Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 126 The Strength of Xing Jue [Part 1]

After Xingjue drove the members of the Wang family out of Yunzong City, the plaque of the Wang family's mansion was quickly replaced with the words "Xing Mansion".

And the news that the Xing family recaptured Yunzong City spread quickly. Even some slaves who left the Xing family returned to the Xing family happily, but the instructors of the Xing family also readily accepted them.

"Xingjue, it is said that the young master of the Wang family is a disciple of the main pavilion of the Yufeng Pavilion, if he is invited back..." In the hall of the Xingfu, the instructor of the Xing family said worriedly.

It has been more than a month since Xingjue drove the Wang family out of Yunzong City. It stands to reason that if they had returned to "Qiantang City" to rescue soldiers, they should have returned long ago.

But they didn't show up, so the instructors of the Xing family were worried that they might be going to invite the disciple of the main pavilion who was in the Yufeng Pavilion.

The disciples of the Master Pavilion of Yufeng Pavilion are like gods in their hearts, so just thinking about the trouble that might come to them, the instructors of the Xing family can't help but start to feel scared.

"Don't worry, instructor, he's the one I'm waiting for," Xing Jue said with a slight smile and didn't care at all.

After hearing Xing Jue's words, not to mention the instructor of the Xing family, even Lu Zhan couldn't help being surprised. The weakest disciple of the main pavilion of Yufeng Pavilion is the strength of a high-ranking Martial Venerable. Now Xing Jue is even stronger than him. Looking at it, could it be that he has reached the level of a high-ranking martial artist?


But at this moment, there was a thunderous bang suddenly outside the Xing family, and after hearing this sound, everyone couldn't help but stand up and stared nervously at the direction of the Xingfu's periphery.

"It's finally here." After the bang sounded, Xing Jue calmly took a sip of the fragrant tea in his hand and said with a smile.

"Um, Xing Jue..." At this moment, everyone in the hall looked at Xing Jue anxiously.

At this moment they knew that the rescuers from the Wang family must have arrived, and since Xing Jue didn't show up at this moment, they didn't dare to go out of the hall, because they knew that even if they went out with their strength, they would just die.

"Instructor, don't worry, we don't need to go out, they will come over later." But Xing Jue smiled slightly and waved his hand to signal them to sit down.

Seeing this, although everyone was extremely anxious, they had no choice but to sit down full of unease.After all, at this time, they had no choice but to listen to the punishment.

"Let me see who has occupied my Wang family's mansion." At this moment, there was a loud shout like thunder outside the gate of the main hall.

Looking around, I saw a white-haired, but domineering old man walking slowly towards the hall, and behind him was a group of menacing men. Surprisingly, those people They were all masters who had reached the level of Wu Zong, and the elder who was injured by Xing Jue was also among them.

"Xing Jue, he is the Patriarch of the Wang family, the strong man of the first level Wu Zun." When the old man appeared, the instructor hurried to Xing Jue and said extremely nervously.

At this moment, the people headed by the Patriarch of the Wang family had already walked into the hall. Seeing this, the rest of the Xing family ran to Xing Jue's side in fright, afraid of being poisoned by the other party.

"Get out"

But at this moment, there was a sudden shout, and then with a wave of his sleeves, an extremely powerful martial spirit, with bursts of ear-piercing roars, plundered away at the members of the Wang family.


Facing Xing Jue's tyrannical attack, the head of the Wang Family's pupils dilated instantly, and his face turned pale, because he found that Xing Jue's attack could not be blocked with his strength.


But just when Xing Jue's attack was about to hit the Patriarch of the Wang Family, an equally tyrannical force of martial energy suddenly surged out from the space behind the Patriarch of the Wang Family, and finally offset Xing Jue's attack. Come.

Afterwards, the space squirmed for a while, and then a figure of a man in a golden robe emerged from the astonished eyes of everyone.


After seeing this man stepping out of the space, everyone in the Xing family was shocked. The power of space is an ability that at least a warrior can master.

And when they saw the man's golden robe, everyone became even more frightened. As members of the Yufeng Empire, they had all heard of this golden robe before, and it belonged to the disciple of the main pavilion of Yufeng Pavilion. Status symbol.

"Boy, who are you?" When the man appeared, he first looked at Xingjue who was sitting in the main seat, and then asked contemptuously.

"Didn't you hear? I told you to get out." However, Xing Jue ignored the man's words at all, but turned his face cold and said fiercely.

"Crazy boy" said in a cold voice when he saw that Xing Jue was actually a man, and then his body flickered and he melted into the space.

"Xing Jue, run away!" Seeing this, the instructor of the Xing family hurriedly shouted, he knew that the master disciple was going to attack Xing Jue.


