I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 933 This human race is obviously weak, but they are too united

Everyone is quickly clearing up the battlefield, taking everything of value into their pockets.

Lin Fei also took back the body of the demon, and asked everyone to go back to the city first to avoid falling into crisis.

Afterwards, he reconciled with Lao Peng Wang and took away the severely deformed and twisted golden scale.

"Master, you see that I can't help you here, maybe I will cause you more trouble if you encounter danger, or should I go first?" Lao Peng Wang couldn't wait to speak, his face was full of begging.

Lin Fei only gave a faint "hmm", and the latter was instantly excited: "Thank you, master!"

Old Peng Wang was afraid that he would go back on his word, so he soared into the sky with a "scratch" sound, walking through the fog above the forest, wishing to leave this dangerous place immediately.

Lin Fei was not in a hurry to leave the forest, but went to look for Yin Chenglin and others.

He even wanted to find the Heavenly Immortal Realm powerhouse of the Heavenly Snake Clan, relying on the trump card of having the body of the Heavenly Demon, to stifle the danger in its infancy.Otherwise, if there is such a strong man dormant near Zhenbei City, once he leaves the city with the body of the demon, the city may be destroyed.

While Lin Fei was looking for Yin Chenglin and the others, Lao Peng Wang quickly reconciled with Zhao Yu and the others.Lao Peng Wang still made some superficial efforts, determined to give them a ride, and do something anyway.

Sitting on the back of the roc, Zhao Yu looked absent-minded, as if he was thinking about something.

"Miss Zhao, what are you thinking?" A middle-aged man with a kind face next to him couldn't help asking.

Zhao Yu froze for a moment, looked around, and realized that everyone was looking at him with amused eyes.She blushed suddenly, but she could keep a straight face and said expressionlessly: "It's nothing."

"Haha, you still say it's nothing?" The middle-aged man knew Zhao Yu's temperament and had no scruples. "Is he interested in Tianzun?"

When Zhao Yu heard this, he immediately denied it in a hurry: "I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

She felt embarrassed for a while, thinking that she was so obvious?

Immediately afterwards, the people present all burst into laughter and ridiculed.

"It's normal for a male college to be married and a female college to be married. Miss Zhao, you are not afraid of death, but are you afraid of showing your intentions?"

"If you are embarrassed to say it, then I will go to Tianzun and make it clear for you!"

"Hahaha, sisters, don't be shy, you've been single for more than 2000 years, it's normal to want a man!"

"That's right, looking all over the prehistoric world today, is there anyone more outstanding than Tianzun? Miss Zhao has vision, I support you!"

Although he knew that everyone was joking with good intentions, Zhao Yu still blushed when he heard it.

What does it mean to be single for more than 2000 years, and what does it mean to think of a man is normal?It sounds very wrong!

Her pretty face was like a cloud climbing up to the sky, making everyone even more happy for a moment - I have never seen her like this.

Zhao Yu sighed, feeling like he was going to break the can.Anyway, everyone has seen through it, so why hide it, wouldn't it be more exciting for them to make fun of themselves?

"That's Wansheng Tianzun, a man who once competed with the Demon Lord of the Six Paths and radiated the entire multiverse." She was a little depressed, "Even if you don't talk about the past, he is now the hope of the entire human race, the Lord of Beicheng, The strongest of mankind."

"What about me? If I didn't meet Tianzun, I wouldn't even have my life. In this prehistoric continent, I am as humble as a speck of dust. As long as there is time, Tianzun is destined to rise again and stand on the top of diversity. I am just one of the mortal beings. , looking up to pay homage to him, it’s nothing special.”

Everyone hurriedly advised her not to think so, but to have confidence.

"Confidence?" Zhao Yu laughed miserably and shook his head.

The family dog ​​lost in the prehistoric, wandering, struggled and survived in the cracks for more than 2000 years...

What kind of confidence can such a humble and painful experience bring to people?Only inferiority complex.

A low self-esteem for one's own powerlessness.

Such inferiority complex is not only engraved in her blood, but also engraved in the hearts of the vast human race.

"I can't stand it anymore! Damn, are you afraid of a hammer? Even if Tianzun is not interested in you, he can't eat you, right?" A bold middle-aged man looked depressed, "If you dare not tell Tianzun, then I will I have to tell you for you!"

The crowd on Peng's back was very lively, everyone was like a matchmaker, and they were sincerely thinking about Zhao Yu's life's major events.

They even formed a temporary group of dog-headed military advisers to advise Zhao Yu, and began to analyze the "Mrs. Tianzun" Ji Yaoguang, listing the advantages and disadvantages, and began to study on the spot, how to make use of their strengths and avoid weaknesses, so as to attract Tianzun's attention.

Lao Pengwang was dumbfounded when he heard this, with a look of "I'm fucking a dog".

Damn.Is this prehistoric human race so united on any issue?


About a quarter of an hour later, Lin Fei found Yin Chenglin and others.

They experienced a fight with barren people and suffered a small number of casualties, but luckily they did not encounter any Sky Snake people.

They also saw the golden energy storm and the terrifying mushroom cloud before.Even though they were separated by a long distance, they were still shocked.Even now, there are still people who do not forget to sigh with fear, saying that fortunately they were not in that place at that time, otherwise they would have ended up in ashes on the spot.

Lin Fei didn't chat with them, but told them to leave the forest quickly.

"Tianzun, what about you?" Yin Chenglin couldn't help asking.

"I'm going to meet that Heavenly Snake." Lin Fei answered simply and concisely.

When they learned that Lin Fei was going to the place where the Heavenly Snake Clan powerhouse was alone, everyone immediately changed their expressions and tried to dissuade him.

"Tianzun, don't take risks! Given time, this kind of powerhouse will be nothing to you in the future, but don't be impulsive at this time!"

"Yes, Tianzun, let's go back first!"

"If the Sun Moon Human Sovereign Formation can be restored as soon as possible, the city will be considered safe. Even if it cannot be restored, the worst thing is to avoid other places. The only thing is that Tianzun, you must not be unwell!"

Everyone said from the bottom of their hearts that although it is true that it is difficult to give up the stable life in the city, they would rather abandon the city and retreat in the face of such danger.

"I've made up my mind, so there's no need to say more." Lin Fei said lightly, but with unquestionable determination.

Yin Chenglin gritted his teeth immediately, and said decisively: "If you insist on this, Tianzun, then I will have the courage to go with you!"

There are even more ruthless ones, directly putting the knife on his own neck: "Tianzun, if you insist on going your own way, I will splatter five steps of blood on the spot!"

The key point is that this stunned-like move made everyone follow suit.

In order to prevent Lin Fei from taking risks, they threatened each other with death.

Seeing those determined gazes, Lin Fei had no doubts, if he turned his head and left, he would really kill many people on the spot...

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