At sunset, the setting sun casts a layer of warm orange-red light on Zhenbei City, making it even more majestic and ancient, full of vicissitudes.

It was getting late, so Lin Fei called Ye Wudi and asked him to postpone the sale of alien flesh and blood until tomorrow.Various corpses of different races were frozen, and all of them were stored in the space rings of You Yue and Ye Wudi.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Fei took out the corpses of the strong men of the Tengu and Heavenly Snake tribes, and asked those who were good at cooking in the city to cook.

In an instant, many people with excellent cooking skills boiled over and volunteered.

"Cooking the flesh and blood of the strong men of the Tengu and Serpent clan, I have never dared to think about it in my life!"

"I'll come, let me come! When I was in Tianquan Town, I was arrested and made a cook!"

"Count me in too!"

The pots and pans these people brought from Tianquan Town came in handy.After all, as one of the top [-] races, the Tengu tribe can hunt and kill most of the ferocious and huge creatures, not to mention being at the top of the food chain. Naturally, they also have suitable cooking utensils.

For example...the cauldron weighing more than 8000 catties is a magic weapon used by the monks of the Tengu clan to practice.It can be big or small, even a ten-thousand-jin giant beast can hold it.It's just that he is extremely particular about cooking skills, and it is easy to cause embarrassing things like uneven maturity.

Just this little incident caused many people in the city to think again, feeling that they had discovered new business opportunities and avenues.

Such as seasonings, condiments, and even daily needs such as pots and pans.

With a population of 4, you can't let immortals create [-] complete sets of daily necessities, right?This is no longer a matter of being overqualified, but trying to drive the strong in the city crazy, so that they can completely empty out the immortal yuan in trivial matters...  

What's more, some things are still consumables.What if there is no more?Do we still have to wait for a sufficient quantity to be "mass-produced" by immortals?

It's simply a horror of slipping the world!

"It is necessary to increase social productivity and form a complete industrial chain." A politician from Water Blue Star immediately spoke excitedly, feeling that his opportunity had come and he had encountered something he was good at.

"It is possible to open up common crop planting areas and grow products such as onions, ginger, garlic, and peppers on a large scale."

"Yes, and there are too many people in the city who can't fast, or can't fast for too long. Livestock and aquatic products can also be developed!"

Everyone was discussing in a hurry, and some even thought of doing it, and they were already making plans.

And those cooks who are chosen to cook food also think about how to express themselves.Once Lin Fei's approval is obtained, whether it is to go to places like the City Lord's Mansion, Pengwang Mansion, and Youyue Mansion to work as a chef, or to open a shop by himself, there will be good prospects.

Seeing this scene, Rao Youyue couldn't help sighing softly: "I can almost guess how busy I am tomorrow."

Now the internal affairs of the city are mainly handled by her.

"I'll help you." Ye Wudi walked to her side and said with a smile.

You Yue glanced at him in astonishment before being held by his hand.

At this moment, she blushed and lowered her head: "Yes."

Lin Fei saw this scene in his eyes, and also showed a smile: "Tomorrow, let's subdivide the departments. There are several politicians in Shuilanxing, who are experts in this field, and I suggest using them."

"You guys call Yin Chenglin and Zhao Yu, watch the negotiation and deal with it, and finally submit a report to the City Lord's Mansion."

The two responded, and Lin Fei told them to call all the monks in the fairyland in the city to the city lord's mansion.

Soon, the City Lord's Mansion was full of people.

Lin Fei and Ji Yaoguang sat at the top of the center, and at a glance, they were all the core figures in the city.

Eight lantern envoys of the demon race, two strong men of the prehistoric human race, King Lao Peng, and Ye Wudi, the last emperor of the prehistoric heaven.

Leaving aside Lin Fei, Lao Peng Wang is the strongest among them, but this guy is extremely embarrassingly ranked at the bottom.

"I looted Quanshan, Tianquan Town, and Yunheng Mansion successively. As you can see, today can be regarded as a fruitful battle." Lin Fei said lightly, "There are a lot of elixir, which have been planted, but there are also many mature ones. panacea."

"It's hard for those who are capable. Everyone here is the mainstay of Zhenbei City. I'm afraid there will be many things that require you to work hard in the future. Even if you don't talk about these things, you are also my Lin Fei's people."

"I have never had any reason to treat my people badly."

After the words fell, the interspatial ring in his hand flashed a glimmer of light.


Large pieces of spiritual stones and elixir poured out, filling the center of the hall, and everyone's hearts were beating wildly.

Lao Pengwang's eyes widened even on the spot, his breathing was short of breath, and he wished he could pounce on him!

If other residents in the city saw this scene, they would be so envious that they would go crazy on the spot.

This posture...isn't like giving away precious treasures of heaven and earth, it's like disposing of worthless Chinese cabbage wholesale!

The ancestral land of the Dog Clan, a territory of the Tengu Clan, and even the mansion of a powerful celestial being, their collections have reached a certain level.

It's no wonder that the prehistoric peoples have killed people since ancient times. How can such interests make people indifferent?

The piles of spiritual stones are like hills, containing a hazy brilliance, and there are various extraordinary elixir mixed in them.There are even a small number of "fairy spirit stones". Although most of them are low-grade fairy stones, the majestic spirit breath contained in them is enough to help the cultivation of immortals.

"Tianzun, this... is too precious!" You Yue was the first to speak, she was flattered and knelt down immediately.

The other lamp holders were no exception, and they all knelt without hesitation.

After all, in Eternal Night City, they never dreamed that they would be treated like this.Such an exaggerated contrast made them dare not accept it...

And Lao Peng Wang also knelt down in an instant, but it was completely opposite to the meaning of the eight lantern envoys.He kept shouting excitedly, as if he was afraid of Lin Fei's repentance: "Thank you, master! Master is generous, donates money, helps the poor, and helps the poor. I am so admired that I can't help myself!"

"The villain is so grateful for being so respected by the master. There is no way to repay this kindness. I only want to go through fire and water for the master, go up the mountain of swords and go down the sea of ​​fire, and die!"

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, and he looked so moved that he even forced two tears out of his eyes, making everyone present look dumbfounded.

Ji Yaoguang looked strange, looking at him like a monster.

She once thought that Tuzki was already an extremely shameless thing, but she didn't expect that "the strong are even more powerful".

Zhao Yu and Yin Chenglin were also extremely shocked by Lin Fei's attack, and immediately knelt down on one knee, bowed their heads and clasped their fists.

Ye Wudi, on the other hand, was full of solemnity, bowed deeply, and raised his hands above his head.

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