I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 935 Looting the Celestial Immortal Cave Mansion

If someone else heard this, they would be stunned on the spot, and even wonder if Lin Fei is crazy.

Looting the cave of a celestial being who is one of the top [-] races is an unimaginable event.Not to mention, the person who wanted to do such a feat was not in the realm of immortality...

Human immortals looting the caves of heavenly immortals, is it possible that they will become insane?Even if Tian Yunheng is not there, just relying on the formation restriction arranged by the celestial powerhouse, even if a thousand or 1 immortals rush in, they will only end in ashes and smoke, right?

But such absurd and outrageous things just happened.

Lin Fei didn't get out of his body, but grabbed the body of the demon behind him, and smashed it towards the entrance of Xiaotiandi.

At this moment, a thought even flashed through his mind: If Lin Yuan saw this scene, he might have the thought of killing himself, the master, right?


With a thunderous roar, the barrier between Xiaotiandi and this space was forcibly pierced.

The entire cave mansion, which was a world of its own, was trembling, and the creatures inside were also startled instantly.

"what happened!"

"This...someone broke through the entrance of Yunhengjie?!"

"Damn it, could it be that a celestial being came in?"

The group of snakes panicked and were stunned for a while.Since the opening of Yunhengjie, such absurd things have never happened!

In an instant, the group of snakes rushed towards the entrance of Yun Hengjie.

The monks of the Heavenly Snake Clan who arrived first saw an extremely strange scene.

A man was dressed in snow-white clothes and looked handsome, but he was holding...a woman's corpse.

In front of Lin Fei, a light curtain densely covered with mysterious runes manifested, with murderous aura piercing the sky, as if thousands of fairy swords were rushing towards his face, it was extremely terrifying.But he didn't even bat an eyelid, he just swung the body of the demon and smashed it.


Amidst a loud bang, the whole small world trembled twice again.The majestic rune light curtain was smashed to pieces by this woman's body, and it exploded into a gorgeous and harmless light on the spot, like a beautiful firework.

"What the hell did I see?!" A strong Sky Snake almost bit off his tongue.

"Illusion? Yes, it must be an illusion!"

"Is this true? How can I... I can't believe it?"

The eyeballs of all the monks of the Heavenly Snake Clan almost popped out, and they felt a burst of collapse.

What kind of crude and primitive method is this, it is simply a "fresh" mudslide!

How can someone take turns throwing a dead body and smashing the restrictions imposed by the celestial beings to pieces?

Even the most ferocious and savage giant among the top [-] races, there is no reason to smash a corpse, right?

Vigorous and sturdy in a mess, it also has a strong psychological and spiritual impact, which is simply incomprehensible!

Under the horrified eyes of the group of snakes, Lin Fei violently swung the body of the Heavenly Demon, sweeping past it like a rotten snake.

No matter how frightened and angry the group of heavenly snakes are, whether they flee or fight, they cannot avoid death.

The shrill screams were heard endlessly, each and every one of the Heavenly Snake Clan strongmen was extremely aggrieved and indignant, and was smashed to pieces, bloody and bloody.

There was even a strong bone, and immediately roared: "Wait a minute! Even if you want to kill me, can you change your method, bastard?!"

He was completely out of anger, almost collapsed, and his divine sense seemed hoarse.

Being smashed into meat paste with a dead body...

If this method of death is spread, then the damn thing is too "losing the snake". As a top [-] race, our Heavenly Snake Clan, don't we want to lose face?

"No." Lin Fei replied very simply and calmly, so angry that the guy immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and then roared and chose to explode himself.

boom -

A terrifying energy storm raged, completely tearing his flesh and blood apart.

Lin Fei blocked it with the body of a demon, although he withstood the extremely powerful impact, he didn't move a muscle.

What broke the rest of the snake clan was that he sighed and shook his head: "It's a pity that such a big pot of snake meat soup is gone."

For a moment, the group of snakes almost collapsed.

"I can not stand it any more!"

"Death can't let him stew me, self-destruct!"

"Yes, you must blew yourself up, and you can't let him get used to it!"

Amidst roars filled with righteous indignation, the Heavenly Snakes present chose to blew themselves up one after another.

The scene was very funny at one point, as if someone had beaten him into a cave, blew himself up, or some impassioned act of passion...

So far, apart from Lin Fei, there is no one alive in the whole small world.

Lin Fei still felt a bit of a pity. These days, the blood of the Snake Clan is strong, their cultivation is good, and they contain majestic life energy.If it can be taken away, not only him, but all the people in Zhenbei City will benefit from it.

But he just shook his head, and immediately broke the restriction and went to the medicine field.

Here is the valley area, with green peaks and green valleys, and flying springs like waterfalls.There is also a clump of green bamboo, a few plantains, and a few huts. The scenery is beautiful, natural and peaceful.

The medicine field is full of aura and fragrant flowers.A large number of elixir medicines are growing gratifyingly. Although most of them have been picked, there are also many immature elixir medicine flowers and fruits that have been preserved.

Perhaps because of inheriting the blood-colored luck from the water-blue plane, Lin Fei was lucky enough to find a dragon's blood vine, and immediately stopped in his tracks.

This dragon's blood vine is bright red in color, about the thickness of a baby's arm.Shaped like a horned dragon, it stretches its body with twists and turns.The leaves are also of extraordinary shape, fitting on them like tiny dragon scales.

There are also seven crystal clear flowers, carved like red agate, crystal clear.The image of this flower is also quite special, like little dragons.It exudes a rich fragrance, exhaling the aura of heaven and earth as if alive, shrouded in hazy brilliance.

Lin Fei keenly discovered that due to being nourished by the mist for many years, the medicinal property of this dragon blood vine is extremely strong.

It is contained in "Wuxian Handbook".Dracaena, its vines are like dragons, its leaves are like scales, and its color is bright red.It was originally a seven-star fairy vine, baptized by the blood of the heavenly dragon, and absorbed the good fortune of the world.The whole plant can be used for alchemy, and its medicinal properties are extraordinary, especially the fruit.Supplemented with other things, you can get Qianyuan Hualong Pill.Human immortals are perfect, eat them, and turn into earth immortals.

"Even the magic pill that will break into the earth immortal in the future, have you prepared it for me?" Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked up at the sky.

What a coincidence.

Is it the blood-colored luck of the plane where Shui Lanxing is located, or the blood-colored luck of the human race in the Great Desolate Continent?

Or... is this multi-dimensional way of heaven "operating in secret" within the scope of the rules?

Because he was afraid of the return of the Demon Lord of the Six Paths, he hoped that he could rise rapidly and compete with it.To prevent him from devouring himself, combining the original darkness and chaos into one, and making a move that will destroy and end the entire multiverse?

"Will there be a feeling of imperial appointment?" Lin Fei smiled.

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