But before the instructor's voice fell, the space beside Xing Jue squirmed for a while, and then a palm full of terrifying power slapped Xing Jue fiercely.


But facing the opponent's attack, Xing Jue was not afraid at all, he saw his palm slightly curved, like an eagle's claw, protruding out slightly was to tightly clasp the man's wrist.

"Just this little strength," Xing Jue said with a smile after grabbing the man's palm.The smile is full of sarcasm.

And at this moment, everyone also reacted. When they saw that Xing Jue had resisted the man's attack, they were all shocked. That man was a martial god, and Xing Jue could easily block his attack. , Could it be...

"Valkyrie, are you a Valkyrie?" At this moment, the man said with a face full of surprise.Because in the strength of Xing Jue's grip on his wrist, he could feel that Xing Jue was a martial god, a real martial god.

"You guessed it right"

And Xing Jue smiled slightly, then moved his body, swung his right arm abruptly, and threw the man viciously.


Under the powerful force of Xingjue, the man shot towards the outside of the hall like an arrow from the string.

But this man didn't take his time. After performing a beautiful somersault in the air, he landed firmly on the ground, then raised his head and cast his surprised eyes on Xing Jue.

But in the next second, he was shocked to find that Xing Jue had disappeared at this moment.


"you are too slow."

But at this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly came from behind the man, and he turned his head to see that it was Xing Jue.

But when the man found out about Xing Jue, Xing Jue's heavy fist, which contained great strength, was already accompanied by the sound of fierce wind, and slammed down on the man viciously.


At such a distance, the man couldn't dodge at all, he could only watch Xing Jue's fist continuously enlarge in front of his eyes, and finally hit his body fiercely.

With one punch, the man's body turned into a golden thread, shooting into the courtyard wall not far away like a meteor piercing the sky.

"Bang... bang... bang..."

The powerful force caused the man to leap extremely fast, and he stopped after penetrating through several courtyard walls.


The man was breathing heavily at this moment, and after wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he stood up a little shaky.


But at this moment, the man only felt that a gust of wind was blowing by his side. At the same time, Xing Jue's figure, like a ghost, appeared behind the man again, with a beautiful back swing of his legs, with a sharp With the sound of the wind, he slammed down on the man's back.

With a "bang" kick, the man turned into a golden thread again and shot out...

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang,"

The man was kicked around by Xing Jue like a ball in the Xing family's mansion, but he had no strength to fight back.

If he hadn't relied on the strength of the Valkyrie and possessed a tyrannical body, he would have been kicked to death by Xing Jue long ago.

But at this moment, the people in the Xingfu couldn't figure out the situation at all. They could only hear the continuous booming sound and the figures flashing past like the speed of light.

Their strength is too low, and the fighting speed between the Valkyrie is too fast, so they can't even see clearly.

At this moment, everyone in the courtyard, whether they are from the Xing family or the Wang family, are all sweating, not knowing who is in the upper hand and who is in the upper hand.


But at this moment, there was a sudden roar in the courtyard, and at the same time, a thick cloud of dust diffused from the courtyard.

Looking at the billowing smoke in front of them, everyone was shocked. It was like an explosion that happened suddenly. They didn't see what it was at all.

But as the dust gradually dissipated, people were really shocked to find that at this moment, the disciple of the main pavilion was lying in the courtyard covered with scars, and below him, there was a floor paved with marble. A deep hole was smashed out.

"Kai'er" saw this, the Patriarch of the Wang family ran over in a hurry, and helped Wang Kai up with a nervous face.

"How is it? Do you still want to take my life?" At this moment, Xing Jue's voice suddenly sounded from outside the courtyard.

Immediately, with a calm smile on his face and no trace of dust on his body, he walked in slowly under the shocked eyes of everyone.

"So strong..." When Xingjue appeared, there were bursts of admiration...

Seeing the punishment at this moment, and looking at the disciple "Wang Kai" in the main pavilion, there was a stark contrast. At this moment, who was strong and who was weak was clearly displayed in front of them.

"Who the hell are you? You dare to treat me like this. Could it be that you want to fight against Yufeng Pavilion?" At this moment, Wang Kai stood up and shouted at Xingjue.

Although Wang Kai, a disciple of the main pavilion, was abused by Xing Jue for a long time, Xing Jue didn't use all his strength, as if he was playing tricks on him.So at this moment, although Wang Kai looked extremely embarrassed, it was just some skin trauma.

But despite this, Wang Kai still deeply realized the gap between him and Xing Jue, so at this moment he had no choice but to lift the umbrella of Yufeng Pavilion, hoping to suppress Xing Jue.

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