Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 140 The Grace of the Master [Chapter 3]

"Did you hear what Elder Raleigh said just now?"

"This is my Yufeng Pavilion's family affairs, so it's best not to mention it to outsiders, otherwise... you all know the consequences."

After the elders left, Li Chanyue walked slowly to the center of the square, and said to the disciples with high spirits, while speaking, she cast her sharp eyes on everyone.

"Don't worry, Senior Sister Li, as disciples of the main pavilion, we understand"

And when they saw Li Chanyue's sharp eyes, all the disciples couldn't help but tremble, and an inexplicable chill came from their hearts, and some disciples hurriedly expressed their attitudes.

This Li Chanyue can be said to be one of the strongest disciples in Yufeng Pavilion. Not only has he reached the level of a high-ranking Martial God, but he also has a special master behind him, that is the master of Yufeng Pavilion "Qing Motian".

Moreover, the Pavilion Master loves Li Chanyue very much, and even handed over his Pavilion Master Token to Li Chanyue, allowing him to take charge of the overall situation when necessary. From this, it can be seen that the Pavilion Master is very optimistic about her.

Moreover, this Li Chanyue is also very impartial in doing things, focusing on the overall situation, so she is also a newcomer who has won the disciples of the main pavilion, but on the contrary, if someone dares to go against his will, the end will be very miserable.

Therefore, Li Chanyue's status in the main pavilion is somewhat special, it has already surpassed the boundaries of disciples, it is no less than the elders of the main pavilion.

"Okay, that's the end of today's business, let's leave." Seeing that there was no objection from the crowd, Li Chanyue smiled slightly, and then lightly waved her jade hand, signaling for everyone to retreat.

And after her words fell, all the disciples couldn't help but glanced at Xing Jue with that complicated gaze, and walked towards their palace one after another.

No matter what, today's matter will become a hot topic in the main pavilion. I am afraid that even after many years, the old disciples will talk about it as a big event to the new disciples.

However, seeing that the incomparably proud master disciples actually obeyed Li Chanyue's words, Xing Jue couldn't help but feel that this "Li Chanyue" did have some talents, and that could be said to be an innate leadership ability .

After the crowd dispersed, Li Chanyue also turned her attention to Xing Jue, and after smiling at Xing Jue, her figure flickered and she also merged into the space.And Xing Jue also returned to his Jade Cloud Palace.

At this moment, Xing Jue was sitting quietly in the main hall of the treasure hall alone, with a calm face, but a little uneasy in his heart.Because the punishment at this moment is waiting for Feng Lao to punish him.

As the Great Elder of Yufeng Pavilion, Xing Jue guessed that Elder Feng must be very strict and notarized. Although he is his disciple, he should not protect him if he did something wrong, and Xing Jue at this moment is ready to be punished Prepare.

During this kind of waiting, Xing Jue felt that time passed very slowly, an hour seemed like a year, and in such a long torment, the bright sunny sky was also replaced by the dark night sky, at this moment the starry sky The night sky has completely shrouded the land.

At this moment, Xing Jue was still sitting in the hall and waiting quietly. Suddenly, the space in front of Xing Jue squirmed, and then the figure of an old man appeared, and that was Xing Jue's master. , the main elder of the pavilion is "Old Feng."

"Unfilial disciple Xing Jue, pay homage to Master" Seeing this, Xing Jue quickly knelt down on the ground and said respectfully.

"Stinky boy, why don't you do this? Get up quickly." But Feng Lao smiled slightly, and then waved his sleeve robe, and a force lifted Xing Jue.Then he took a big step and sat on the chair beside him, staring at Xing Jue with his slightly squinted eyes.

"Master, this disciple knows that he has caused a catastrophe this time, please punish the master." Xing Jue came to Feng Lao and cupped his hands and said.

"Punishment? What crime?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, Feng Lao smiled slightly, as if he didn't know the so-called.

"Eh..." After hearing Feng Lao's words, Xing Jue was stunned for a moment, looking a little at a loss.

"Haha, okay boy, I already know what happened."

"Although you've done a little too much, if people bully you, it's not good if you don't resist." After seeing Xing Jue's appearance, Feng Lao couldn't help laughing.

"Er...Master, but that Elder Chi Huo..." After hearing Feng Lao's words, Xing Jue couldn't help but look happy, he didn't expect Feng Lao to protect him so much.

"Hmph, that kid Chi Huo actually dared to suppress my disciple? I've locked him up, when will he reflect on it?" When Xing Jue mentioned Elder Chi Huo, Feng Lao raised his eyebrows, still a little bit aggrieved.

However, after hearing Feng Lao's words, Xing Jue realized that he was nothing, his master was even more domineering than him, and even he was a little shocked by directly imprisoning the elder of the main pavilion.

"Okay, boy, this matter is over now, don't think about it again."

"Even if you wait until Qingmotian leaves the customs to pursue this matter, I will still be the teacher to make the decision for you." Feng Lao was full of domineering while speaking, looking at this appearance, even the master of the main pavilion, he seemed to be indifferent. Not in the eyes.

"Thank you, Master, for your kindness." Seeing this, Xing Jue was even more excited, and immediately knelt down on the ground again and said respectfully.

"Okay, okay, I said, are you finished?" After seeing Xing Jue's appearance, Feng Lao seemed a little impatient.

"Hey, Master, please drink tea."

"Master, where have you been for the past two years? This disciple wants to kill you." Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly got up, came to Feng Lao with a smile, and poured a cup of tea for Feng Lao.

