Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 119 Sea Beasts as Ships [Chapter 3]

"Whirring whirring"

Above the fairy island, a tornado gradually took shape, and the tornado, which was as thick as [-] zhang, spun extremely fast, and the dark blue sea water swirled along with it, and the majestic vortex enveloped the entire sky above the fairy island.

At this moment, the three Xingjue people in the fairy island all exuded a layer of light golden substantive light. They looked up at the extremely spectacular tornado above the fairy island.

From the perspective of the three of them at this moment, the internal structure of the tornado can be clearly seen.Although the appearance of the tornado is pale white, the waves of water flow extremely fast.

However, a dark tunnel was formed inside the tornado, and an extremely terrifying force was condensing in the endless dark tunnel, and at the same time, a disturbing roar was also emitted. .


At this moment, Xing Jue suddenly felt that his body lost his balance, his toes floated, and he actually floated off the ground...

"Grab my hand" Seeing this, Xing Jue shouted loudly, he knew that this was the suction force from the channel, and this suction force was really aimed at them, it seemed that they were about to be taken away from this fairy island.

After hearing Xing Jue's words, Yu Shiman and Elder Tan did not neglect, they both tightly grasped Xing Jue's wrist, fearing that any accident would happen.

And at this moment, the speed of the three people's floating was getting faster and faster, and soon they jumped out of the forest and rushed towards the dark passage.

"whoosh whoosh"

In the end, the bodies of the three people turned into three rays of light, like three arrows shot out with great force, rushing towards the dark passage, but in an instant, the three of them were thousands of feet above the ground. .

"This fairy island is really not simple"

At this moment, Xing Jue hurriedly lowered his head, wanting to take a look at the whole picture of Xiandao from this height, but what surprised Xing Jue was that at this moment, there was a vast expanse of whiteness below, like a sea of ​​clouds, and also like a light mist , floating endlessly below, completely covering the fairy island.


All of a sudden, Xingjue and the three of them felt that their eyes went dark, and they entered the dark passage. The roar of tigers, the roar of dragons, the sound of breaking wind, and the sound of waves kept ringing in the ears of the three of them.

At this moment, the three of them couldn't see anything, the only thing they could feel was the body that was constantly shooting upwards, and maybe because they entered directly from the inside this time, the three of them didn't feel the strong oppression when they were caught in the submarine hurricane. sense.

Although the sense of oppression still exists, compared to before, it seems much more relaxed.

As time passed, Xing Jue couldn't help but feel mysterious about the location of this fairy island...

After entering the tornado, he soon passed out, and when he woke up again, he was already in the fairy island, so Xing Jue didn't know how far away the violent sea level of the fairy island was.

But this time, Xing Jue made a special calculation. When they were absorbed by a powerful force in Xiandao, they could instantly rise to a height of several thousand feet, and after entering the passage, the speed was astonishingly fast.

But under this extremely rapid surge, Xing Jue unexpectedly found that several hours had passed without knowing it, but even though several hours had passed quietly, they still did not rush out of the passage.

What does this mean? This means that the bottom of this boundless sea is so deep that it cannot be estimated, and the fairy island is at the deepest point.

And the fairy island is still floating, so if you want to find the fairy island in this boundless sea, it is simply too difficult, it is even easier than climbing the sky.It's no wonder that even the ancestors that Elder Tan talked about couldn't find Xiandao.

"close your eyes"

But at this moment, Xing Jue suddenly found a little light flashing in the passage, and the light became more and more intense, Xing Jue knew that they were finally going to leave the dark passage and return to the surface of the sea.

But they have spent several hours in this dark passage, and they have never seen any light. If they suddenly see a strong light, it will hurt their eyes, so they reminded them.

Under the reminder of Xingjue, Yu Shiman and Elder Tan also reacted instantly, and then quickly closed their eyes.

But even though Xing Jue's eyes are closed at this moment, he can still feel the dazzling light piercing his eyes...

"Whoa Whoah"

At this moment, Xing Jue suddenly heard the sound of huge waves resounding in his ears, and the speed of his upward surge also began to slow down.

Xing Jue squinted his eyes slightly, facing the fierce light, and slowly opened his eyes. When Xing Jue's eyes were completely opened, he was pleasantly surprised to find that they had really escaped from the dark passage and returned to this place again. On the surface of the boundless sea.

It's just that they are still flying upwards at this moment, and looking down, they can see that the huge vortex is spinning at a very fast speed below them, just like the huge vortex on the bottom of the sea they saw back then.

And at this moment, looking down from above, the huge vortex is like a deep blue disc, spinning extremely fast in this boundless sea area, and it is like the eye of a sea god, full of mystery.

And after Xing Jue and others shot out, the dark passageway also slowly closed, and when the passageway was closed, the rotation speed of the huge vortex also began to slow down.

At this moment, Xing Jue and their flying speed finally stopped, and finally began to fall into the whirlpool at a very high speed.

"Yo hoo~"

However, facing the rapidly falling body and the constantly roaring wind around him, Xing Jue not only did not have the slightest fear, but shouted excitedly.

At this moment, Yu Shiman also opened his eyes. After seeing the situation at this moment, he couldn't help screaming, and hugged Xingjue's arm tightly, fearing that he would escape from Xingjue.

