Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 107 Big Hair [Part 1]

"In that case, then I'll accept it." Xing Jue was not polite, and put away the storage bracelet with a twist of his wrist.

Then the three of them destroyed the bodies of Ma Zhong and others together.The elders of Fenglei Valley are fine, but the life and death of Ma Zhong and others are related to the Nangong family. If the Nangong family knows that they did it, they will definitely not let them go. Therefore, the best way to solve future troubles is to destroy the corpses disappear.

After finishing the matter, Xing Jue wanted to go back to Yufeng Empire with Xu Changqing, but Xu Changqing wanted to stay and help the Chamber of Commerce because of his relationship with Elder Zhu.

In desperation, Xing Jue had no choice but to bid farewell to them and head towards the port on the outer island by himself.

There are a total of four major forces in the Outer Island, one is the business association of Panlonghui, the other is the financial organization of Fengleigu, and the other is called "Wanjin Family".The other is the extremely mysterious and weird "Shadow of Darkness".

Among the four major forces, except for the shadow of darkness, the other three major forces are mainly engaged in business and are financial institutions of powerful forces on the inner island.

At this moment, due to the war between the Chamber of Commerce and Fenglei Valley, all work has been temporarily suspended, so now the only person in charge of sea transportation is the "Wanjin Family".

And Xingjue's destination at this moment is the port of the Wanjin family, but when Xingjue arrived at the port, it was already dark, so he first found an inn nearby and took a rest.

At this moment, Xing Jue was lying leisurely on the bed, playing with a beautiful bracelet in his hand, and this was exactly the storage bracelet worn by the elder Fengleigu.

This bracelet is very beautiful, with a dark red appearance, shining faintly with five colors of light. The flashes of light are like a rainbow hovering in the bracelet, extremely gorgeous.

And relying on his keen intuition, Xing Jue guessed that this storage bracelet must not be simple, it is very likely to be a high-grade bracelet, maybe it is the kind of high-grade bracelet that can call itself space.

However, after some experiments, Xing Jue also found that the storage bracelet was indeed unable to be opened, so let alone entering into the bracelet to see what it looked like inside, even if there were any valuable items in the bracelet, he could not open it. Check it out, let alone take it out.

"Yes, soul imprint"

After pondering for a while, Xing Jue's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said excitedly.Back then, Xing Jue asked Xiaoqian for advice on this storage bracelet.

Therefore, Xing Jue learned that the top-grade storage bracelet can not only form its own space, but also generate illusory sun and moon, have air to live in, and can also set soul imprints.

To put it bluntly, the soul mark is an enchantment set by the soul, in order to prevent others from stealing the items in the bracelet.

This kind of enchantment is very special, and there is almost no way to break it. The only way to break it is to set the soul mark, so that the person's soul power can be opened.

In other words, as long as the storage bracelet is set with a soul imprint, unless that person removes the soul imprint himself, no one else will be able to open it.

Perhaps it was because of this that Elder Liu of the Chamber of Commerce gave this storage bracelet to Xingjue. As an elder of the Chamber of Commerce, he must know this kind of thing very well.

It is impossible for him not to know that this is a precious bracelet, but it is also impossible for him not to know that this storage bracelet cannot be opened because the soul imprint is set.

That's why he gave it to Xing Jue so generously, because he knew that no one could open this storage bracelet except the dead Elder Fengleigu.

But it is this soul imprint that no one can unlock, Xing Jue is holding a glimmer of hope. Anyway, the soul imprint is also a kind of enchantment, and Xing Jue's jade pendant that can untie various enchantments may be able to This soul imprint is lifted.

Thinking of this, Xing Jue didn't hesitate, and hurriedly took out the jade pendant in his arms, looking at the jade pendant in his hand, Xing Jue couldn't help but smile slightly.

After untiing the sealing formation, the jade pendant had already fallen into the Tianchi, but relying on Uncle Pan's supernatural powers, he found this jade pendant very easily, because he knew how important this jade pendant was to Xing Jue.

Generally speaking, Uncle Pan treated him well. From the conversation between Elder Zhu and Uncle Pan, Xing Jue already knew that Uncle Pan hadn't recovered to his previous strength at this moment, and it was probably because of himself.

Thinking that Uncle Pan and the others might be fighting bloody battles against the Wind and Thunder Valley at this moment, Xing Jue was also a little worried, but for him now, there was nothing he could do, the only thing he could do was silently pray.

After a moment of silence, Xing Jue poured his soul power into the jade pendant, and then the jade pendant shone with strange aura just like before.

When Xing Jue put the jade pendant on the storage bracelet, the streams of gas quickly penetrated into the storage bracelet like a few small snakes entering the hole, and after the streams of gas entered, The storage bracelet even erupted an energy ripple formed by soul power, and then returned to calm.


