the trial.

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