"Puff la la la"

The three of Xingjue plunged into the vortex, and white waves several feet high surged up.In the end, it poured down like a torrential rain.

However, before the splashed waves fell completely, the same thick wave was set off again not far away, and this time three figures also flashed out.

"Tap Tap"

Xing Jue stepped on the sea steadily, just like stepping on the ground, so stable, while Yu Shiman was lying on Xing Jue's back, holding Xing Jue tightly, fearing that he would fall into it. In this sea water.

Elder Tan relied on the power of space to barely step on the water.

Due to the closure of the Xiandao Passage, the submarine hurricane has completely dissipated. Although the sea water is still surging at this moment, it is much calmer than before.

"Little friend Xing Jue, your technique is really amazing." Elder Tan glanced at Xing Jue who was standing firmly on the sea, and said in amazement.

He had also seen Xing Jue walking on the waves before, and he felt it was unbelievable at that time, but seeing it again now, he still feels very miraculous.

"Hey, Elder Tan, this is my secret martial art," Xing Jue said with a smile.I thought to myself, if the third layer can be successfully cultivated, but can walk in the sky, then it is truly miraculous.

"Elder Tan, now that we are deep in this boundless sea, we can't swim to the Eastern Continent, right?" At this moment, Yu Shiman, who was lying on Xingjue's back and hugged Xingjue tightly, said with some concern.

"This..." After hearing her words, Elder Tan also became a little worried. Indeed, how to reach the Eastern Continent is the biggest problem right now.

"Hey, don't worry, our boat is coming." Just when the two were in trouble, Xing Jue said with a hey smile, and then pointed to the sea area not far away.

According to Xing Jue's view, one could see a huge sea wave with a height of several feet not far away that was constantly rising, and at this moment it was rushing towards them.

"My God, what is that?" Seeing the scene in front of her, Yu Shiman couldn't help but said in surprise.

"It's a herd of sea beasts," Elder Tan judged based on his experienced experience.

"Little friend Xing Jue, do you want to go to the Eastern Continent with a sea beast?" Elder Tan suddenly remembered what Xing Jue said just now, so he said in shock.

"Hey, monsters can be tamed, what can't be done with sea beasts, Xiaoman hold me tight" and Xing Jue just smiled, and then moved his body and ran towards the big waves.

"Young man, you really have an idea." Seeing that Xing Jue did what he said, Elder Tan smiled slightly, and then his body swayed slightly and he merged into the space.

At the moment, among the waves, there are indeed a group of sea beasts. The size of these sea beasts is generally about ten meters, and it can be said that it is very easy for two people to ride, and the strength of this group of sea beasts is generally at the level of Martial Lords.


At this moment, Xing Jue had already skimmed in front of the waves, and with a sudden kick of his feet, he jumped up.

After jumping up, Xing Jue also found that there are dozens of sea beasts under him at this moment surging at a high speed...

Seeing this, after Xing Jue made a beautiful somersault, he landed firmly on a sea beast with a length of more than [-] meters.

This sea beast is pitch-black, and its thick skin is as unbreakable as a layer of armor, while their appearance is more like dolphins, but they are much bigger and fiercer than dolphins.

"Puff la la la"

After feeling the Xing Jue falling on its body, the sea beast started to swing its body crazily, trying to throw the Xing Jue off.

"Not good, find a fight"

Seeing this, Xing Jue reached out with his left hand, and the light of martial energy flashed out. Finally, he stabbed at the thick skin of the sea beast, piercing into the skin of the sea beast, and Xing Jue buckled it forcefully. It is to hold the sea beast's skin firmly, and be held tightly by it like a handle.

At the same time, he clenched his right fist slightly, swung it suddenly, and punched the sea beast twice.


Under Xing Jue's violent ravages, the sea beast also stopped its swaying body, and let out a mournful wail, as if it had compromised.

Immediately, Xing Jue turned his wrist, and the sea beast swam in the direction of Xing Jue's wrist rotation, and behind this sea beast, dozens of smaller sea beasts also followed closely behind. This sea beast is the leader of this group of sea beasts.


At this moment, the space beside Xing Jue suddenly squirmed, and Elder Tan emerged.

Elder Tan's level is only the initial contact with the power of space. Entering the space consumes physical strength, so he cannot stay in the space for a long time.

In addition, you can only walk close to the ground or the space at sea level, and you cannot cross the space.

"Little friend Xingjue, you really tamed this sea beast. I admire you." After Elder Tan appeared, he looked at the sea beast obediently under Xingjue's control, and said in admiration.

This sea beast had a low IQ and was ferocious by nature. It was difficult to tame, but Xing Jue managed to tame it.

In fact, the reason why Xing Jue can control this sea beast is because Xing Jue uses pain as a guide, as long as it obediently swims in the direction shown by Xing Jue, it can avoid pain and torture.

"Hey, Elder Tan, please sit down," Xing Jue said with a smile.

At this moment, Yu Shiman was sitting beside Xing Jue, holding Xing Jue's right arm tightly with her hands, her eyes narrowed into two bright crescents, and her small mouth kept making sweet giggles. happy and excited.

Looking at the rare and happy Yu Shiman, Elder Tan shook his head helplessly.

Girls like romantic and thrilling things, and what Xing Jue is doing now is definitely in line with her yearning. Swimming in the sea with a sea beast, this... I guess Xing Jue wants to get it.

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