I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 949 The Ruthless Man Who Dare to Cross the Tribulation with Lin Fei

That night.

The moonlight is like thin smoke, and the sky and the earth seem to be covered with a layer of veil, hazy and peaceful.

But this tranquility didn't last long, and was broken by the thunder.

Lin Fei obtained too many cultivation resources, and looted three places one after another, one of which was more powerful than the other.What's more, Tian Xiaoxue took the initiative to send it to her door, causing everything in the space ring to be taken away...

"Look over there, Tianzun has passed the tribulation!"

"This is a small heavenly tribulation? Don't scare me! Why do I feel that even if it is a heavenly tribulation of the same realm, with this intensity, I will be chopped into flying ash when I go in?"

Under the night sky, thunderclouds cover the top, the sky is filled with thunder, and the void trembles, creating a scene of horror that will destroy the world.

Thousands of soldiers and horses condensed by thunder and light, people screaming and horses neighing, their iron clothes flickering, and their murderous aura soared to the sky, like a flood, the earth trembled and rumbled.

This kind of scene is very shocking. Thousands of wild beasts are galloping, and a large area of ​​silver is shining, rushing from the zenith, turning into a torrent of thunder, destroying all obstacles.

The strong wind howled, and all kinds of towering ancient trees on the surface rose up from the ground and collapsed into the sky, with sawdust and chaotic leaves flying in a mess.

This is a powerful killing intent, it sweeps over everything, trees and ancient vines shoot up from the ground, rushing into the air, even boulders tens of meters long collapse immediately.

It seems that nothing can stop these thunder soldiers.They are like heavenly soldiers and generals, unstoppable and majestic.Where the spearhead is directed, all tangible qualities will be destroyed.

But only it seems.

Lin Fei gave up all his supernatural powers, and used his physical body to forcibly regret this group of thunderous figures.The thunderbolt men and horses were smashed to pieces, and they were even sucked into their stomachs by opening their mouths, so that their whole bodies were entwined with blazing thunder light, like a powerful man in the heavenly realm in charge of Tianwei, it was extremely terrifying.

Thanks to Lin Fei's preparations, he survived the tribulation far away from Zhenbei City.Otherwise, if such a catastrophe falls, Zhenbei City will be safe. I'm afraid that all living things in the city will be wiped out, and there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

This scene attracted [-] souls in the city to look at it from the sky, and they were all shocked.

Old Peng Wang looked at this scene with even more jealous and resentful eyes.

"If only I had such a talent! If only I had such a background!" He just felt that Duoyuan Tiandao was extremely unfair. If it were him, he would definitely be more dazzling than Lin Fei.

But I never thought that if I really want to change to him, I am afraid that I will be torn to pieces by the Demon Lord of the Six Paths half a beat behind, and the ashes will be thrown away...

And under such circumstances, a figure suddenly soared into the sky and came to the edge of the thunder tribulation.

"Who is it, do you want to die?!"

"Oh my god, it's Ye Wudi!"

"Let him come back, don't go to die!"

"The catastrophe that Tianzun has overcome is extraordinary, even the minor catastrophe is more dangerous than the great catastrophe of the cultivator with the body of the sun!"

"It's over, it's too late, he's dead..."

Amid the regretful sighs of the crowd, Ye Wudi ushered in a catastrophe equal to Lin Fei's.Although the destructive power has been weakened to an exaggerated level, which is only equivalent to the small catastrophe caused by Lin Fei in the late stage of Dongxu, it is still chilling.

"Aren't you stopping?" Ji Yaoguang couldn't help looking at You Yue.

Youyue sighed, smiled wryly and shook her head, "I can't stop it, it's his choice. Although he's only in the late stage of Dongxu, I can hold him down with one hand, but...he's my man .”

Having said that, she bit her lip, and her eyes became firm: "I believe him! He is Ye Wudi, the last emperor of the prehistoric world, and the favorite student of Tianzun!"

Different from Lin Fei's ease, facing the same special catastrophe, Ye Wudi fought desperately.


A round of the sun hangs up and sprinkles the blazing brilliance, which makes people feel cheerful and bright when looking at it.

Ye Wudi didn't dare to be too big, so he cast the vision of the body of the sun when he came up, and the golden crow shines on the sky, fighting to survive the catastrophe.

Heavenly Demon soars into the sky!

The Heavenly Demon dances wildly!

Heavenly Demon Annihilation!

Ye Wudi is like an iron-blooded tough guy in a bloody battle, his aura is overwhelming, his blood is rushing violently, like a wild beast.Countless people in the city stared straight at him, secretly startled, and felt that they were worthy of the Great Desolate Heavenly Emperor.

In terms of such power and influence, it doesn't look like a monk in the later stage of Dongxu, he is so vigorous and messy!

Some people even feel extremely suspicious that even the top ten races such as dragon, phoenix, and unicorn will be pressed to the ground by Ye Wudi and rubbed hard in the same realm...

Of course, it's just a suspicion, after all, I haven't really seen them confront each other.There is no evidence, just being shocked by Ye Wudi's power.

They just glanced at Lin Fei who was further away, and everyone was speechless.

Lin Fei didn't even arouse his protective qi, and didn't even use any supernatural powers. He just punched and palmed lightly, but with monstrous power, it smashed the thunderbolts and horses to pieces.Even he is still breathing, absorbing the essence of thunder and lightning, tempering his soul and body.

"Both are bt..." A water blue star politician muttered to himself, feeling more shocked than seeing Godzilla in the movie with his own eyes.

In his opinion, Ye Wudi was too fierce.

What about Lin Fei?

Ye Wudi's body armor was shattered and smashed, and the sun above his head also cracked traces, and the mournful cry of the Golden Crow was heard.But he was still unrivaled in fierceness, using various killing techniques.Although it seemed extremely difficult and difficult in the charge, there was a kind of blood and unyielding meaning.

On the other hand, Lin Fei on the other side was relaxed and casual, as if he was eating and drinking.At the end, he was simply too lazy to make a move, waiting for the thousands of horses gathered by the thunder to charge violently, smashing into his own body, and only concentrated on concentrating on breathing out the essence of thunder and lightning.

Faced with the same special catastrophe, but with a completely different style of painting, it makes people feel confused.


Ye Wudi was pierced through the shoulder by a gun. If he hadn't dodged in time, his heart might have been pierced.

He forced the collapse with all his strength, demonic energy surged in his palm, and he slashed down like a heavenly knife, cutting off the thunder spear with a "click".

"Heavenly Demon Sovereign Step!"

Ye Wudi's long hair danced wildly in the wind, rising into the sky like a demon god, and stepping down with one foot, like a king descending on the heaven and earth, with an astonishing momentum.


With one kick, the Thunder Knight exploded together with his horse and man.

Ye Wudi's arduous confrontation is still going on, but Lin Fei has already completed his tribulation on the other side.He was covered by strands of misty mist, and changed into brand new and clean clothes.

"Don't worry, take your time." Lin Fei "encouraged" and took a step forward, the golden road stretched out, and he quickly returned to the top of the city.

Lao Peng Wang immediately handed over a cup of spiritual tea with a shy face, and complimented politely: "The master is really powerful, and he easily survived such a catastrophe, even the tea was not cold, so I admire you very much!"

Even if someone showed contempt, thinking that this was really a begging dog, even if he was humiliated like that in the afternoon and had an arm cut off, he still bowed down servilely.

Lin Fei's expression remained unchanged, and he couldn't see the emotion in his heart.

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