"Of course I'm traveling abroad. Having said that, you are not simple."

"Bouncing from a martial artist to a martial god in two years is really abnormal. Did you encounter some adventure?" After drinking a cup of tea, Feng Lao looked at Xing Jue with complicated eyes.


After hearing Feng Lao's words, Xing Jue's face became a little ugly, because what Feng Lao said was true, he was indeed able to meet many adventures today.

But those things are all related to his race "Soul Eater", so he is not easy to tell Feng Lao, but Feng Lao treats him so well, if it is not for Feng Lao, he would not be able to condense the sea of ​​​​qi , let alone have today's achievements, so the punishment at this moment is a bit difficult, I don't know whether to say yes to Feng Lao, or to hide it.

"Okay, I don't want to know about this kind of thing, you don't have to make it difficult." After seeing Xing Jue's embarrassed look, Feng Lao smiled and waved his hands.

Seeing that Feng Lao didn't ask, Xing Jue's tangled face instantly became joyful, like a big rock hanging from his chest finally fell down, looking extremely relaxed.Then he smiled and sat beside Feng Lao.

"I heard that you have done a lot of earth-shattering things after you entered the main cabinet. You are the first in the cabinet assessment, the first in the hunting competition, and I heard that you even passed the day's examination room? Are these true?" Sitting down in Xing Jue After that, Feng Lao asked with a smile.There was a look of anticipation on that old face.

"Well, it's true." Xing Jue raised his face and replied proudly.

"Haha, okay, okay, you kid is really doing me a favor."

"I didn't even dare to challenge that day in the word test room. I didn't expect that you kid would dare to challenge and passed, hahaha." Seeing that this matter was admitted by Xing Jue himself, Feng Lao laughed heartily. There is a look of pride on the face.

"Quickly tell me, what treasure did you get in the Tianzi examination room?" After the excitement, Feng Lao asked Xing Jue again.

"To tell the truth, Master, apart from the clearance token, there was only a broken necklace and a picture scroll in the examination room that day." At this point, Xing Jue seemed depressed.

"Broken necklaces and paintings? It shouldn't be..." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Feng Lao also became thoughtful, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Bring it to me to see." After a moment of contemplation, he suddenly said to Xing Jue.

Seeing that Feng Lao asked for it, Xing Jue didn't hesitate, and hurriedly took out the necklace and the picture scroll.Although Xing Jue can't see through Feng Lao's strength, he can easily subdue the elder Chi Huo who has reached the middle-level battle king. Xing Jue guesses that Feng Lao's strength is at least at the level of a high-level battle king.

And these two seemingly ordinary things, maybe Feng Lao can see some tricks.

Immediately, Feng Lao took the necklace and picture scroll from Xing Jue's hand, and studied them carefully...

"Whether this scroll or this necklace are ordinary things, hey... how strange."

"The first generation of pavilion masters made the Tianzi examination room so difficult, but left only two such ordinary items. I really can't figure it out." After studying for a while, Feng Lao sighed helplessly.

After seeing Feng Lao's words, Xing Jue also seemed to be disappointed. Even a person with Feng Lao's strength could not discover the special features of these two things, which meant that they were indeed useless.

"Don't be depressed, the person on this scroll is the first generation master of my Yufeng Pavilion. Even I don't have this kind of scroll, so you can keep it as a souvenir." Seeing After Xing Jue's appearance, Feng Lao suddenly smiled and comforted him.

"Oh? So this is the first generation of Pavilion Master?" After hearing Feng Lao's words, Xing Jue also seemed interested.

"Well, this Youlong Sword and the flowing white robe are exactly the same as the first-generation pavilion master recorded in ancient books, and the examination room for Tianzi was built by the pavilion master himself, and almost no one has entered it except him. Therefore, this It must be him." Feng Lao confirmed again.

"So that's how it is." After hearing Feng Lao's words, Xing Jue suddenly remembered that there were many strange patterns engraved on the walls of the Tianzi examination room back then.

Some of the patterns are fighting with monsters, some are fighting against enemies, and some are facing thousands of troops, but the only thing in common is that the protagonist in the patterns is a handsome man holding a long sword.Thinking about it now, that should be the portrayal of the life of the first generation of the pavilion master.

"The first-generation Pavilion Master is a super strong man. When the first-generation Pavilion Master built Yufeng Pavilion, there were no Nangong family and Nether Palace."

"In short, my current status in Yufeng Pavilion is inseparable from the things left by the first generation of the pavilion master. Even if these two things are just ordinary things, as a disciple of Yufeng Pavilion, you must Keep it well." At this moment, Feng Lao rolled up the scroll, and then handed the scroll and necklace back to Xing Jue.

"Master, don't worry, this disciple will keep it well." Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly took it over, and said solemnly.

"Well, it's getting late, you should rest early, I will stay in the main pavilion during this time."

"If you have any doubts about cultivation, come to my Yunxiao Palace to find me, and I will fulfill my responsibility as a master." At this moment, Feng Lao suddenly stood up, squinting his eyes and smiling.Immediately before Xing Jue could reply, his body flickered, and he melted into the space and disappeared.

"Disciple, send Master off respectfully." Although Feng Lao had already merged into the space, Xing Jue still stood up and said respectfully to the place where Feng Lao disappeared.

Although Xing Jue has not been in contact with Feng Lao for a long time, Feng Lao's position in Xing Jue is very high, because without Feng Lao, he would not be who he is today, especially after Feng Lao actually supported him so much, Xing Jue's simple gratitude and respect to Feng Lao began to be filled with gratitude and love.

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