"You?" Song Chengfeng glanced at Lin Fei disdainfully, and sneered, "Ignorant child, dare to speak madly?"

Song Huaibei also sneered: "Do you think you are Shennong alive? My father can't cure it, do you still want to try?"

Lin Fei sneered: "Why, I'm afraid that I will cure her disease and make your doctor's face dull?"

Song Chengfeng seemed to hear a big joke, he immediately laughed out loud, and proudly waved his sleeves and said, "How dare you shout in front of this old man, I can't help but admire your courage!"

His face turned cold, and he said categorically, "If you are not afraid of death, you can try it. If you can get rid of the demonic energy in her body today, the old man will kneel down on the spot and kowtow to you as a teacher!"

Song Chengfeng's words were absolute, and he didn't give himself any room for maneuver.

But he didn't care.

Can the young man in front of him get rid of the evil energy?It's a fantasy!

Song Huaibei also had a sneering look on his face, and said provocatively, "Come on, please start your performance! Wouldn't you be afraid now? Hahaha."

Lin Fei glanced at Song Chengfeng with a half-smile, "That's what you said."

Song Chengfeng sat down in a leisurely manner, and picked up the tea beside him, as if he had made up his mind: "As soon as the old man speaks, it is difficult for horses to chase."

Lin Feisui stopped talking to him and pointed at Chen Xiangyu's forehead.There was an emerald green light around his fingers, making Song Chengfeng's complexion instantly change.

Wang Long watched this scene nervously, for fear that Chen Xiangyu would be a little off.

In an instant, Chen Xiangyu's face was full of pain, and black demonic energy oozes from his forehead.

The boundless anger and killing intent filled the entire wooden house almost instantly, and violently poured into everyone's mind.Song Huaibei felt cold all over his body, as if thousands of silver needles pierced through his mind.The tingling sensation made him scream, and he immediately covered his head and passed out.

And Wang Long and Song Chengfeng also changed their faces on the spot, and they instantly stimulated their body protection qi!

Despite the qi protection, Wang Long felt as if he had been hit hard on the head, and he was drenched in cold sweat, looking like he was on the verge of collapse.

Although Song Chengfeng's face was pale, under the vitality of the wood element, his condition was much better.It's just that his pupils were already showing a strange blood color, and his mind was full of violent desire to kill, and the armrest of the chair was directly crushed with a "pop".

Only Lin Fei's face was as calm as water, without the slightest ripple.

This situation only lasted for less than a breath, and the demonic energy was enveloped by the emerald green light, and the two disappeared almost at the same time.

That devastating effect on the spirit also dissipated at the same time.

Lin Fei gently flicked his sleeves and said indifferently, "Okay."

The audience was silent, deadly silent.

Everyone looked at Lin Fei in astonishment.

In addition to shock, it is more unbelievable.

Song Chengfeng's helpless demonic energy, was he dispelled so easily? !

How can this be?

"Miss, how do you feel?" Wang Long hurriedly looked at Chen Xiangyu.

Chen Xiangyu was stunned, and after the surprise, there was a burst of ecstasy. He looked at Lin Fei with gratitude and awe: "Thank you for saving your life!"

Song Huaibei immediately exclaimed in shock: "This is impossible!"

However, Song Chengfeng was trembling with excitement, a wolf-like greedy light flashed in his eyes, and his voice was trembling: "It's the legendary Wuzhu technique, a unique skill of a generation of gods and witches!"

His words fell, and the audience was suddenly shocked, and looked at Lin Fei in unison.

Even though Chen Xiangyu and Wang Long didn't know the magic of witchcraft, they had heard of the myths of the ten witches in Lingshan.

Such means that only appeared in legends, actually appeared in front of their eyes at this moment?

"You have two points of knowledge." Lin Fei looked at Song Chengfeng and said lightly, "Miss Chen's demonic energy has been removed, you can quickly fulfill the bet."

"Song Huaibei, return the spirit stone to this girl, and kowtow to him to apologize."

"As for Song Chengfeng...you kowtow to me three times with sincerity, and I can reluctantly consider accepting you as a disciple."

Hearing this, Song Chengfeng immediately slammed the table, shaking the whole wooden table to pieces, which startled Chen Xiangyu.

"Arrogant, how dare you to point fingers at our father and son?" He shouted angrily, unable to hide his murderous intent.

Lin Fei seemed to have expected this a long time ago, and smiled disapprovingly: "What? I can't afford to lose, and I want to turn my face?"

Song Chengfeng's murderous intentions were revealed, and golden astral aura was already lingering all over his body.

Killing Wushuang, the most aggressive and aggressive attribute among the five elements.

Chen Xiangyu's face changed, and his heart jumped.

Looking at the posture, does the Supreme Elder of the Medical Sect want to break the gambling contract and kill him directly? !

However, seeing Lin Fei's calm and unhurried appearance, as if not afraid at all, a look of surprise flashed in Song Chengfeng's eyes.

"No, this son is so calm, he must have something to rely on!"

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and he immediately forcibly restrained the killing intent, but asked rather bluntly: "Your Excellency is so young and has extraordinary medical skills and mastery of magic techniques. I don't know who is named, and what kind of school is your teacher?"

Lin Fei had already seen through his evil thoughts, and only said casually: "Lin Fei, there is no family or school."

Lin Fei? !

The father and son of the Song family suddenly changed their faces, and Song Huaibei immediately shouted: "Dad, he is Lin Fei! Kill him quickly and avenge Elder Tao!"

Song Chengfeng sneered and stood up, shrouded in golden aura, like a god in golden armor, full of terrifying power: "So you are Lin Fei... Haha, since you are here, do you think you are still Can you get out alive?"

"Don't worry, I won't kill you directly. I didn't expect you to have the inheritance of the gods and witches. God helps me! I will imprison you and torture you, so that you can experience the cruelest torture in the world, and the gods and witches will be tortured. The inheritance is revealed little by little!"

Chen Xiangyu never expected that he would encounter such a large number of variables one after another when he came to seek medical treatment this time.Under the anxiety in her heart, she immediately looked at Wang Long, her silver teeth clenched tightly, and she whispered, "Uncle Wang, can you save him?"

Lin Fei saved her life, and Chen Xiangyu didn't want to die.

Wang Long's face was full of horror, and he wanted to cover her mouth for a moment.

My eldest lady, don't you see how powerful this Song Chengfeng is?As far as the degree of solidification of this body-protecting astral energy is concerned, I am afraid that there is already a cultivation base of the eighth floor or above!

Facing Chen Xiangyu's concern, Lin Fei just smiled slightly, and rubbed her hair like a big brother who dotes on his sister: "Don't be afraid, little girl, just hide away."

Feeling the warmth from the hair, and seeing Lin Fei's gentle smile.For some reason, Chen Xiangyu suddenly felt like crying.

Is this big brother who saved his life going to die here?

Wang Long didn't have such sentimental thoughts as Chen Xiangyu, he dragged her over and said anxiously: "Miss, let's go, or it will be too late!"

Song Chengfeng flicked his sleeves, and suddenly the wind surged, and all the things in the wooden house were blown out, hitting the wall with thumping noises.

"Have you seen things you shouldn't have seen, do you think there is still a way to live?"

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