Seeing that there was a reaction, Xing Jue smiled excitedly, and without hesitation, he touched the storage bracelet lightly, his body suddenly twisted, and finally he was sucked into the storage bracelet.


Xing Jue only felt dizzy for a while, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that he was sitting in the inn, but now he was sitting on a grassland.

What surprised Xing Jue the most was that the night sky should be dotted with stars, but at this moment there was a round sun hanging on it. Although the sun was bright, it didn't feel that hot. It was obviously forged by special means.

Therefore, Xing Jue concluded that he must have entered the storage bracelet at this moment, and then Xing Jue observed its surroundings, only to find that there was a stone hut shining with colorful light not far from him.

And at the door of the stone house is a layer of light blue gas that is constantly wriggling, and that gas Xingjue is also extremely familiar, it is the enchantment.

"No wonder you can't find out what's in the bracelet, it turns out there's a barrier, hey..."

After seeing the enchantment at the stone door, Xing Jue just smiled, because he knew that there must be a lot of treasures hidden in the stone hut, and maybe he can give it away this time.

Wanting to be here, Xing Jue went straight to the gate of the enchantment, took out his jade pendant again, and pressed it directly after instilling soul power.


And with a buzzing sound, the barrier wriggled violently, and after a while, it turned into a wisp of light blue gas, which dissipated with the wind.

When the enchantment door was opened, a tangy fragrance emanated from the stone house, and after smelling this fragrance, Xing Jue was even more surprised, because Xing Jue was very familiar with this fragrance. It was Baodan's unique smell of Danxiang, and it was the first time Xing Jue had smelled such a strong Danxiang.

Just smelling the fragrance of this pill, Xing Jue felt refreshed, so Xing Jue concluded that there must be a large amount of treasured pills hidden in the stone hut.

"Oh my God"

Thinking of this, Xing Jue took a big step and came to the hut. After seeing everything in front of him, Xing Jue's tightly closed mouth instantly turned into a big o shape.

Because at this moment in this hut, all kinds of treasure pills are neatly placed, Xing Jue made a preliminary estimate, and found that there are at least a few thousand treasure pills here, and relying on the induction of the soul, Xing Jue found that Unexpectedly, the lowest-grade treasure pills are all high-grade mysterious grades.

Thousands of high-grade treasure pills of the mysterious rank, what kind of concept is this?This means that Xingjue is about to become a nouveau riche.

And careful observation of Xingjue found that there is a brand on the different treasure pills, which indicates the name, grade, and efficacy of the treasure pills.

In the end, Xing Jue kept his eyes on the middlemost position, because there were only ten treasure pills there, and according to Xing Jue's calculations, they must be the most precious treasure pills.

"Holy Medicine Pill, an earth-level middle-grade treasure pill, has the effect of bringing the dead back to life, and it is the best treasure pill among the healing pills."

Although it was prepared in advance, Xing Jue was still a little shocked, because these ten treasure pills were actually earth-rank middle-grade treasure pills. Up to now, the most precious treasure pills Xing Jue had seen were also earth-rank low-grade treasure pills. I have never seen anyone take out this low-grade middle-grade Baodan Xingjue, but at this moment I actually got ten.


But when Xing Jue carefully looked at this middle-grade treasure pill, a special fragrance of Dan suddenly passed into Xing Jue's nose, and Xing Jue found that the fragrance of Dan was not from the "Holy Medicine Pill" , looked up and saw an extremely exquisite small box above the holy medicine pill.

There was a faint light shining on the top of the box, and the scent of Danxiang came from the box.

"Could it be that there is a treasure pill more precious than the "Sacred Medicine Pill"?"

After carefully removing the box, Xing Jue said a little excitedly, his intuition told him that the real top-quality pill was inside this box.

Thinking of this, Xing Jue hurriedly opened the box, and when the box was opened, a dazzling light flashed out, this light was even more piercing, and Xing Jue hurriedly closed his eyes,

After a while, the light weakened, and when Xing Jue opened his eyes again, he saw a shining golden treasure lying quietly in the box, and there were several words written on the box. big characters.

"Sky Profound Pill, Earth Rank Top Grade Treasure Pill"

After seeing these large characters, Xing Jue couldn't help but gasp, the high-grade earth-level pill, this is actually the top-grade treasure pill, it is said that this kind of pill is extremely difficult to practice, it is definitely a treasure A peerless treasure pill that cannot be found.

Even if a three-star alchemist refines this kind of treasure pill, several people must refine it together, and it takes a year to refine one, even so, it is not always successful.And at this moment, Xing Jue actually got one.

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