Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 113 Exploring Treasures [Chapter 3]

One hour, two hours... until ten hours passed, but that Elder Tan still did not appear.Because this fairy island exists in the deep sea, the change of the sun and the moon cannot be seen. Otherwise, the day and night would have passed quietly for such a long time.

"Punishment" at this moment, Yu Shiman suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Yu Shiman who had been silent for a long time, Xing Jue hurriedly replied.

"When you come to this fairy island, you must really want to see what kind of treasures are there in this fairy island?"

"It is said that ten days after the appearance of the fairy island, the undersea tornado will appear again, and at that time all life forms that do not belong to the fairy island will be taken out of the fairy island by the tornado."

"So, don't waste your time here with me, hurry up and explore the fairy island." Yu Shiman smiled and said to Xingjue.

And after hearing her words, Xing Jue was also shocked, he didn't expect that she was so familiar with Xiandao, Xing Jue was still worried about how to leave Xiandao, but at this moment he relaxed.

But under such circumstances, how could Xing Jue leave him alone.

"Miss..." But at this moment, an old man's voice suddenly came from not far away, and it was Elder Tan who was pleasing to the eye.

"Elder Tan" Yu Shiman shouted excitedly after seeing Elder Tan appearing.But when Elder Tan approached, her excited face instantly became tense.

Because at this moment, Elder Tan's face was pale, and there were bloody scars all over his body. Even walking was a bit difficult, and his breath was frighteningly weak.

"Elder Tan, are you alright?" Seeing this, Xing Jue moved to Elder Tan's side and supported him.

"Hehe, little friend, thank you for saving my young lady." After seeing Xing Jue appearing, Elder Tan said to Xing Jue with a smile in his weak voice and grateful eyes.

"Elder Tan, you..." At this moment, Yu Shiman also ran over. When he saw Elder Tan who was seriously injured, Yu Shiman's eyes were moist.

Previously, when he found out that he had fallen into a hurricane under the sea, Elder Tan gave Yu Shi his only "protective treasure pill".He also said that he knows a kind of body-protecting martial arts, and he is not afraid of submarine hurricanes.

And Yu Shiman also believed it was true, so he accepted the treasure pill.

But at this moment, Yu Shiman knew that he had been deceived, and Elder Tan didn't know any martial arts for body protection at all, otherwise it would be impossible to make it look like this.

"Miss, don't cry, as long as you are fine, I will rest assured." Seeing Yu Shiman's unscathed appearance, Elder Tan said with relief.


While speaking, Elder Tan spurted out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time his breath became weaker and weaker. At this moment, both Xing Jue and Yu Shiman knew that this Elder Tan might not be able to do it.

"Elder Tan, don't leave Xiaoman behind." Seeing this, Yu Shiman burst into tears, sobbing without listening...

Seeing that Yu Shiman, who was spoiled in the past, was so sad at this moment, Xing Jue also felt a little uncomfortable.

"Xiaoman, I have a solution."

But at this moment, Xing Jue suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and then he turned his wrist, and a bright treasure pill emerged. This is the middle-level treasure pill "Holy Medicine Pill"

After taking out the "Sacred Medicine Pill", Xing Jue hurriedly stuffed the pill into Elder Tan's mouth, and then nervously watched the changes in Elder Tan.

It is said that this holy medicine pill has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. If it is really possible, it must be able to save the life of Elder Tan.

And Yu Shiman stared at Elder Tan intently. Xing Jue could save her life in the submarine hurricane that even Elder Tan couldn't deal with. She felt that maybe Xing Jue could really cure Elder Tan.


To the surprise of the two of them, a moment after the treasure pill entered the abdomen, a faint light began to shine on Elder Tan's body, and at the same time, streaks of white gas began to emanate from Elder Tan's body.

After this change appeared, Elder Tan's weak aura also began to improve, and even the wound began to heal.

After seeing the changes in front of her eyes, Yu Shiman became even more excited, and then cast her grateful eyes on Xing Jue.

Xing Jue looked at Elder Tan with a smile, thinking, "This holy medicine pill really has the effect of bringing the dead back to life, and I don't know if Xiao Han will get better after taking it."

Although Xingjue, the holy medicine pill, only had ten pills, Elder Tan had helped him before, so Xingjue didn't feel distressed when he used it to save Elder Tan's life.

"Um, little friend, are you the "Holy Medicine Pill?" "" Sensing the gradual healing of the injury, as well as the strength of the continuous recovery, Elder Tan said with a look of surprise.

"Hehe, Elder Tan, this is the holy medicine pill." Xing Jue smiled slightly.

"Old man, thank you for the generosity of this little friend." After hearing Xing Jue's affirmative answer, Elder Tan actually hurriedly got up, saluted Xing Jue, and said gratefully.

He had some understanding of the preciousness of this holy medicine pill, and he was naturally grateful that Xing Jue was willing to give him such a precious pill.

