In the early morning of the next day, the sky was bright and clear, and the wind was smooth.

All kinds of work in the city are in full swing, making this ancient city that has been dormant for 3000 years come back to life.

Under Lin Fei's proposal, several politicians from Shuilanxing joined the army to build the city.

Not just Water Blue Star, not even Human Race.Lin Fei didn't care about those innocent aliens, and advocated the policy of appointing talents.

As long as you have a clean resume, relevant experience and talents, you can get the corresponding position.

City Lord's Mansion, Council Hall.

"As I said earlier, the departments in the city are not complete. According to the modern guiding ideology of our Water Blue Star, the Poverty Alleviation Office, Discipline Inspection Commission, Agriculture, Water Affairs, Labor Bureau, Legal Affairs Office... these departments can all be considered for establishment." An old politician of Water Blue Star argued hard.

A younger politician next to him hesitated for a while, then nodded and said: "Especially the tax policy, which must be implemented as soon as possible. Although the resources in the treasury are extremely rich, if they continue to be consumed like this, sooner or later they will be emptied."

Lin Fei nodded slightly, then looked at foreign politicians and a few prehistoric human races: "What do you mean?"

Apart from Xiang Ling and You Yue, there were no other core personnel present.Lin Fei just wanted to build the internal affairs system as soon as possible, so all the people present were related personnel.

"Taxation is the most important thing, and this must not be sloppy." A leopard spirit also said in a deep voice, "Other things can be postponed, and the tax policy should be implemented as soon as possible."

Sitting at the top of the conference table, Lin Fei slightly nodded and said, "Then let's formulate a tax policy."

The scene soon fell into an uproar, discussing this issue one after another.There was a lot of quarrel over issues such as the threshold and the severity of taxes.

Lin Fei quietly watched their quarrel, just casually leaned on the chair and took a sip of tea.

And because without his intervention, everyone let themselves go even more, and even started blowing their beards and staring.It's just slapping the table and roaring at every turn, and some people have even rolled up their sleeves, and there is a posture of fighting if there is a disagreement, and "physical persuasion" is needed.

The prehistoric and desolate races have always been so tough, and even the humans among them have an attitude of "live and die, and do it if you don't accept it".

But how have the politicians of Water Blue Star seen such a scene?Everyone was terribly frightened, they looked terrified as if they had seen a ghost, their momentum weakened, and they were obviously at a disadvantage.

"Quiet." Lin Fei gently put down his teacup, his voice extremely flat.

But the noisy council hall fell silent in an instant.

There is no sound, but the needle drop can be heard!

"Sit down." Lin Fei said the word lightly again, those guys who stepped on the table and rolled up their sleeves to fight, all sat back in unison.

The well-behaved sitting posture looked like an elementary school student listening carefully, and they all looked at Lin Fei intently.

"Everyone is arguing, but it sounds to me that there are only three types of systems. One is the system of the Great Desolate Heavenly Court, the second is the system of your various races, and the third is the scientific and technological civilization system of Water Blue Planet. Although there are some changes, they are basically the same in the end. "

"In my opinion, the system of Water Blue Star is more suitable. It just needs to be modified according to the actual situation of Zhenbei City, and the departments should be streamlined to avoid unnecessary bloating of the system. For example, the transportation department...does Zhenbei City need to manage traffic? What, Fei The number of swords still needs to be limited?" Lin Fei smiled faintly.

The Aquamarine politicians were immediately overjoyed. They didn't expect that they were at a disadvantage in the previous debate, but they would get a chance to show their ambitions!

This is working in the official system of Zhenbei City, and the benefits are enough to make the foreigners in the city jealous.Weak as a blue star, there is still time to rise!

Even if all kinds of precious cultivation resources cannot be used immediately, but with the gradual improvement of the trade system in the city, they can still exchange a large amount of Qi Gathering Pills, Foundation Establishment Pills, and various important resources in the early stage of cultivation!

The other faction members present were full of envy and unwillingness, but they could only accept the reality.

Because this is what Lin Fei meant.

In the entire Zhenbei City, there is only one voice that can overwhelm everything - that is Lin Fei!

"This construction plan is led by Shuilanxing politicians, and the rest of you are assisted." Lin Fei made a final decision and said without doubt, "You Yue, you and Ye Wudi will be in charge of this matter. All personnel transfers, position arrangements, and salaries will be handled by you. Just figure it out."

Everyone immediately responded, and looked at You Yue with reverence and envy for a while.

This is... the power is in your hands!

It is possible to appoint and remove managers in the city, and even determine their treatment. How many people must try their best to curry favor?

I'm afraid that there will be an endless stream of people who "give gifts" in the future, just hoping to establish a good relationship with her and get a job as an official.

"Above." Lin Fei picked up the teacup but didn't drink it, just looked at the crowd quietly.

Those who know how to read words and expressions have already understood that this means "bringing tea to see off guests".It is not a simple person who can be a politician in the room, and Dang even stood up respectfully and said goodbye.

In just one day, the various systems of Zhenbei City gradually improved and became prosperous.

One store after another opened like mushrooms after rain.The sound of hawking and yelling can be heard endlessly on the street, and the sound of crackling firecrackers is incessant, and there are bright red firecracker residues all over the place.

Then some shops were warned—the staff from the Environmental Protection Agency put on a straight face and educated them so that they could develop good habits of caring for the environment.

"I think this is the first time you have made a mistake, and you don't have this kind of awareness. Let's forget it this time. I hope you can learn from it. Next time, you will have to pay a fine, understand?" A middle-aged man wearing a new dress EPA uniform, said solemnly.

"Yes, yes, I understand, I promise there will be no next time!" The boss replied politely.

What's interesting is that the civil servants of the Environmental Protection Bureau are only in the realm of transforming gods, while the owner of the restaurant is an out-and-out monk.

This scene may seem absurd and bizarre, but it is extremely realistic.

Because this is the rule and order in Zhenbei City.

It was the rules set by Lin Fei!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Departments such as the Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Bureau and the Forestry Bureau appeared one after another and initially accepted the work.

The medicine field, which is full of aura and full of various precious flowers, plants, fruits and trees, has been banned layer by layer. The forestry bureau is responsible for issuing identity tokens and monitoring, and the responsibility is subdivided into individuals;

The empty pond of the City Lord's Mansion was filled with water, a large number of aquatic plants were planted, and spiritual fish and fry were put in, which was both ornamental and practical.

Pill shops, restaurants, teahouses, and even the "Chunfeng Deyi Building" all appeared in the city one after another, and it was very lively.

Sitting on the roof, Ji Yaoguang became obsessed with watching for a while.

Lin Fei smiled faintly, hugged her tenderly from behind, and rested his chin on the top of her head.

"Look, this is the country I laid down for you."

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