"Elder Tan, you're welcome." Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly helped Elder Tan up.He can't stand this kind of gift.Especially an old man who was older than him by an unknown number of generations.

After resting for a while, Elder Tan's body also eased a lot. In order for Elder Tan to quickly recover his strength, Xing Jue took out a high-grade qi-invigorating pill.

During this period, Elder Tan and Xing Jue also talked a lot, and they had some understanding of each other.

In fact, Yu Shiman and Elder Tan are not from the Boundless Sea. They just came to live in the Boundless Sea for some reason, and this time they went to the Nangong Empire to accompany Yu Shiman to see a sister. , it is said that her sister is the main disciple of the Nangong Empire.

However, the two of them didn't mention which faction Miss Yu Shiman is, so Xing Jue didn't ask too much, but with Elder Tan's strength, he actually stayed by Yu Shiman's side like a personal servant. , Xing Jue guessed, I am afraid that Yu Shiman's identity is not simple.

After Elder Tan's injuries were fully recovered, Xingjue and the others began to walk towards the depths of the fairy island. Both Xingjue and Elder Tan were yearning for the legendary treasure.

"Elder Tan, you said that the ancestor of your clan once came to Xiandao, so did he find the treasure of Xiandao?" Xing Jue asked curiously.

"Hehe, of course the treasure was not taken away. According to the records of the ancestors, the fairy island does exist, and there is indeed a treasure, but it does not explain what it is."

"Anyway, for some reason, my ancestor didn't take the treasure away back then, and he went to the Boundless Sea to search for it many times after that, but he never encountered the fairy island again."

"Afterwards, my ancestors came to the conclusion that the location of Xiandao is not fixed, but should be constantly floating in the deep sea."

"So it is very difficult to find this fairy island in the deep sea of ​​this endless "Boundless Sea".Elder Tan explained slowly.

"Some reason?" After hearing Elder Tan's words, Xing Jue became more cautious.

Even the ancestors mentioned by Elder Tan failed to take away the treasure, which means that there must be something protecting the so-called treasure on this island, either guarded by someone, or blocked by a powerful barrier.Or there are some terrible traps.

No matter what it is, in short, this fairy island is not simple, so Xing Jue expanded the soul power to the largest range to deal with emergencies.

But along the way, except for the dense ancient trees, Xing Jue didn't find any living body, and the island is also very big, Xing Jue and others walked for a long time, but they didn't find the so-called treasure.

"this way"

But at this moment, Xing Jue's soul power suddenly sensed the existence of a living body, and immediately moved towards that living body at a high speed.

Seeing this, Elder Tan and Yu Shiman hurriedly followed behind him, and at this moment, Elder Tan looked at Xing Jue with eyes full of admiration.

In the sailing boat, Xing Jue was able to easily defeat the young master of the Wanjin family who was a high-ranking Martial Master with the strength of a middle-ranking Martial Master. Elder Tan discovered that Xing Jue was unusual.But at that time, he just felt that Xing Jue's talent was better.

However, when everyone fell into the submarine hurricane that even he couldn't handle, Xing Jue was able to run on the vortex. At that time, Elder Tan looked at Xing Jue with admiration.

Afterwards, Xing Jue not only successfully rescued his young lady, but the two of them were able to enter the Immortal Island unscathed, and Xing Jue possessed so many precious pills, which surprised Elder Tan time and time again.Began to have doubts about Xing Jue's identity...

Now, in this fairy island, even he can't sense anything wrong, but Xing Jue actually sensed it. Elder Tan can't even imagine how strong he will be if he is given enough room for growth. degree.

Maybe even in their race of geniuses, there are very few people who can compare with this punishment.

Thinking of this, Elder Tan made a decision in his heart, that is, for Xing Jue, no matter what, he must try his best to get closer to him.


As the three of them ran fast, they were getting closer and closer to the living body, but at this moment, an extremely tragic cry suddenly came from the direction of the living body.The sound was so terrifying that even Xing Jue couldn't help but tremble.

And Yu Shiman was even more excited, she got into Xing Jue's arms, hugged Xing Jue tightly, and Xing Jue was shocked again.

But after a while, Yu Shiman also reacted, and immediately withdrew from Xing Jue's embrace with a blushing face.

"Pfft..." But when she lifted it up, she found that Xing Jue's face was actually redder than his, which made her laugh out loud.

"Little friend Xingjue, that voice..." At this moment, Elder Tan said a little uneasy.Because he had already heard who made that voice.

"Elder Tan, that person is indeed Elder Zhao from the Wanjin family." Naturally, Xing Jue understood what Elder Tan wanted to say, and immediately replied affirmatively.

"Hmph, it's just right, let's see if Miss Ben doesn't kill him." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Yu Shiman became even more angry in an instant, and immediately moved towards the direction where the voice came from.Seeing this, Xingjue and Xingjue hurriedly followed...

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